The problems of the barbaric use of forests, irrigation of land and the disappearance of species and animal populations, to one degree or another, face every country today. That is why, back in the middle of the last century, a global environmental structure was created, operating on a non-profit basis.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources conducts special work on the planning and implementation of environmental activities, has a multi-stage system and brings together more than one thousand experts working around the world. Let's get to know this organization better.
IUCN Scales
The oldest and independent body, the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)has been operating for 77 years, operating since 1948. The Union's activity program is regulated by the World Environment Strategy adopted in 1979. Having the status of a consultant to UNESCO, ECOSOC and FAO, IUCN includes 78 countries, almost 900 government and public organizations, more than 12,000 scientists and experts from 181 states. The Union publishes the Red Book, popular science literature, serial and special issues. Located in Gland, Switzerland, the headquarters of the union has never changed its location.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN): mission
The unambiguous name also defines the main idea of the IUCN:
• implementation of effective assistance to the environmental movement in preserving the uniqueness, integrity and characteristics of various natural complexes;
• ensuring the lawful and reasonable consumption of natural resources that does not violate the environmental sustainability of the planet as a whole.

As an observer to the UN General Assembly, IUCN not only cooperates with intergovernmental agencies, but is open to dialogue with any association seeking to conserve resources.
Goals of the organization
The main objectives of the establishment of the IUCN are:
• fight against species extinction and reduction of biological (species) diversity;
• keeping existing ecosystems intact;
• overseeing the wise use of resources.
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resourcesseeks to unite joint efforts and apply progressive scientific knowledge in environmental activities.

IUCN assists various countries in the development and implementation of national strategies, environmental measures and plans through the implementation of international conventions.
IUCN stands for the International Union for Conservation of Nature and is made up of:
• states;
• Government institutions;
• public organizations;
• non-profit associations.
Coordinates the activities of the union Governing Council, elected by organizations that are part of IUCN. The work of the union is carried out within the framework of six commissions and is carried out mainly by volunteers on a gratuitous basis. The strategy and program of activities of the association is adjusted every four years by member organizations. IUCN projects are funded by governments, international foundations, various associations and corporations, as well as members of the union.
IUCN Activities
The multifaceted work of the union has several directions. Here are the main ones:
• highlighting the problems of the biological diversity of the planet Earth and the search for their solutions;
• monitoring and scientific research;

• Publication of news and articles by experienced world experts;
• organization of various environmental events of global importance, such as the Worldpark conventions and more.
Scientific research and its focus
The International Union for Conservation of Nature is trying to apply the scientific and practical potential that exists today in order to preserve species diversity and support sustainable use of forest resources.
The priority is the development of a consistent policy for the conservation of forests in the implementation of political decisions. IUCN advises various companies involved in forest land. The adopted program of the union for the conservation of forests on the planet coordinates the work on the protection, restoration and sustainable, but reasonable use of them. As time has shown, the lessons learned from the results of active field research are used in political decision-making at different levels of government.

Published jointly with WWF and UNEP in 1991, Aspects of a Sustainable Earth Strategy sets out the main criteria applied to specific projects that combine issues such as conservation needs along with community needs.
How the IUCN works
The activities of the association are carried out in six directions, within the framework determined by the commissions:
• On the survival of species. This Commission maintains Red Lists, develops recommendations for the conservation of endangered species and puts them into practice.
• On environmental law. Contributes to the promotion and adoption of environmental laws, the development of modernmechanisms of jurisprudence necessary for environmental purposes.
• On environmental, economic and social policy. Provides qualified expert assistance in solving political issues adopted in accordance with regional socio-economic factors.
• On education and communications. Develops strategies for using communications to conserve and sustainably consume resources.
• Ecosystem Management. Assesses the management of natural (natural) and artificially created ecosystems.
• World Commission for Protected Areas.
International Union for Conservation of Nature in Russia
Our country did not stand aside. As part of the adopted European program, since 1991, an operating office for the Commonwe alth countries has been opened in the capital, which later grew into a representative office.
The creation of this structure in Russia will make it possible to achieve the implementation of high-quality security projects on the vast territory of Russia and the CIS.

The main activities of the representative office are as follows:
• comprehensive conservation of forests, their rational consumption;
• maintaining the biodiversity of flora and fauna;
• Creation and subsequent maintenance of an ecological regional network on the Eurasian territory;
• protection of endangered, unique and rare species of representatives of the natural community;
• development of rational and sustainable agriculturalproduction;
• development of the Arctic program.
Institutions representing Russia at IUCN
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) is represented by many countries. Our country is represented in the union today by:
• Ministry of the Russian Federation for Natural Resources and Ecology.
• Ecocenter "Reserves".
• WWF.
• Wildlife Conservation Center.
• The Society of Naturalists in St. Petersburg.
• wild animal fund in Khabarovsk.
How to become a member of IUCN
Membership in the ranks of the IUCN is honorary and must be justified and supported by relevant activities. In order to achieve it, you must:

• To have the status of a state, public or research organization whose activities pursue environmental goals: the prudent use of resources and the maintenance of a sustainable natural balance.
• Compile and submit an application for membership in IUCN.
• Wait for an answer. The International Union for Conservation of Nature assesses the contribution made to the cause of nature conservation and the compliance of the organization's work with the goals of the union.
• If approved, the organization gets access to the Internet portal, publications and takes part in consulting or expert work.
Note that only organizations can apply for membership in the IUCN. But individual experts can also act as members of the commissions.
The publication of the Red Book is one of the achievements of the IUCN
The most well-known aspect of the IUCN's work, which is overseen by the Species Survival Commission, is the publication of the Red Book. It has been published periodically since 1966. With the passage of time and changes in the environment, its releases are updated, representing an extensive catalog of populations and species of animals, classified according to the degree of danger of extinction. It also gives an assessment of the state of the species for the current period and predicts subsequent dynamics - negative or positive. The publication of each issue is preceded by a deep analysis of the state of nature. For example, the analytical work carried out by the IUCN in 2000 noted the negative dynamics of the impoverishment of the world's fauna. It is noted that over the past four hundred years, the planet has lost almost 700 species, and 33 have disappeared in the wild, preserved only in culture. This destructive process peaked at the end of the 20th century and continues to this day.

Unfortunately, the forecasts for the future are even more dire. According to in-depth research by IUCN specialists, almost 5.5 thousand different species are on the verge of extinction. The Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature is a document that served as a significant impetus for the emergence of national and regional Red Lists that raise environmental problems in limited areas. The work done to preserve the habitat is invaluable. That is why the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources is a vital association,restraining the destructive work of man against himself.