Purebred Russians: typical features, photos

Purebred Russians: typical features, photos
Purebred Russians: typical features, photos

The question of whether there are purebred Russians, many people ask. Moreover, in recent years there has been a lot of controversy on this topic. The media regularly broadcasts that "scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar." But what do scientists have to say about this?

Research results

Answering the question of what a purebred Russian looks like, scientists have studied thousands of people. People of this nationality lack epicanthus (a special fold at the inner corner of the eye, characteristic of representatives of the Mongoloid race), this is an anthropological feature. And out of 8,500 people who took part in the study, only 12 had epicanthus. And it was in its infancy. A large-scale study of geneticists has demonstrated that he is one of the most purebred Russian people. Among European peoples, this is the most thoroughbred.

Typical Russians
Typical Russians

The findings of American scientists have confirmed this point of view. Publishing the results of the research, they noted that the Tatar admixture in the blood of Russians was found in a minimal amount: the Tatar-Mongols actually left no traces of their yoke in the genotype of modern inhabitants of the northwestern,central, southern regions of the Russian Federation.


Scientists who studied purebred Russians explained the mechanism of the appearance of the people in this way. About 4,500 years ago, a man with a new haplogroup, R1a1, appeared on the Central Russian Plain. And it began to spread rapidly due to its vitality. As a result, people with it filled large Eastern European territories. When answering the question of how many purebred Russians there are today, one must take into account that carriers of the haplogroup R1a1 live in the European part of the Russian Federation, in Ukraine and in Belarus. Here their number reaches 70%, in Poland this figure is 57%. In the B altics it was 40%, in Norway, Germany and Sweden - 18%. It is noteworthy that there are carriers of the group in India in a concentration of 16%, while they represent 47% of all upper castes.

Myth busting

So the widespread myth was destroyed that there were no purebred Russians left. It turned out that this ethnic group is "monolithic". It has always been fairly resistant to assimilation. The thing is that he did not participate in the Great Migration of Nations - then purebred Russians did not begin to dissolve among other nations.

Russian peasants
Russian peasants

At the same moment, more assimilation took place here than among the Germans. But less than the Italians. Very seriously, scientists in recent years have studied how purebred Russians mixed up with Finno-Ugric tribes.

It turned out that the nation was formed from a mixture of southern and northern components. But when this happened, from the mixture of which peoples - remains vaguea riddle. It is only known that these progenitor peoples lived thousands of years ago. Two Russian populations were identified. In appearance, purebred Russians in the north gravitate towards the B alts and less towards the Finno-Ugric tribes. There are also differences in the female and male lines. The line of purebred Russian girls is similar in DNA to the Western European gene pool.

But the gene pool of the Finnish peoples is very far from the Russians. So it became known that Russians are much more closely connected with Europeans than with Finns. Most of the Russian populations are genetically the same as Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles.

And even from the photo, purebred Russians are significantly different from the Turks, from the Caucasian peoples. At the same time, Russian genes predominate in the territories where Russia existed during the time of Ivan the Terrible.

Statistics data

The last census of the population of the Russian Federation showed that 80% of all respondents consider themselves Russians, and this is more than 110,000,000 people. Most of them are in Moscow and the Moscow region, and then - in the Krasnodar Territory and St. Petersburg, Rostov.

At the same time, scientists note that large cities are absorbing the Russian gene pool, where it is being destroyed very actively. And purebred Russians live in Central Russia and in the Russian North. And regarding the Russian North, most researchers are convinced that this is a reserve of Russians. The purest gene pool remained here, which has not been touched for many centuries. In the Russian North, this culture was literally mothballed.

How many of them

Also, not long agoethnographic research was carried out. The concentration of primordial Russians in the historical territories in which this nation lived was established. The population in these territories is 30,000,000 people. Nizhny Novgorod region was the leader in concentration.

Who is related

Mongolian signs in modern Russians are only 2%. At the same time, the Poles and Czechs found 1.5%. Heredity along male lines showed 0.5% of Mongoloid genomes. That is, the Tatar-Mongol yoke really did not leave any special traces in purebred Russians.

Russian smile
Russian smile

More often these signs are found not from west to east, but from south to north. And this is not at all associated with the invasion of the 13th century, but with the mixing of Russians with Finno-Ugric peoples, in which Tatar-Mongolian features are noted.

