What kind of man do I need? 6 tips to understand it and find it

What kind of man do I need? 6 tips to understand it and find it
What kind of man do I need? 6 tips to understand it and find it

Happy accidents can decide everything in a moment, turn fate 180 degrees and completely change life. We cannot foresee them, predict or deny their existence. But we can easily create opportunities and favorable conditions for happy accidents. After all, an insignificant chance to meet a rock idol is much higher if you visit his favorite places and know his interests. And sitting at home and sighing at his Instagram page does not contribute to acquaintance at all.

If the strategy of waiting and doing nothing is not your forte, then the tips below will help you understand what actions will bring results in the search for the second half.

Psychics, grandmas and tests on the Internet

We remember right away, and we no longer rely on them or on their alternatives. No witches give a 100% guarantee. There are a lot of thematic tests: “What kind of man do I need”, “How to find your soul mate”, etc.etc. But to find among them really standing is very, very difficult. Most of these tests are purely for entertainment purposes.

Thoughts to Consider:

  • "Is there any chance of meeting the man of my dreams in the rhythm of life that I live?".
  • "Am I willing to trust a stranger or program to make one of the most important decisions of my life?".
  • "If I have learned enough charms, wear 20 amulets, passed 45 tests, and know all the astrological aspects of my betrothed, will he be delighted when I tell him about it?".

Key idea: "I want to make my own decisions and influence what happens in my life."

I saw my ideal
I saw my ideal

Define your goals

I need a man. Which? How to determine this and not be mistaken? To do this, you need to clearly understand your own goals and desires. After all, a man by himself is not a dream for life. What to do with him when he is found? Looking for a new dream?

Thoughts to Consider:

  • "What turns me on from the inside? What is my purpose in life?".
  • "What do I want? Move to another country? Bake cakes and cookies for eight sons in the kitchen of a cozy home? Buy a spacious apartment with a good view? Become a great scientist? Start a family business?".

Our goals become closer only when we get the support of the second half. When next to us is a like-minded person, a reliable shoulder and an understanding friend.

Key idea:"The one I'm looking for shares and understands my dreams. We want the same thing and strive for it together." Here it is important to understand what this goal is.

dream come true
dream come true

What kind of man do I need and where can I meet him?

External preferences and tastes that change over time are not ultimately decisive factors at all.

The inner content of the man and the quality of character will be decisive. In other words, it is the soul that makes us fall in love with itself. How to find that soul mate?

It's much easier to understand when you know what a man's goals are, what he aspires to. You need to create a kind of portrait, find the key features of this person and understand where you can meet him.

Thoughts to Consider:

  • "What qualities do you need for a man who can fulfill our common dream with me?".
  • "Where is it interesting to be a person who has such a character and is interested in what we both strive for?".
  • "How does he spend his free time, and where does he work? Where does he go?".

It's very simple. If a girl dreams of leaving for permanent residence in Spain, then it is very important for her to learn the language. And instead of individual training, you need to choose a group course. It is not a fact that it is there that she will meet her love, but in this way the girl provides a chance for a happy accident. That is, it specifically creates the possibility of such a scenario.

Key idea: "We need to give a man the opportunity to find me. If I close myself at home, fence myself off from communication with the outside world, then only a psychiatrist will be able to love me, to whom I will get in 10 years. And that's not a fact."

couple sitting
couple sitting

Meet your own needs

Here you need to understand that it is not enough just to understand who the girl is looking for. She must match her half. A woman does not just sit and wait for her dreams to come true by themselves, without any effort on her part. She's acting.

Thoughts to Consider:

  • "If right now I'm meeting someone I've been looking for for so long, what can I offer him?".
  • "What kind of relationship does a man need?".
  • "Why should he be interested in me? How can I win him over?".
  • "How will he understand that I am his other half?".

As soon as a girl finds for herself the answer to the question "what kind of man do I need", she must understand how to become the second half for him. It is in this direction that we need to move, develop and become better.

It will immediately become clear what needs to be worked on, what qualities of character should be corrected, and which ones to get rid of.

Key Thought: "I have many good and worthy qualities. I work on what prevents me from achieving my dreams. I become better and more interesting when I develop."

understanding in a couple
understanding in a couple

Working on appearance

"Do I want my lover to like me?" - "Naturally". "Would Imake an effort for this?" - "Of course."

Men love with their eyes, and not only men. A lot of operations are performed by our brain, evaluating the image of each person with whom we communicate.

Thoughts to Consider:

  • "Does my appearance reflect my character traits? What are these traits?".
  • "Is there anything in my image that can repel the person I'm looking for from me?".

Key idea: "It is not necessary to follow all fashion trends and trends in order to please a person externally."

kissing a man
kissing a man

Which men should I choose?

It's much easier to say which ones you shouldn't choose. Here you can make a promise to yourself not to have anything to do with such men:

  • He is married. You will never be able to trust your loved one 100% if he was once able to betray a loved one.
  • He's lying. His words don't match the actions he does. A man invents tales to justify certain mistakes.
  • He is waiting for someone to solve his problems. For example, the future wife. He justifies his lifestyle by saying that he is lonely and unhappy in love, preferring to blame everything and everyone around him except himself.
  • He limits the development of his other half. Most often this happens due to jealousy. Such men do not give the opportunity to develop, forbid communicating with friends, attending interesting events, they perceive any change or innovation as a threat to family happiness and a reason to think about loy alty.his woman.

And one last piece of advice. No one has yet canceled chemistry and falling in love, but before you connect your life with a person, you always need to get to know him as well as possible. Each woman is able to mentally compile her own individual list of signs by which she recognizes her soulmate.