Noise pollution. Noise pollution of the environment

Noise pollution. Noise pollution of the environment
Noise pollution. Noise pollution of the environment

Among the impacts of the environment, noise pollution is distinguished, which is estimated as one of the most harmful to humans. All people have long lived surrounded by sounds, there is no silence in nature, although loud sounds are also very rare. The rustle of leaves, the chirping of birds and the rustle of the wind cannot be called noise. These sounds are useful for humans. And with the development of technological progress, the problem of noise has become urgent, which brings many problems to people and even leads to illness.

Although sounds do not damage the environment and only affect living organisms, it can be said that noise pollution has become an environmental problem in recent years.

noise pollution
noise pollution

What is sound

The human hearing aid is very complex. Sound is a wave vibration transmitted through air and other components of the atmosphere. These vibrations are first perceived by the tympanic membrane of the human ear, then transmitted to the middle ear. Sounds travel through 25,000 cells before they are perceived. They are processed in the brain, so if they are very loud, they can lead to big he alth problems. The human ear is capable of perceiving sounds ranging from 15 to 20,000 vibrations per second. lower frequencycalled infrasound, and higher - ultrasound.

noise pollution
noise pollution

What is noise

There are few loud sounds in nature, mostly they are quiet, favorably perceived by humans. Noise pollution occurs when sounds merge and exceed acceptable limits in intensity. The strength of sound is measured in decibels, and noise over 120-130 dB already leads to serious disorders of the human psyche and affects the state of he alth. Noise is of anthropogenic origin and increases with the development of technological progress. Now even in country houses and in the country it is difficult to hide from him. Natural natural noise does not exceed 35 dB, and in the city a person is faced with constant sounds of 80-100 dB.

Noise above 110 dB is considered unacceptable and very harmful to he alth. But increasingly, it can be encountered on the street, in the store and even at home.

Sources of noise pollution

sources of noise pollution
sources of noise pollution

Sounds in big cities have the most harmful effect on a person. But even in suburban villages, one can suffer from noise pollution caused by the working technical devices of neighbors: a lawn mower, a lathe or a music center. Noise from them can exceed the maximum allowable standards of 110 dB. And yet the main noise pollution occurs in the city. The source of it in most cases are vehicles. The greatest intensity of sounds comes from highways, subways and trams. Noise inthese cases can reach 90 dB.

Maximum permissible sound levels are observed during takeoff or landing of an aircraft. Therefore, with improper planning of settlements, when the airport is close to residential buildings, noise pollution around it can lead to problems for people. In addition to traffic noise, a person is disturbed by the sounds of construction, operating climate control systems and radio advertising. Moreover, a modern person can no longer hide from the noise even in an apartment. Constantly turned on household appliances, TV and radio exceed the permissible sound level.

How sounds affect a person

Susceptibility to noise depends on a person's age, state of he alth, temperament and even gender. It is noticed that women are more sensitive to sounds. In addition to the general noise background, inaudible sounds also influence modern man: infrasound and ultrasound. Even short-term exposure can cause headaches, sleep disturbances and mental disorders. The influence of noise on a person has been studied for a long time, even in ancient cities restrictions on sounds at night were introduced. And in the Middle Ages, there was an execution "under the bell", when a person died under the influence of constant loud sounds. Now in many countries there is a noise law that protects citizens at night from acoustic pollution. But the complete absence of sounds also has a depressing effect on people. A person loses his ability to work and experiences severe stress in a soundproof room. And noises of a certain frequency, on the contrary, can stimulate the process of thinking and improvemood.

Noise harm to humans

  • noise law
    noise law

    Prolonged exposure to even low-intensity sounds can cause high blood pressure and disrupt the cardiovascular system.

  • Noise pollution has a strong effect on brain activity. Constant noise causes aggressiveness, irritability, sleep disturbance and depression of the central nervous system.
  • Prolonged noise damages the visual and vestibular apparatus. The higher the intensity of the sounds, the worse the person reacts to the events.
  • Noise around 90 dB causes hearing loss, and more than 140 dB can cause eardrum rupture.
  • When exposed to intense noise at 110 dB for a long time, a person gets a feeling of intoxication, similar to alcohol.

Effect of noise on the environment

  • Constant loud noises destroy plant cells. Plants in the city quickly wither and die, trees live less.
  • Bees lose their ability to navigate with intense noise.
  • Dolphins and whales wash up on the beach due to the strong sounds of the working sonar.
  • Noise pollution in cities leads to the gradual destruction of structures and mechanisms.

How to protect yourself from noise

noise pollution
noise pollution

A feature of acoustic effects on people is their ability to accumulate, and a person is not protected from noise. The nervous system is especially affected by this. Therefore, the percentage of mentaldisorders are higher among people working in noisy industries. In young boys and girls who constantly listen to loud music, hearing after a while decreases to the level of 80-year-olds. But despite this, most people are unaware of the dangers of noise. How can you protect yourself? It is recommended to use personal protective equipment, such as earplugs or earmuffs. Soundproof windows and wall panels have become widespread. You should try to use as few household appliances as possible at home. The worst thing is when the noise prevents a person from getting a good night's sleep. In this case, the state should protect him.

Noise Law

Every fifth inhabitant of a big city suffers from diseases associated with noise pollution. In houses located near major highways, the noise level is exceeded by 20-30 dB. People complain about loud noises made by construction sites, ventilation, factories, road works. Outside the city, residents are annoyed by discos and noisy companies relaxing in nature.

In order to protect people and give them a good night's sleep, in recent years, more and more provincial laws on silence have been enacted to regulate times during which loud noises cannot be made. On weekdays, this is usually the period from 22 pm to 6 am, and on weekends from 23 pm to 9 am. Violators are subject to administrative pen alties and heavy fines.

urban noise pollution
urban noise pollution

Noise pollution in recent decades has become the most urgent problem of megacities. Hearing loss worriesin adolescents and an increase in the number of mental illnesses in people working in industries associated with high noise.
