The biography of Viktor Filatov is full of events. He was a war correspondent and visited the places of many military operations. Met with leaders of different countries. But most importantly, he always has his own opinion about politics, people, government and never obeys established standards.
The start of the journey
Viktor Filatov was born on September 25, 1935 in the city of Magnitogorsk, Chelyabinsk region. His parents were simple workers. Victor himself from his youth decided to become a military man. He joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1952 at the age of 17, and joined the Soviet armed forces in 1955.
Viktor Filatov has two higher educations: first he graduated from the Naval Political School, then the Kyiv State University named after T. G. Shevchenko.
His first job, or rather, service - in the newspaper "Lenin's Banner". Then Victor gave preference to the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda, in which he stayed for thirteen years. He worked there as a special correspondent, and deputy editor, and editor. As a special correspondent, Viktor Filatovtraveled to many areas where hostilities took place: Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan, etc. He has several articles on the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Further activities
After leaving Krasnaya Zvezda, Viktor Filatov was appointed editor-in-chief of the Military Historical Journal newspaper. But, unfortunately, he did not last long, as he began to insert excerpts from the book "Mein Kampf" into print. However, as Viktor Ivanovich recently admitted to his readers in Klich, Mein Kampf actually had nothing to do with his dismissal. He only once published one excerpt - ten pages from a book where it was written about the Slavs.
When General Viktor Filatov was the editor of the Military Historical Journal, he told in an interview his truth about those who built the country at that time: about Gorbachev, Yakovlev, Ligachev, Yeltsin and Shivardnadze. The journalist conducted a deep analysis, one might even say, foresaw everything: how the work of these figures would end, what tragic and terrible events could happen in the country. Perhaps the comments about the government were the real reason for his dismissal.
In 1991, immediately after he was expelled from the newspaper, Filatov was also dismissed from the armed forces. After that, he worked as the editor-in-chief in the newspapers "Situation", "Russian Vedomosti". He was a member of the anti-Semitic "Russian Party", which was founded by Viktor Korchagin. After the party broke up, he remained in the RPR - the "Russian Party of Russia", but there helingered for a while.
The program of the "Russian Party" consisted in the fact that they wanted to annex to the composition of Russia all the territories adjacent to it with a Russian-speaking population. They supported market reforms, they wanted to introduce a state of emergency in the country so that their goals were achieved. At the same time, the party published newspapers that described hostility towards Jews. In addition, she was skeptical of Christians, showing more affection for paganism.
Tried to run for mayor of Moscow in 1993, but no election took place. During the election campaign, Viktor Ivanovich Filatov said that in Russia, and in particular in Moscow, someone has to stop the decline, and only people of military hardening can do it. He called on citizens living in the capital to join the ranks of workers who could clear the city of Caucasians, Japanese, Americans who filled everything around. He asked people to help establish trade and transport, expel all corrupt officials and bribe-takers from the government.
In 1995 he became the head of the press service of the Liberal Democratic Party, but did not get into the Duma.

Since 2003, he has been working on a website that he himself created, called “The Cry of General Filatov.”
Private life
Viktor currently lives in Serbia, he has a wife, a long-grown daughter and a grandson.
Victor Filatov's wife is a Yugoslavian, far from the army, politics and everything close to her husband. She is a talented architect.
Daughter lives in America. Victor said that once his wife could not get a visa to get to her daughter for childbirth. She ran around all instances, spent a lot of nerves, but did not fall apart. In the end, with the help of the embassy in America, the daughter managed to get her mother a visa, and the newly-made grandmother was able to see her grandson.
It is almost impossible to find a photo of Viktor Filatov and his family: this person does not advertise his personal life.
Since the beginning of the 2000s, Viktor Filatov has published several books:
- “Vlasovshchina. ROA: white spots "- about General A. A. Vlasov, which reveals Filatov's version of why he was captured.
- "War: reports from the fronts of the Jewish Empire" - it lifts the curtains on events that previously seemed random, but which now determine the picture of the world.
- “New Jewish Wars” tells about the actions of the Zionists, who, in their desire for world domination, bring chaos everywhere, interfere both in the foreign and domestic policies of different countries. This book says that not only Russia, but also the United States suffers from the plans of the Zionists. All the thoughts of Viktor Ivanovich set forth in the work are confirmed by facts and testimonies of witnesses, which makes it interesting and relevant.

Filatov's books made a big impression on readers with their shocking ideas. The general visited many fronts, met with various rogue leaders (Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, etc.). As he himself and his readers say, Filatov's books help to understand at least a littlemodern picture of the world.

Website "Cry of General Filatov"
Viktor Ivanovich says that he created his website because he was forced by need.

He claims that now all the media, of which a huge number have bred, are subject to one master - money. There is a world war between the USA and Europe. And in order to understand how it will end for all mankind, Filatov decided to write on his website about the so-called "Jewish Empire", which, thanks to its moneybags, rules now and will continue to rule after all wars. Viktor Ivanovich invites everyone who has something to say on this subject to write to his website.
The call did not go unnoticed: Victor Filatov's "Cry" has many users, to whose questions the author of the site answers in great detail and honestly.