It is not known who and when was the first to throw a log across the river to cross the river. But from that moment on, mankind began to gradually approach the construction of modern bridges with advanced technologies. The invention of the hinged ferry can be called one of the cornerstones of historical progress. Bridges not only unite the shores - they connect the destinies of people, they allow you to admire the beauties of nature from an unusual angle. Often they themselves become an object of interest and admiration due to their venerable age, beauty of architecture or unique parameters. One of the categories characterizing bridges is their height. And thanks to progress, the list of the highest bridges in the world is gradually increasing. We will consider them in the article.
The highest bridge in the world
The active development of bridge building in China has led to the fact that a large number of record-breaking bridges are located in this country. At the end of 2016, a bridge joined themBeipanjiang, thrown across the river of the same name and uniting the southwestern provinces of Yunnan and Zhejiang. The title of the highest suspension bridge in the world has already been assigned to this object - the highest point is at the 565-meter mark or at the level of the 200th floor of a skyscraper. In addition, he is considered one of the pioneers of this type of buildings in the Asian mountainous regions.
The Beipanjiang Bridge is a cable-stayed suspension structure. It rests on two pylons in the form of the letter "H" on opposite sides of the river gorge. The reliability of the construction, in addition to steel cables, is provided by a stiffening beam under the main span. The 4-lane bridge, which is part of a freeway, took 3 years and cost $150 million to complete.
Milhaud (France)
In the list of the highest bridges in the world, the Millau viaduct over the Tarn river valley is far from the last place. This building is considered one of the signs of France - the cable-stayed bridge is part of the route connecting the capital and the town of Beziers, which houses many elite educational institutions. Therefore, fast communication between the two cities is especially important. If we take the total height with the pylons, then the viaduct (343 m) is slightly lower (by 40 m) than the Empire State Building, but exceeds the "height" of the Eiffel Tower (by 37 m). A 4-lane road hovers over a valley at an altitude of 270 meters.
Milhaud Viaduct, the highest bridge on the planet, was put into operation at the end of 2004. Design work was carried out for 10 years, and construction was delayed for 3 years due to strong winds and difficult terrain. ATThe construction was attended by design workshops, which at one time designed the main symbol of Paris. The metal roadbed was installed on the supports by pulling out from opposite sides, giving commands via satellite.
Quite often a thick fog envelops the river valley - and then the bridge floats among the clouds. But the viaduct looks especially impressive at night. Illuminated 7 pylons with red lights at the top and wings of stretched cables look like alien ships at the start. And the light from 7 pillars "walking" through the valley turns it into a mysterious world.

Russian Bridge (Russia)
Among the highest bridges in the world, a worthy place is given to the Russian. It is only slightly inferior to the French Millau in terms of the height of its two pylons. The height of the Russian Bridge is 321 meters (against 343 French meters). The name of the relatively young (2012) bridge was given by Fr. Russian, who, thanks to this facility, received road communication with the coastal part of Vladivostok.
The construction of a bridge across the Eastern Bosporus was brewing throughout the 20th century. But the engineering projects of 1939 and 1960 did not meet the set technical tasks. In 2008, in preparation for the APEC summit, the most advanced idea at that time was designed, which was put into practice in 2012. The bridge, as a link developing the transport system of Vladivostok, instantly became a symbol of the capital of Primorye - it is called one of the wonders of the Far East.
The uniqueness of the Russian bridge lies in its three-kilometer length and lengththe central span, which at a height of 70 m from the water extends for 1104 meters - according to this indicator, it is the first in the world among cable-stayed bridges. In addition, the construction used the latest methods: continuous concreting and the use of self-compacting concrete.
The bridge is designed for car traffic only (4 lanes) - pedestrians are strictly prohibited from passing through the structure. The beauty and significance of the Russian Bridge is confirmed by its image on the new 2000 banknotes of Russia.

