Viktor Baturin: biography and personal life

Viktor Baturin: biography and personal life
Viktor Baturin: biography and personal life

Viktor Baturin, one of the most famous entrepreneurs of modern Russia, was able to make a brilliant career. He was one of the leaders of the aerospace industry, served in the government of Kalmykia, and currently manages about half of the shares of Inteko. However, not all so simple. Viktor Baturin was involved in many scandals, and his controversial biography is filled with truly amazing facts that have been described many times in the yellow press. Who is Baturin really? An honest businessman, a swindler or a person who managed to take advantage of his relationship with the wife of the mayor of Moscow?

Beginning of activity: Inteko

Viktor Baturin
Viktor Baturin

In 1983, Viktor Baturin graduated from the Moscow Institute of Management and immediately got a job at the Sukhoi plant.

1991 was a turning point in the fate of a young man: he took the director's post of Inteko, andat the same time, his sister, Elena Baturina, played a wedding with Yuri Luzhkov, the future head of the capital. It is not surprising that the Inteko company specialized in the production of plastic products, because Luzhkov himself was one of the leaders of the Scientific Research Institute of Plastics.

Viktor Baturin himself explains the success of Inteko with a high level of professionalism and quality of products, but journalists have repeatedly pointed out that the municipal orders received by the company are too profitable. After the opening, the company acquired its own production, which was created on the basis of the Moscow Oil Refinery, which worked, not surprisingly, under the patronage of the Moscow government.

Chess City Scandal

elena baturina
elena baturina

Despite all the suspicions, Viktor Baturin's career went uphill. In the late 90s, he decided to go into the construction business, acting as a contractor in the construction of the Kalmyk City of Chess. The city, according to the plan of the government, was intended for holding competitions among grandmasters. However, allegations soon surfaced that the budget funds allocated for the construction of the City of Chess were not being spent quite as they should. Nevertheless, Viktor Baturin was lucky again, and instead of going to the dock, he took a post in the Kalmyk government. However, Viktor Baturin did not stay as an official for long: a little less than one year.


Viktor Baturin where is now
Viktor Baturin where is now

Since 2003 Viktor Baturin and his sister have headed the company"Inteko-Agro", which acquired many land plots in the Belgorod region. At first, things went smoothly, but already in 2005 accusations began again: law enforcement officers claimed that the company was buying up land at too low a cost and subsequently reselling it. However, the journalists managed to get to the bottom of the truth: it turned out that the company's activities prevented the local authorities from developing one of the local mines.

There were those who really wanted to "remove" unnecessary rivals: in 2003, a number of attempts were made on the lives of the leaders of Intek-Agro. This really scared the Baturins, and Elena even turned to Vladimir Putin for support, but he did not provide her with any significant help.

Separation from sister

Viktor Baturin and Yana Rudkovskaya
Viktor Baturin and Yana Rudkovskaya

In 2006, Elena and Victor decided to “break up”: the business was divided into two shares. Victor himself claimed that he left completely voluntarily, however, according to Elena, it was decided to remove him from business due to excessive scandal and conflict, as well as a tendency to embezzle money belonging to the company. Later, Viktor Baturin himself expressed a third point of view: he told reporters that he had been fired illegally.

In order to restore justice, in 2006 Baturin sued Inteko, demanding that he be reinstated and paid 6 billion rubles, which were due to him for a vacation that he had not used for a whole decade and a half. Not surprisingly, the court decided to reject this request.

In 2007 ElenaBaturina decided to make a retaliatory move and filed as many as 4 lawsuits against her brother, demanding the return of some of the companies owned by Viktor to her, as well as compensation for damages of 300 million rubles. The legal debate ended in nothing, and the relatives decided to conclude a peace treaty, the details of which were never published.

Private life

the fate of Viktor Baturin
the fate of Viktor Baturin

Viktor Baturin has been married three times and has four children: two daughters and two sons. Moreover, the second marriage of a businessman, or rather, the divorce that ended with it, became the cause of a real scandal. Baturin's second wife was Yana Rudkovskaya, who demanded $5 million in compensation. Frustrated by the announced amount, Baturin showed imprudence and made very harsh statements about Yana herself, Dima Bilan, and also Evgeni Plushenko. Three offended stars filed lawsuits, demanding one and a half million for moral damage, but it was decided to pay only 50 thousand rubles.

Viktor Baturin and Yana Rudkovskaya could not share not only money, but also two children. Victor wanted Yana not to have the right to see her sons, but Rudkovskaya was not going to retreat and, at the cost of incredible efforts, achieved her goal. In her interviews, the successful producer claims that the reason why her ex-husband forbade her to see her children was solely revenge for wounded male pride.

However, Baturin did not grieve for long: after the divorce, he married once again a model named Ilona. In 2009, the girl gave birth to a daughter from her husband.

Forthat Viktor Baturin was imprisoned

Why was Viktor Baturin imprisoned?
Why was Viktor Baturin imprisoned?

Five years ago, Viktor Baturin once again came to the attention of law enforcement officers. He was accused of fraud with real estate. In 2011, Victor was found guilty of all of the offenses listed. He was sentenced to three years of probation and ordered to pay a fine. Soon there was a new accusation, this time of counterfeiting bills of the Inteko company for huge sums. Finally, in 2013, one of the most notorious personalities in Russia, Viktor Baturin, received seven years in prison for his illegal economic activities. Where is the entrepreneur now? I think in jail.

Instead of afterword

Viktor Baturin
Viktor Baturin

Of course, the fate of Viktor Baturin cannot be called trivial. We can say that this man decided to achieve everything and be on top of the world, while having a pretty good start-up capital: not everyone can boast of kinship with the richest woman in Russia. However, as often happens, excessive greed, conflict and a tendency to scandals summed it up. Maybe Baturin knows how to make money and use any situation to his advantage, but, unfortunately, he almost never managed to resolve conflicts peacefully.
