What is the bourgeoisie? This issue is covered in detail in many works of various scientists, including K. Marx. The bourgeoisie is understood as a class of owners that emerged from the medieval class of citizens who had freedom. The bourgeois class began to appear as a result of the appropriation of tools and land by people during the period of capital accumulation.

According to K. Marx, the bourgeoisie are the owners of the means of production that dominate society, profiting from the use of hired labor and the added value of products. According to the scientist, the bourgeoisie leads most of society to poverty, depriving them of the means of production. Thus, she follows the path of her death.
Formation of the bourgeoisie
In the era of feudalism, to the question of what the bourgeoisie is, one could answer that these are all people who are residents of cities. With their growth and development, commodity production began to be enlarged, various crafts began to stand out. This led to the stratification of society and the emergence of the first representatives of the bourgeoisie. These included we althy artisans, merchants, moneylenders.
The faster production developed,trade, navigation, the more we alth was concentrated in the hands of the bourgeoisie.
In the era of the initial formation of capital, a small part of society began to turn into a full-fledged class. Wage workers appeared who did not have property and a lot of money, all the money supply and tools of labor remained in the hands of representatives of this class.
The struggle between the bourgeoisie and feudalism

For the feudal lords, the question of what the bourgeoisie is has become decisive. The development of trade and production was significantly hampered by the territorial and economic fragmentation of countries and constant civil strife. This state of affairs did not suit the representatives of the bourgeoisie, so they led the revolution in their own interests and contributed to the expulsion of feudal power.
Under the strict guidance of representatives of one of the richest estates, the masses liquidated feudal relations. This development of events was dictated by the need for the development of productive forces at that time. Meanwhile, the ideas of enlightenment were the banner of the bourgeois revolutions. Despite the original goal of overthrowing feudalism - increasing its influence and we alth - the revolution was the engine of progress in the scientific and technical fields.

As a result of the pooling of labor, there has been a sharp increase in labor productivity.
About what the bourgeoisie is, the villagers of that era could answer that this is the force that subjugated the village to the city.
Education of the worldeconomic market, the creation and development of national markets is also a merit of this estate.
Development of the bourgeoisie of different countries
The development of the bourgeoisie in different countries took place at different times from each other. In England, it was possible to speak about its dominance already from the 17th century, and in Germany the influence of the bourgeoisie on the life of society began to manifest itself only from the 19th century. The Russian bourgeoisie also formed somewhat later than in European countries. This is due to the long domination of serfdom in our country.