In medieval warfare

This discovery led to the spread of the view that the yoke never existed. But it's not. Russia was in fact dependent on the Golden Horde for a long time. Mixing is called the mass rape of women during the capture of cities, as well as the presence of marriages between the invaders and the conquered. But this is how war looks from the point of view of modern man. But in the Middle Ages, the reality was completely different. And they are clearly traced when studying the burials of that time. So, in 2005, the burials in Yaroslavl during the Tatar-Mongol invasion were analyzed.

Russian burials
Russian burials

It was found out that Russian men were killed at the defensive ramparts, onoutskirts of settlements. And women and children were killed in the center of the settlements. For the most part, men died from chopping wounds, and women from arrows. Many female representatives died from wounds in the back. This suggests that they were killed while trying to escape. Some of them were lifted onto spears - characteristic injuries remained on their spines.

In the center of Vladimir, human bones were found, which were dumped into wells and pits. The skeletons of the men showed signs of several severe wounds, which suggests that these men died in battle. Female and children's skeletons were with pierced skulls. At the same time, next to them were the remains of winter clothes, as well as a lot of jewelry, which indicates that the conquerors were not interested in either enrichment or sexual pleasures. The warriors of Batu sought to exterminate the inhabitants of the recalcitrant cities.


The alien genome did not spread among purebred Russians as a result of mixed marriages. For decades, the Mongols sought to directly control the Russian cities by sending Baskaks here. They collected tribute and came with small detachments. But this practice was not successful, because the princes simply cut out the occupying detachments. The Horde responded to this with punitive attacks, during which Russian settlements were destroyed again. Assimilation never happened.

And when history turned upside down and Muscovy had already begun to absorb the remnants of the Golden Horde, the Tatars were treated very badly in it. Although the Commonwe alth had a similar practice, the Moscow princes did not allow their formerenemies to stay in their territories and settle in ethnic groups. And if the Mongol-Tatars wanted to stay in the Russian territories, they were required to be baptized, linguistic assimilation. The first mosque in the country appeared only in 1744.

The appearance of the Slavs
The appearance of the Slavs

And the whole subsequent policy of the Russian rulers in the 15-16th centuries was built in such a way that Muscovy was an extremely inconvenient place for the Horde settlers. The Tatars sought to move to the Polish-Lithuanian kingdom. And about 200,000 former members of the Horde went there.

In Moscow, an extremely small number of Tatars began to serve. These were representatives of the nobility, and they did not have a significant impact on the gene pool.

Starting from the 16th century, large-scale migrations on the territory of Russia did not occur. The Mongol-Tatars remained neighbors with whom the Russians did not fight and did not seek to exterminate each other. Cross-marriages occurred, but these were isolated cases, and this no longer applied to the yoke. This also had no particular effect on the gene pool of purebred Russians.

Russian fashion model
Russian fashion model

External signs

Summarizing all the external signs of Russian people, it is worth saying that they have a European appearance. Above average height, and light eyes - green, gray, blue. Representatives of the nation with brown eyes are much less common. Hair comes in every shade, from ash blonde to light brown.

Slavic appearance has always been praised by the creators as a standard of beauty and purity. Russian stately women with a blond braidoften appeared on the canvases of artists. The type was also popular during the First World War, when the nobles left the Russian territories. It was not difficult for Russian noblewomen to be "mannequins" in the fashion houses of Paris. It is known that Coco Chanel worked only with Russian fashion models.

Types of appearance

Since the 17th century anthropologists have proposed a classification based on race. Russians were divided into several types of appearance. For 6 years in the 20th century, large-scale research was carried out on the territory of Russia. And here are the results.

Russian types
Russian types

The Ilmensko-Belozersky type is distinguished by the sharpness of features, these people have a pronounced profile. They are taller than average. The vast majority have light eyes, as well as hair.

Russians of the Valdai type also have mostly light eyes and hair. But their faces are somewhat wider.

The Western Upper Volga population is characterized by the following differences. Compared with the previous types, these people have straighter noses, darker hair. Beards in men are thicker, and the face has a clearer profile. Epicanthus is very rare. In people of the eastern Upper Volga type, growth is lower, concavity of the nose is rarely noted. The hair is usually darker than the previous types. The Vyatka-Kama type is characterized by dark eyes and hair. The Middle Volga type is characterized by a small face size, in men the beard is thick. 80% have dark hair and 42% have light eyes.
