How Americans treat Russians: features, interesting facts

How Americans treat Russians: features, interesting facts
How Americans treat Russians: features, interesting facts

We all know that the attitude of Americans towards Russia and towards Russians is ambiguous. For some reason, some put in the same row the attitude of Americans towards our country and towards individual citizens, situations and events, such as conflicts, crises, war, etc. But this is wrong. Often the media distort the situation, as do politicians and other public figures. Those who have had direct contact with representatives of the “great nation” or lived in the New World have experienced this firsthand.

how do americans feel about russians
how do americans feel about russians

Private: inside view

About how Americans really feel about Russians can be told first of all by those who suddenly find themselves in an alien environment, but not as a tourist, but as, for example, the bride or groom of an American. Only they day by day feel the power of stereotypes - false or distorted ideas about people and situations that haunt them both from a loved one and from his relatives and friends. Exactly in these performancesand relationships are built. Americans, and foreigners in general, think that Russians cannot live without a bottle of alcohol. One Russian girl who went to New York to visit her fiancé experienced the power of this stereotype. When they got to the supermarket, the American fiancé quietly led her away from the liquor counters, as if she was going to rush to them and buy everything. The girl had never tasted alcohol in her life, and it was more than insulting for her. Of course, the traditions of “drinking” in Russia have some specifics, but this does not mean at all that the entire population of the country, young and old, is addicted to alcohol. And this is one example of how Americans treat Russians.

how do americans feel about russian girls
how do americans feel about russian girls

About cooking skills

Most residents of the States also think that Russian women are excellent housewives and cooks. Perhaps this makes their image in the eyes of American men more attractive. However, there is one thing here … If the newly-made Russian wife cannot cook even scrambled eggs for her beloved in the morning, then the young spouse will naturally feel deceived, although the American wife's lack of culinary skills would be perceived by him completely normal. Like this! This is how Americans really feel about Russian girls. Although if a Russian woman actually cooks deliciously, then her American husband will certainly appreciate her. The saying "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" works everywhere, in all countries of the world, believe me.

what relationAmericans to Russians
what relationAmericans to Russians

I want to go to America

Recently, the opinion has spread in American society that all Russians dream of coming to the States for permanent residence. By the way, this is especially annoying for Mexicans and African Americans. It seems to them that the Chinese and Russians will soon push them out of their homes. If you wish to find out what is the attitude of Americans towards Russians, and start asking representatives of these races and nationalities about this, then, of course, you will stumble upon negativity. At the same time, the fact that the inhabitants of the Russian Federation dream of leaving for America for permanent residence is also known to white US citizens. Does it bother them? We do not think, because the Americans are sure of their exclusivity, that they belong to a special, higher caste. And this is already a stereotype that exists in our minds. This is how we live, thinking about each other in a completely different direction. And it's not enough to hear it - you need to feel it. Many Russian brides of American grooms later say that they were uncomfortable at first, as they felt distrust from the future husband and his fear that they were driven by calculation.

how Russians are treated in the usa
how Russians are treated in the usa

Russians are illiterate and ill-mannered

The way Americans treat Russians is evidenced by their perception of the level of education and the degree of upbringing. For some reason, many US residents think that Russians cannot have a good education. Of course, this is wrong, since since the times of the USSR, the model of education in the country has been one of the best in the world, and Russia has never been among the uneducatedcountries. As for upbringing, but in this matter there is some truth. How often do we come across such a concept as rudeness? It can be said at every turn. Our compatriots have no experience in this. While abroad, they continue to behave as if everyone owes them. In addition, our citizens often do not want to be law-abiding, which is also regarded as lack of culture.

how Russians are treated by the inhabitants of the United States
how Russians are treated by the inhabitants of the United States

All Russian girls are beautiful

But, it must be admitted that not all opinions are negative. How positively Americans treat Russians can be judged from their reviews of the beauty of Russian women. We know that not all Russian girls shine with external beauty, not all have ideal figures, delicate features, thick blond hair. However, there is a myth among Americans that Russian women are the most beautiful girls in the world. Of course, Slavs have a lot of advantages and advantages, but, of course, not all. On the other hand, it is widely believed among Americans that Russian women are very greedy because they need a lot of money to look stunning. They love to dress in the best boutiques, spend a lot of time in spas and beauty salons, love expensive perfumes and cosmetics. Which means the husband has to spend a fortune on them.

How Russians are treated in the US

Further in the article we will tell you exactly what various Americans say about our former fellow citizens who came to their country for permanent residence. As already noted, Mexicans, African Americans and even the Chinese do not like Russians, whocame to live and work in the States. They believe that “polar bears” are beggars who do not want to work, but want to live in dignity. African Americans consider those who arrived from Russia to be loafers and loafers, as well as thieves and bandits. In a word, they can't stand them. For Latin Americans who came to the States to earn money, Russians also stand in their throats. They find them very reserved and uncommunicative, and they are annoyed by the fact that they do not like to apologize if they are wrong. Compared to the Cubans who lived under the socialist regime, it is very difficult for Russians to liberate themselves, and this cannot but irritate the cheerful and benevolent Latin Americans. American Muslims believe that Russian emigrants are very noisy and noisy, lacking the elementary culture of behavior. They cannot understand why Russians need to drink so much in restaurants and have noisy feasts with songs and dances.

the attitude of Americans towards Russia and towards Russians
the attitude of Americans towards Russia and towards Russians

What do Russians do in the US?

Native Americans are surprised by how former Russian citizens manage to live for long periods in America and not learn the language. After all, all the other visitors act quite differently. They first of all learn the language, improve an existing profession or master a new one. But those who came from the largest country in the world do not care. They arrived in the New World in order to enjoy life and enjoy freedom to the fullest. Many Americans do not understand what Russians are doing in the States. For example, the Italians are in the restaurant business, the Chinese ownvegetable shops, restaurants of national cuisine, etc., the Arabs trade in gold and other goods, there are many doctors and builders among the Armenians, but it is very difficult to understand what the Russians are doing.

As a conclusion

There are a lot of opinions about visitors from the largest country in the world to America. There are both positive and negative ones among them. Nevertheless, there are more than enough stereotypes, and only the Russians themselves can dispel them. In any case, it is very difficult to give an exact answer to the question of how Russians are treated by the inhabitants of the United States. Both good and bad, but definitely not indifferent!
