Russian actor Viktor Loginov, better known for his lead role of Gena Bukin in the series "Happy Together", continues his way up the career ladder. A father with many children and a decent family man never ceases to delight viewers with new projects and roles.
Young years
The Russian actor was born on February 13, 1975 in one of the outermost villages of the city of Kemerovo. Recalling his childhood, the actor admits that he was brought up in complete matriarchy and his family was very honored and observed traditions. From childhood, Victor knew exactly who he wanted to become, and already in the 8th grade, the guy entered the gymnasium for a theater class. Theatrical passion turns into a real hobby. Victor and his friends arrange small theatrical performances for relatives and friends. In 1992, Loginov went to Yekaterinburg and entered the State Theater Institute.

Quick Job Change
But not everything in Victor's life went smoothly, at the age of 19 the actor got married and had a daughter. To provide his family with prosperity, Victor had to try on more than one profession. First, Loginov was a machinist at the Berezovskaya mine, then he became an employee of the rescue service. Viktor Loginov, whose photo can be seen below, was not too lazy to take any job that came to hand. He led excursions on trips to Gornaya Shoria.
After a while, Victor still returns to his acting career. So, in the Yekaterinburg Academy of Drama, he begins to perform, playing the main roles, and very soon becomes the leading actor. At the same time, Loginov does not waste time and earns money as a DJ on the local radio and as an art director of one of the local nightclubs. It was Yekaterinburg that became for Viktor Loginov the main city of the beginning of his career.
Happy Together
When the casting of the series "Happy Together" arrived from Moscow to Yekaterinburg, Victor was not even invited there because of his too extraordinary image. It is hard to imagine a diligent family man with long hair and an earring in his ear. But Victor, in spite of everything, entered the casting, having previously radically changed his image.

He immediately got into the first contenders for the main role, and then completely bypassed all competitors. Victor clearly understood that work in the series is different from acting in the theater, but he was ready for a new turn in life. In addition, the series would help the actor become famous and open up new opportunities for acting on television.
It was the role of the Ural peasant Gena Bukin that brought Loginov all-Russian fame and recognition. It should be noted that by the beginning of the series, VictorLoginov turned 31, and by the time he graduated, he was 37. A monument was erected to the hero of the famous series in Yekaterinburg. A huge man with a shoe in his hand decorates one of the streets of the city.
TV career
However, the series was not the only debut on television. Viktor Loginov was invited to various film roles, such as "About the Cat", "Hurt Me", "Golden Mother-in-Law". He was invited to episodic roles in other TV shows and to voice cartoons.
Also, in addition to working in films and TV shows, Victor decided to try the role of a TV presenter. In 2007, the actor began hosting the Intuition program on TNT and the Joke Championship on DTV.
Private life
Viktor Loginov, whose biography is full of career activities, managed to lead a stormy personal life at the same time. The man was married 3 times and had five children. Loginov's last wife's name is Olga, their wedding took place at the end of 2011. In the same year, the wife gave the actor a son.

Also at one time, Viktor Loginov raised his adopted son, who is now an adult and lives in the Primorsky Territory. Despite divorcing wives, a man does not miss the opportunity to spend time with his children.