How many locks in the world, so many keys. And imagine how many of them are lost every minute from the pockets of careless eccentrics. After such a misfortune, of course, you can’t get into your apartment or car, and what’s even worse, if this key was from the safe in which the money is. And for such cases, duplicates are always needed. Spare constipation openers help out in the most seemingly hopeless situation. But how to make them and where to store them in order to use them in time? This will be discussed in this article.

What are key alloys
The variety of keys in modern life is amazing. There are so many of them that one involuntarily wonders which one is better to choose when buying along with a lock in a store. Well, if we are going to revive the duplicate, then even more so. Immediately it is necessary to pay attention to the structure, the complexity of the shape and the strength of the metal. The manufacturer does not matter, as any kind of small piece of steel rebuff, if reproduced with sense and professionalism, is trustworthy. Hereyou need to be able to determine the alloy from which you can make a duplicate of the key:
- titanium - rare, most durable;
- Hardened stainless steel - durable and reliable;
- regular steel - subject to corrosion over time;
- zinc - soft, long useful life;
- brass - soft, short-lived;
- aluminum - soft, short-lived;
- copper - soft, short-lived;
- silumin - soft, unreliable.
The operating time of the key depends on these characteristics, and if you suddenly decide to clone a duplicate, then choose the most durable material possible and do not look at the price.

Where can I duplicate my keys?
Many ask such a tricky question, so as not to get into an awkward position and not be deceived, but to get a good thing at a low cost. Although the price of manufacturing goods does not play a big role. Usually it is the same everywhere and may vary slightly, based on the quality and brand of the service offered. After all, a duplicate is an exact copy of the key, and it needs a professional approach. Consider service options:
- Specialized workshop.
- Factory turning on the machine.
- Handicraftsman or Chinese in an alley.
There is equipment everywhere, but you have to choose really high quality sources. And here it is better to pay attention to the first two manufacturers. If your key is complex and requires careful study, and even made of durable metal, then there should be no doubt - thisspecialized service or factory turner-milling operator. Only in these enterprises will you receive assistance at the highest level.

Where to store spare keys?
Where to store duplicate keys so that they can be easily obtained in case of loss of the main bundle? This is an equally important issue. There are a lot of options, but only two of them are really reliable and comfortable. Let's take a look at the places where backups are kept.
Incorrect storage:
- At home in a locker or under your pillow.
- In an office or apartment safe.
- Family and friends.
- From loved ones and friends.
- In the garage and car.
- Somewhere in the forest or a secluded place.
Proper storage:
- In a safe deposit box.
- In a paid 24/7 service.
Since a duplicate is the same key to the door where your life values \u200b\u200bare located, then you should take its savings very seriously. With improper storage, one way or another, there will be difficulties getting into your penates or a car, especially if all the keys hung on one bunch that you lost at once - from the apartment and from the car, from the safe and from the work office. Imagine how costly and burdensome your efforts will become. With the right approach - in a bank or a 24-hour storage service, you can easily get a duplicate, spending only a little time on the road.

Your savior is a duplicate key
At relatives, friends andapproximate to keep their copies of the keys is also not recommended. Suddenly they are not at home or, even worse, they decide to visit your monastery and collect the contents. Nobody can be trusted. Although banks also work certain hours, it is still better to store keys here than anywhere else. But specialized services at the place of residence, where they serve customers, are best suited. And the price is small, and you can pick up your second keys at any time. And remember, this is a duplicate, and it is one, and if you lose it, then you will come to break open the doors. Therefore, make two or even more copies of the keys to all premises and vehicles.