Very often the topic of our everyday conversations and public discussions is politics. It is with the political upheavals in the country and in the rest of the world that we usually associate our own well-being, personal prospects, and the future of our children. In such a situation, it is extremely important to understand at least the initial foundations of political terminology. What is a republic, monarchy, democracy, dictatorship? Today it is very popular to appeal to the democratic government. In turn, politicians themselves often declare their own liberal views. Let's try to figure it out.
Historical digression
The term "democracy" comes from two Greek words

of the ancient period: "demos" and "kratos". Literally - "people" and "power". Thus, the democracy of the Greek policies assumed that the bearer of the highest form of power is the entire full-fledged population of the city. Government officials were elected by popular vote. Having de alt with this concept, it will be easier for us to understand what a republic is.
The Latins intercepted the banner of the advanced center of culture from the Greeks. They became the heirs of ancient civilization,borrowing many elements of culture. But at the same time, they introduced a lot of new things into it, building a grandiose Roman civilization. It was the Romans who first gave the world the concept of what a republic is. Translated from Latin, "res" - "business", "publicus" - "general". Thus, a republic is literally "a common, people's cause." It is closely related to democracy and is based on similar principles, according to which the people choose the government. However, this form was forgotten for many centuries, when in medieval states military leaders eventually turned into kings. The form of government that has established itself in these countries is commonly called monarchical. The basis of such a state is the presence of the royal person herself. For a long time in Europe, absolute monarchies ruled the ball, when the power of the king was indisputable in any matter of managing foreign and

domestic policy of the country. And the interest of the state was directly connected with the interest of the royal dynasty. History knows many examples of wars caused by personal grievances of high-ranking persons. However, time passed, and the Renaissance, which elevated humanism and the value of the human person, led to the development of the corresponding ideas of Voltaire, Locke, Rousseau and other philosophers. The masses really remembered what a republic was during the French Revolution of 1789. For the first time since antiquity, non-aristocratic estates told the nobles that they also have the right to be called a people and decide the fate of the country. Understanding thatwhat a republic is, was shaped by the now world-famous slogans: “Freedom! Equality! Brotherhood!”
Our time
However, today many social processes have become more complicated. What are the current republics? Kazakhstan, for example, has the same stated form of government. In modern conditions, this means the people's selectivity of all authorities at all levels. Separation of branches of government into executive,

legislative and judicial. This is done to ensure the independence of state structures from each other. Thus, the people themselves again become the supreme bearer of power, and the elected person becomes only the executor of his will expressed in the elections. In addition, the republican structure assumes the supremacy of the Constitution - the main law that regulates the main points in the organization of the state. That is, the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan is subject to strict enforcement by any resident of the country, regardless of position.