What is anti-corruption policy? What results does it lead to?

What is anti-corruption policy? What results does it lead to?
What is anti-corruption policy? What results does it lead to?

The fight against corruption has now become a fashionable topic. Only the lazy do not talk about it. But does everyone understand what an anti-corruption policy is? What activities does it include, why and how is it carried out? Most likely, apart from the usual philistine gossip, a non-specialist on this issue cannot say anything. Let's improve our educational level.


First you need to decide on the meaning of the words. "Anti-corruption policy" - the term sounds menacing, but not entirely clear. It is clear that this phrase speaks of the actions of the state, which is struggling with negative phenomena. Politics reflects the actions of the authorities in a certain area. "Anti-corruption" - this word speaks precisely about the direction of the state's activities. It fights those who are dishonest. It turns out that the anti-corruption policy is a set of measures aimed at identifying and eliminating negative processes in society.

anti-corruption politician
anti-corruption politician

First of all, they must be identified. That is, to document what actions are considered corrupt. This should be reflected in the legislation of the country. This means that each state is obliged to adopt an appropriate document. It declares the society's understanding of this phenomenon. By the way, in connection with globalization it acquires a unified character. This means that in most democracies, the anti-corruption policy provision is in line with globally accepted attitudes on this issue.


Before fighting any phenomenon, it must be studied. Anti-corruption policy begins with this. Special institutions of the state study and identify risks that contribute to the creation of conditions for negative manifestations. The law begins with a definition of corruption. Next, it is necessary to identify the subjects involved in these processes.

regulation on anti-corruption policy
regulation on anti-corruption policy

After all, not every person has the opportunity to take part in corrupt practices (no matter how much someone would like to). You can get illegal privileges or money only under certain conditions. That is, a person endowed with authority becomes the subject of a corrupt act. It is generally accepted that this is a person holding a public position. Not certainly in that way. Corruption offenses are also committed by persons serving in private companies. It is important here that all these people are related to power and the right to make decisions.

Implementationanti-corruption policy

The subjects are sorted out. How should one work with them? The anti-corruption policy of the country is multifaceted. It includes the prevention, identification and suppression of both the causes of violations and the acts themselves. That is, the state assumes part of the responsibility for corruption risks. It believes that it is obliged to fight not only with criminals, but also to ensure such conditions in which it will be impossible to engage in illegal activities. For this, special state structures are being created, whose tasks include the development and implementation of these measures. The public is necessarily involved in anti-corruption work. It is impossible to do without her “strict and all-seeing” eye in this difficult matter. No organization is capable of keeping track of all those in authority. This is only possible for the people who apply to them.

implementation of anti-corruption policy
implementation of anti-corruption policy

How things work in practice

It is clear that theory is good, but you need to act. That is, it is events that concern ordinary citizens, and not politics. What are they? There are a number of areas that are included in anti-corruption measures. Here they are:

  • identifying responsible;
  • prevention;
  • risk assessment;
  • identifying and dealing with conflicts of interest;
  • development and practical application of standards that ensure fair dealing;
  • legal education in the field of anti-corruption activities;
  • identifying and punishing offenders.
  • anti-corruption policy in russia
    anti-corruption policy in russia

All these points directly concern every citizen. At any stage, he can get involved in the work if he becomes a witness (unwitting participant) of an offense. The anti-corruption policy in Russia is also built on the principles of close cooperation between special bodies and the public. For example, this can be seen in the practice of the activities of the All-Russian National Front. The people included in it are engaged, among other things, in the control of officials in order to prevent acts of corruption.

Conflict of Interest

This point should be discussed in more detail. A conflict of interest is a situation where an official is not able to conscientiously perform his duties due to his personal interest in its results. That is, when making a decision, a person understands that his well-being depends on its content. This is the conflict of interest. Its identification and settlement is one of the most important areas of anti-corruption policy. The matter is not simple. After all, it is necessary to have information about the personal affairs and connections of each official. In general, the fight against corruption is one of the principles of building a stable and strong state.
