Nature conservation rules: principles and examples

Nature conservation rules: principles and examples
Nature conservation rules: principles and examples

Man as a biological species needs the environment in which he lives to be in its natural state. The processes that take place in it directly affect its existence. In the process of life, a person has a huge impact on nature, alas, far from being positive. Everyone can see the impact that human labor has on the environment, just look around. Huge garbage dumps in the form of plastic bags and plastic bottles thrown in a hurry on the shores of the seas and rivers, barbaric deforestation, poaching for their own gain - this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Man can control the actions he does, but the negative impact on nature has been unconscious and imperceptible for many years. People believed that nature would be able to restore its resources.

man is not alone on the planet
man is not alone on the planet

What is nature conservation

Measures taken to protect the natural environment are called nature conservation. The main task is to preserve the biosphere.

In 1917, Russia was introducedthe first draft of the geographical network of reserves. In 1978, the first "Red Book of the USSR" was published.

Now, regional environmental prosecutor's offices have been created to monitor compliance with the established rules for the protection of nature and the environment. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is obliged to treat nature with care and protect its resources. Based on the Constitution, citizens have the right to file complaints, file lawsuits in defense of nature.

mountain river
mountain river

Principles and rules of nature conservation

In connection with the emerging problem of irrational use of natural resources, the question arose about the formation of the principles of nature conservation. The main ones are:

  • integrity of measures aimed at protecting natural resources;
  • prevention;
  • ubiquity;
  • compensation for environmental damage.

Nature conservation regulations

  1. Regionality - taking into account local conditions when using resources. For example, if a region has limited opportunities for logging due to its small number, the demand and price of wood will increase compared to a region where it is in abundance. Accordingly, from the economic point of view, logging will be profitable, but detrimental to the environment.
  2. A cross-industry approach. So, for example, a river is not only a place for another hydroelectric power plant, it feeds the seas with biogenic substances.
  3. The relationship of processes in nature. Protection is carried out for the entire complex, the entire ecosystem, since living organismsare inextricably linked.

So, we have revealed the rules and principles of nature conservation briefly. For a more detailed consideration, you need to use the relevant literature.

communication with nature
communication with nature

Lessons on conservation at school

Introduction to the basics of environmental protection begins in primary school, forming environmental consciousness in children. For example, a lesson on the rules of nature conservation (Grade 2) reveals the issue of correct behavior in the forest, on the banks of the river, etc. Children learn to understand that nature is a living organism, that it is defenseless and seemingly frivolous actions cause it quite serious damage.

Thus, a fire lit at the edge of a forest in the spring can turn into a forest fire if it is poorly extinguished, and eggs from bird nests, carefully studied by inquisitive children, may eventually be left by a mother hen. Also in this lesson, the timing of the decomposition of garbage in natural conditions and summed up.

No less interesting will be a lesson on the rules of nature conservation in the fall. This activity teaches children to love nature. The children are shown the autumn forest and told that their environment needs help. It is proposed to make a bird feeder for the winter period and take patronage over them, start feeding them and thereby prevent the birds from freezing on cold winter days. The interest of this program is that parents are given the opportunity to spend time with their children in a nature reserve or botanical garden, thus remembering the need to help those who are in it.needs.

oak trees in the park
oak trees in the park

The purpose of the lessons

Lessons about nature conservation help children learn to respect nature. The formed stereotypes do not allow to perceive the world around as it is. For example, predatory animals cause fear or dislike in most people. In its environment, the predator plays an important role, it does not allow sick animals to spread the infection and controls the number of species. A toad or a frog shouldn't die just because it looks bad.

Signs of nature conservation

Many people have come across signs with images of a fire and animals running from the forest or crossed bottles on their way, but for the majority this information is abstract and far from reality. Signs with the rules of nature conservation, installed in forests and on the banks of rivers, are a kind of reminder that the situation as a whole depends on each individual. However, we are not always aware of this.

the forest is not the property of man
the forest is not the property of man

UN Program

Environmental pollution, disruption of the balance of natural processes is not a problem of one region or country, but a global issue.

To solve global problems, there is international cooperation in the field of nature and the environment.

The United Nations Declaration on Environmental Problems was adopted in 1972, its purpose is to create a clearing house.

The UN program, abbreviated as UNEP, was created to address environmental issues at the global level. HeadquartersUNEP is based in Kenya. UNEP provides guidance in the development of international treaties related to air pollution and shipping channels. Sponsors and lobbies projects aimed at protecting the environment.

beauty of nature
beauty of nature

The impact of civilization on nature

The development of civilization depends on the absorption of resources, and resources that are not replenished. Few people think about it seriously, but many resources are lost forever. For example, some minerals will disappear from the face of the Earth in 100-200 years, which will be the result of their active mining today.

Constant demand and increased energy production leads to disruption of the energy balance in nature. This leads to ozone layer pollution and soil degradation. Scientists expect surface air temperatures to rise, which could lead to abrupt melting of glaciers, which in turn will lead to a permanent rise in sea levels. This is not an increase in gas prices, in which case the demonstrations will not help.

The urbanization of society separates man from nature. A person strives to constantly create more comfortable conditions for himself, while forgetting about the interconnection of everything in nature. For example, detergents make it possible to wash the fat on the plate without much effort, but poor-quality cleaning agents contribute to the contamination of the upper aquifers. Now, in low-rise construction, great interest is shown in septic tanks, which clean sewage when they enter cesspools. But, as happens in the pursuit of profit, unscrupulous manufacturers appear. A septic tank manufactured by such companies does not fulfill its functions. So water from the sewer of one house ends up on the dining table of another in the form of "organic" vegetables grown in their own garden.

planting seedlings
planting seedlings

Participation of citizens in environmental protection

Civic activity is the foundation of a civilized society. Illegal logging, waste dumping or poaching - everything needs to be recorded and documents sent to the investigating authorities. For these purposes, there is a Constitution and bodies that guarantee its implementation, and those who violate the law by their actions are criminals and must be punished.

Nature protection is not only a set of rules for protecting the environment, it also includes measures to restore natural resources. Anyone can take part in this great cause. You can start with simple things: plant trees, make bird feeders and birdhouses, clean up the coastal area from garbage.

When developing a program of rules for the protection of nature, the following issues can be briefly touched upon:

  1. Reducing the amount of equipment that pollutes the environment.
  2. Providing the population with quality drinking water.
  3. He alth and education of citizens.

Programs for financing projects aimed at improving the environment are becoming popular. For example, India's solar energy development program helped 100,000 people purchase solar panels. This is a great contribution to the conservation of nature. Humanity is gradually learning to interact withnature without harming it.
