Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) is an important indicator of the environment

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) is an important indicator of the environment
Maximum Permissible Concentration (MAC) is an important indicator of the environment
pdk is
pdk is

The current stage in the development of human civilization involves a huge number of various devices and units. They significantly increase the comfort of living and the efficiency of human life, but have a significant negative impact on both people and their environment. Such interaction is characterized by the state of the microclimate, the level of vibration and noise, as well as the content of substances harmful to he alth in the earth, water and air.

Maximum Permissible Concentration (MPC) is an approved indicator included in the regulatory documents, which present the requirements and recommendations of state sanitary and hygienic centers for the efficient and safe use of natural resources (air, soil, water). This allows not only to normalize the amount of emissions from industrial enterprises, but also to calculate the damage that will be caused to the environment.

MAC is the maximum concentration of a harmful substance that has little effect on human he alth, naturalcommunity and its individual components.

MPC of harmful substances in the air
MPC of harmful substances in the air

Harmful substances are classified according to the degree of influence exerted on the human body. In accordance with regulatory documents, four classes of hazard are distinguished. In addition, harmful compounds are divided into several groups according to the nature of interaction with the human body. They secrete suffocating, irritating, somatic and narcotic substances.

Let's take a closer look at the MPC of harmful substances in the air. Most often, the presented concept is understood as a one-time maximum value of hazardous compounds that enter the human body through breathing or through the skin. Sampling is carried out several times during the period under review. Next, the average value is calculated. Distinguish between single maximum and average daily dose. In this regard, the MPC of atmospheric air in the working area is the level of harmful substances that do not cause various diseases during the daily work process for a sufficiently long period.

Atmospheric air MPC
Atmospheric air MPC

MPC is not only an indicator of the state of the atmosphere. Even foodstuffs entering stores are rationed. Since harmful substances that enter the body tend to accumulate, a person is exposed to significant effects during his life.

MPC - these are the allowable standards for the content of one specific substance. However, if the presence of several dangerous compounds is observed in the atmosphere, soil or water, then the harm causedthem, will be summed up. Even the joint level of harmful substances should not exceed 1 according to the regulations. However, in many areas this rule is not respected, resulting in an increased risk of developing certain chronic and fatal diseases. It should also be borne in mind that MPC is an indicator calculated for an average person. That is, if your body is weakened, you are more susceptible to the negative effects of hazardous substances.