Sutong. Pride of China
The Sutong cable-stayed bridge from the numerous cohort of the highest bridges in China has been in operation since mid-2008. This cable-stayed giant in terms of its parameters in the list of the highest bridges in the world immediately follows the Russian giant - each of its two pylons reaches 306 m in height, and the central span is 16 m short of the span of the Russian bridge.
The task of the builders of the bridge was to connect two cities from different districts of China, which they successfully coped with. The cable-stayed Sutong Bridge (China) enters the delta of the river in a smooth arc. Yangtze and extends 8206 m above its main fairway. The roadbed is raised 62 m above the water for the unhindered passage of ships and container ships. The bridge has become a landmark in China, it plays an important role in the rapid economic growth of areas in the southern reaches of the river. Yangtze, where cities like Shanghai are located.
Sutong is the engineering and economic pride of China, as the design and financing of the giantconstruction was carried out by the state's own forces without the involvement of international assistance.

Bridge in Japan
An engineering marvel of Japanese bridge builders is the Akashi-Kaike Suspension Bridge, or Pearl. It is a connecting link between the islands of Honshu and Awaji. At the time of its opening (1998), it was considered the highest bridge in the world, since its two pylons rose 282.8 m above the waters of the Akashi Strait. Later, more impressive structures were built, but the scale and uniqueness of Akashi-Kaikyo did not suffer from this.
The Japanese giant is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the suspension bridge, the longest in the world (3911 m) - it is equal to approximately 4 Brooklyn bridges. The length of its central span is also phenomenal - 1991 m. Near the bridge there is a museum telling about its construction.
The longest Pearl Bridge was made by an earthquake that occurred during construction and moved one of the pylons away from the project site by 1 m. withstands the strongest currents of the strait and wind speeds up to 80 m/s. The service life of Zhemchuzhny is designed for 200 years, and in the future it can become both a road and rail crossing.
But the bridge has a significant drawback - it is expensive to travel, so most residents use the ferry or public transport.

The highest railway bridge
The highest railway bridge, like many road bridges, which for some time held the title of the highest in the world, is located in China. This facility connects the slopes of the famous Beipanjiang Canyon in the southwestern province of Guizhou in the vicinity of the city of Lupanshui. The bridge belongs to the arch type structures with one span and a passage along the upper part. The highest point of the building is at 275 meters. The railway bridge has been operating since 2001
Transport facilities
The list of the highest transport bridges in the world is constantly changing. But currently it looks like this:
- Beipanjiang Highway Bridge (China) – 565 m.
- Milhaud Road Viaduct (France) – 343 m.
- Automobile Russian Bridge (Russia) – 321 m.
- Sutong Road Bridge (China) – 306 m.
- Automotive Pearl Bridge (Japan) - 282.8 m, in the future - and railway.
- Beipanjiang Canyon Railway Bridge (China) - 275 meters.

Pedestrian bridges of the world
The Kokonoe Yume Suspension Bridge is for pedestrians only. This is one of the highest pedestrian bridges in Japan - its structures reach a height of 173 meters. The object is located in the city of Kokonoe. At the same time, 1,800 vacationers can walk along the bridge, admiring the Kyushu Valley, Sindu Falls, or simply pictures of nature under their feet through the gratings of the central span. An unusual pedestrian bridge on the island of Langkawi (Malaysia) is named after the Sky Bridge for its location at an altitude of 700 meters andmagnificent pictures opening from it. The whole arcuate structure seems to be floating in the air, leaning on the only support - a column of 82 meters. This bridge is not the highest, it is only located at an unprecedented level. But he holds a different record - he is the longest in the world among the curved suspension bridges (125 m).

The tallest pedestrian bridge is a glass structure in China. It opened for visitors in 2016 and is located in Zhangjiajie Forest Park. The height of its structures is 300 m, and the bridge itself is thrown from cliff to cliff at a height of 260 meters. The complex technical system consists of a steel frame and 120 glass panels. The structure can support the weight of 800 people walking on it at one time.

Bridges always attract people's attention with their technical characteristics or special appearance. They fascinate with the opportunity to admire the landscapes from unusual vantage points. And the inquisitive human mind will always create new bridge designs with the largest parameters.