Biography of Tatyana Golikova: basic information

Biography of Tatyana Golikova: basic information
Biography of Tatyana Golikova: basic information

The biography of Tatyana Golikova begins in the small town of Mytishchi, Moscow Region, where the future politician was born in February 1966. There she studied and graduated from high school. And in 1987, the girl received the speci alty "labor economics" at the Plekhanov Moscow Institute. After graduation

biography of Golikova
biography of Golikova

she gets a job at the Research Institute of the State Committee for Labor of the Soviet Union as a junior researcher.

Biography of Golikova: civil service

Three years later, Tatyana Alekseevna moves to the Ministry of Finance, where she gets a job as an economist of the first category, and later a leading economist in the consolidated budget department of the Ministry of Finance (then still the RSFSR). In 1992, Golikova Tatyana Alekseevna, whose biography from that moment looks like a continuous take-off, becomes a leading economist in the budget policy department at the Ministry of Finance. By 1995, a woman becomes the head of the department. In fact, from that time until the beginning of the 2000s, she was directly involved in the development of the country's budget. From 1996 to 1998, Tatyana Alekseevna was the deputy head in the budget department. In April 1998, Golikova was appointed head of thisdepartment. The post remained with her until 2002, when a woman was appointed First Deputy Minister of State

golikova tatyana alekseevna biography
golikova tatyana alekseevna biography

finance. Golikova's biography became the object of close attention of all Russian media that year. Which is not surprising, because Tatyana Alekseevna was still very young for this chair (she was 36 years old). However, Golikova soon managed to prove her worth at the highest state level. Unofficially, the first deputy minister was nicknamed the "budget queen" in the government. However, after some two years, Tatyana Golikova was, without public explanation, demoted again to an ordinary deputy minister. The name and biography of Golikova again began to appear frequently in the press in 2006, when there were disputes in the government over the budget for the next year. This document contained a debatable issue of the inviolability of the Stabilization Fund, and Tatyana Alekseevna took an active part in government debates, eventually achieving that the project she defended was approved.

Retirement and return

In September 2007, the entire composition of Fradkov's government resigned in connection with the start of the election campaign. Mikhail Fradkov's successor was Viktor Zubkov. And already on September 24, President Putin announced the composition of the government of Viktor

Golikova Minister of He alth biography
Golikova Minister of He alth biography

Zubkov on personalities. There was also a place for the experienced Golikova.

Tatyana Golikova is the Minister of He alth. Biography

In the new cabinet, a woman received the post of Minister of Social Development, as well as He alth. Tatyana Alekseevna was in this chair until the spring of 2008, when the Russian Federation received its new president. In accordance with the constitution, the entire Cabinet resigned. However, already in May of this year, Golikova took the same position in the new cabinet of ministers. Here she was until the new presidential elections. And with the second arrival of Vladimir Putin, she was appointed presidential adviser responsible for the economic and social development of Ossetia and Abkhazia.
