It is impossible to meet a person who has never heard about the amazing universe of the Star Wars movie. Few people know that this story appeared thanks to Alan Dean Foster. He is also the author of novelizations for various films, including "Alien", "Transformers", "Terminator". Today we will talk about the biography of the science fiction writer and his best books.

Alan Dean Foster was born in November 1946 in New York. He grew up in Los Angeles. Alan is a graduate of the University of California. In this educational institution, he studied cinema and political science. After completing his studies, Alan began working in an advertising agency.
The first story that a man published in 1971 is called Notes on a Green Box. Later, the novel "Tar-Ayim Krang" was published. After that, Alan was seriously engaged in writing scripts for films and TV shows. From his pen came the books that became the basis for the Star Wars script. He also transcribed famous films - "The Chronicles of Riddick", "Dark Star".
Now writer Alan Dean Foster lives inCalifornia. Among his hobbies are classical music, martial arts and basketball.

Flinx Adventures
Wherever a young telepath named Flinx appears, incredible adventures are sure to begin. Thus, the first book takes the reader into the future. On the planet of the Community of Minds, Flinx and the mini-dragon Pip meet. There are seven books in this series. Flinx travels through the most secluded corners of outer space, crosses the path of an extremely vindictive clan of murderers, saves worlds.
The Damned
Alan Dean Foster's book series "The Damned" consists of three parts. "A Call to Arms" tells about the war between two space races, which has been going on for several millennia. Each race explores planets where intelligent life can be found. It is necessary to find allies (whether by good or by force). The cherished goal is the planet Earth. But what do aliens know about earthlings?
The second book in the trilogy is The False Mirror. One side of the conflict is recruiting earthlings, the other is genetically changing the children of the Earth. But the war is not over. It no longer matters who is to blame and who is right. The main thing is the outcome of the war. The finale of the story is the book "Spoils of War". Alan Dean Foster talks about how the conflict is about to end, because the inhabitants of planet Earth have intervened in this dangerous game. However, only one side is helped by a unique person - one who has taught outsiders how to fight for many years.

Wizard withguitar
Thanks to Foster, a humorous fantasy series called "The Magician with a Guitar" was released on the screens. Alan Dean Foster's book series consists of eight parts. This story begins with the fact that an ordinary student Jonathan Thomas Meriwether finds himself in a magical land. He finds himself in a very strange company - his companions are the eccentric girl Talea and the otters Maj. Heroes are waiting for a lot of difficult situations, rock music helps to get out of which. The second book - "The Hour of the Gates" - tells that Jonathan has already settled into a new place, and among the inhabitants of a magical country, he was known as a sorcerer, thanks to the magical power of music. However, his greatest desire is to return home! In the third, fourth and fifth books, the protagonist fights pirates, a sinister magician, trying to defeat chaos. As a result, the sixth book tells readers: Jonathan found a way to return home. But does he really want to leave the magical land?
The seventh part of the fantasy saga introduces us to Bankan Meriwether, the son of a sorcerer. The young man is haunted by the laurels of his father. The guitar is mastered to perfection, but there is no voice! The most faithful friends come to the aid of the young man - the otters Niina and Squill, who can rap. An unusual trio travels through a magical land, saving it from various disasters, and then returns home in triumph, bringing with them an unexpected trophy! The cycle ends with the book "Infernal Music", in which John Tom Meriwether, resigned to the role of a simple layman, finally finds a new occupation for himself and tries to solve a small problem.
Star Wars
It has long been known that the author of the original Star Wars novel is Alan Dean Foster. However, on the cover of "Episode IV" was only the name of George Lucas. To all questions about whether this situation offends him, Foster always says that he simply added to an already existing story.

It was Foster who managed to concretize the entire history of the inter-author cycle: he worked on planets, time, races, history and technology. In addition, Alan is the author of the continuation of the Star Wars story. From his pen came the novel "Shard of the Crystal of Power". In some interviews, Alan dean Foster has spoken of being shocked when he saw that Leia and Luke were shown as sister and brother in Return of the Jedi. After all, in the novel "Shard" between them there are romantic feelings. The writer also talks about the main task. He admits that everything he does should entertain the reader.
Critics call Alan the real builder of various civilizations and worlds, because the universes he describes are as reliable and convincing as possible.