Water is a necessary source of moisture for humans. All vital processes in the body occur with the participation of this universal solvent. But not every water is suitable for daily consumption. Within the framework of this article, we will consider the essence of drinking water, its composition, quality control and other aspects of this issue.
What kind of water is considered drinking?

The definition of drinking water is a bit vague in the wording. The thing is that its composition can vary significantly. At the same time, the content of substances should not exceed the permissible limits. Drinking water is intended for daily, safe and unlimited consumption by humans and other living beings. The liquid must have a low content of s alts and metal impurities. Otherwise, with prolonged consumption, such elements will begin to concentrate in the human body, leading to he alth problems.
If the water looks clear and no visualimpurities, this does not mean that it is drinkable. It is possible that this liquid contains bacteria or viruses that are dangerous to human life. Therefore, one should not drink from an unfamiliar source. To identify the properties, it is necessary to conduct a chemical and biological analysis, which will give detailed information about the composition of the water and identify its suitability for drinking.
Composition of drinking water

There is no ideal composition of water strictly established by the regulations, there are only standards for the permissible amount of impurities in it. SanPiN and GOST establish criteria for the quality of water used for food. Regulatory documents include requirements for the following properties:
- smell;
- turbidity;
- taste;
- hardness;
- oxidizability;
- alkalinity;
- radiological signs;
- virus-bacteriological signs.
Inorganic s alts dissolved in water form the level of mineralization. The maximum allowable rate of this indicator is 1000 mg / l. Below are the main categories for determining water quality with maximum concentrations of substances in it:
- hardness - 7 mg/l;
- petroleum products - 0.1 mg/l;
- aluminum - 05 mg/l;
- iron - 0.3 mg/l;
- manganese - 0.1 mg/l;
- arsenic - 0.05 mg/l;
- copper - 1 mg/l;
- lead - 0.03 mg/l;
- mercury - 0.0005 mg/l;
- nickel - 0.1 mg/l.
Water quality standards are described in detail in SanPiN. On the territory of the RussianThe Federation maintains strict control over compliance with these rules and regulations.
Quality control

Control of drinking water from the central water supply is carried out at special posts equipped with the necessary equipment for analysis. The liquid undergoes multi-stage purification by filters and is analyzed for the presence of impurities and bacterial environment. Only then does it enter the water supply pipe system.
If you have an individual source, then you will have to carry out quality control on your own. Fluid from a new source must be checked for compliance without fail. The requirements for drinking water are the same everywhere, regardless of the type of source. In the presence of an increased level of impurities, it is necessary to install filter systems. After installing the filters, the analyzes are repeated.
Sample should be taken only in clean containers. It is better to use a clean glass bottle with dark glass. Pretreat the container with boiled water.

For a city apartment, the main source of drinking water is the central water supply. The station monitors the quality of the supplied liquid with the help of constant analyzes. Powerful multi-stage filters make it drinkable.
However, it is not always possible to drink tap water. It may happen that the liquid, when passing through the old pipeline, is saturated with rust and other impurities. This problem is especially relevant for older parts.cities in which there are houses built in the early 20th century. The inner surface of the pipes becomes corroded, and clean water becomes undrinkable as it passes through the pipeline.
Wells or wells are used to provide water to suburban housing. Extraction is made from the first or second aquifers. There are also buried wells, thanks to which it becomes possible to raise artesian water from the deep layers. If the source of drinking water is planned to be built independently, then it is necessary to study all the subtleties of this process. Even the location of the well or well on your site plays a big role. Before using a drinking water source, a sample of the liquid must be collected and sent to a laboratory for analysis.
Consequences of using poor quality drinking water

The norm of drinking water is a list of criteria regulated by state standards. If there are deviations from the norm, the water ceases to have the status of drinking water. Long-term consumption of liquids with a high content of metals and s alts in food leads to the accumulation of these elements in the human organs and liver. Over time, serious illnesses can develop and serious he alth problems begin.
If there are viruses or bacteria in the water, one sip will be enough to start the first signs of illness. Bacteria such as E. coli, Shigella, Pseudomonas can cause the following symptoms:
- fever;
- general malaise;
- intestinal disorder;
- rash;
- headache;
- vomiting, etc.
To eliminate these symptoms, you should undergo long-term antibiotic treatment.
If you use tap water for drinking without additional purification and boiling, then over time the risk of the following diseases increases:
- gastroenteritis;
- kidney stones;
- hepatitis;
- cancer;
- diseases of the cardiovascular system;
- diseases of the digestive system.
Consumption of drinking water for a person is a necessity, therefore it is allowed to use it only in its pure form.
Chemical analysis

Water samples undergo a series of tests during analysis: dissolved substances, suspended particles are determined, the bacterial environment is checked. Based on the results of the analyzes, the laboratory employee issues a verdict that determines the suitability of water for drinking or domestic purposes. The conclusion contains the content of all elements.
The study is carried out qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative reveals the content of certain elements, quantitative - determines the proportion of these substances in the liquid. When assessing quality, the following types of studies are carried out:
- physical and chemical;
- microbiological;
- radionuclide;
- chemical;
- organoleptic.
SES employees will not only provide a detailed composition of water, but also give recommendations on its purification,will assist in choosing a treatment system.
Interesting facts
Mineral bottled water, which is sold in stores, is good for he alth. It has an increased content of s alts necessary for a person for life processes. It is recommended to drink it in limited quantities, otherwise the effect will be the opposite. Too high concentration of minerals can lead to imbalance.
The benefits of holy water and its positive effect on the human body are not fully understood. However, there is an increasing number of cases of healing people who were treated with holy water. Scientists believe that its power lies in the structuring of H2O molecules. It is the correct arrangement of molecules that endows water with useful properties.

Currently, research is underway to study the memory of water. There is a hypothesis about the influence of the external environment on its properties. Scientists from different countries, conducting experiments, observed the susceptibility of the liquid to various actions. Water remembers information, clusters are formed - structured cells. Interacting with the human body, it can carry positive or negative energy. It is for this reason that holy water, over which a prayer was read, has miraculous properties.
Consumer Reviews
It is generally accepted that drinking water is a neutral liquid that has no taste or smell. However, some people complain about the taste of water that meets drinking standards. This is due to the presence of dissolved in liquidsubstances of organic and inorganic origin, which determine what drinking water will taste like. Taste can be s alty, sour, sweet, bitter. Drinking mineral water has a specific taste for the same reason.
You can get rid of the taste with the help of specialized filters that are installed indoors. The choice of filter depends on the type of impurities. Most often, multi-stage cleaning is used.
Fluid from a heavily buried artesian well is considered very clean and he althy. However, reviews of drinking water obtained in this way are not always positive. Consumers note a specific taste that is characteristic of hard water. This is due to the increased content of s alts and metals.
In conclusion
It is difficult to overestimate the role of water in human life, and drinking water is just a natural necessity for life. Therefore, it is imperative to monitor the quality of the fluid consumed. A he althy body, an attractive appearance and a fresh face are the result of not only proper nutrition, but also water balance. Sufficient consumption of high-quality drinking water normalizes internal processes and cleanses the body of excess toxins.