From the slopes of the Altai Mountains it rushes to the Biya valley - a beautiful and full-flowing river, second in size only to the Katun River, with which it merges, forming the Ob.
General characteristics
Biya is born in the Altai mountains, at an altitude of more than 400 meters above sea level. Lake Teletskoye, which serves as its source, is considered the most beautiful in the Altai Territory. The length of the river is more than 300 kilometers, and its path runs through the territory of the Turochak region.
Like many mountain rivers, the Biya is not wide, but deep enough, in some places its depth reaches 7 meters.

Due to the elevation difference, especially in its upper reaches, there are many rifts, rapids and whirlpools. Almost each of them has its own name, history or beautiful legend. The elevation difference (from more than 400 meters above sea level at the source to 160 in the Biysk region) provides the river with a good energy reserve.
Rapid in the upper reaches, in its lower reaches the Biya calms down and forms many islets, shoals and reaches.
Tourists who have been here are surprised how clear the water in the river is. Biya in this regard compares favorably with the unclear Katun. Crystal clear water, as well as the beautiful nature of the mountainous regionmake Biya very attractive for lovers of outdoor activities, including rafting and fishing.
From mouth to source
Biya starts its journey from Lake Teletskoye. In the language of the indigenous population of Altai, it is called Altynkel - Golden Lake. Indeed, its landscape is striking in its beauty, and back in the 30s, the lake and the surrounding area became a natural reserve.

The banks of the river, covered with firs and cedars, are unusually picturesque. There are many berries and medicinal plants in the forests, which Altai is famous for. The fauna of forests and mountain slopes is also diverse - 70 species of animals and more than 300 species of birds. There are also serious predators such as bear, wolverine, wolf and lynx. And among the birds you can even meet a very rare black crane.
And between these calm and beautiful shores, the Biya, a river that the Altaians call "the lord of water", rushes at a gallop. Between the village of Artybash and Verkhne-Biysk, there are 7 large rapids, the most interesting of which is Kipyatok. Biya breaks on stones here, and the water literally boils. The dangerous whirlpool Kruzhilo is located on the same site.
After the confluence of a large tributary of the Lebed, the level of the Biya River rises, and it calms down. Not far from the place where the Swan flows in, there is an interesting sight - a rock with a bas-relief of Lenin carved on it, popularly called the Iconostasis.
Below Biysk, the largest settlement on the river, the current becomes slow and even lazy, up to the point where the rivers merge. Biya and Katun here turn into the majestic Ob.
Tributes of the Biya River
In the upper course, many rivers and streams flow into the Biya, there are also quite large ones. These include the Sarykoksha with the tributaries of the Uymen, Pyzhey, and Nenya. They start high in the mountains and are fed by glacial waters. In some mountain rivers, including in the Biya itself, gold is found. Presumably, it was here that the Scythians mined the precious metal.
The largest tributary of the Biya is the Swan River, which flows from the Abakan Range on the border with Khakassia. It is considered the warmest in the Altai Mountains, because, despite the width, it is shallow, and the water in it warms up well in summer.

Fishing and tourism
Biya is a river well known to tourists and fishermen. The amazing beauty of nature and the purest mountain air made the banks of the Biya an attractive vacation spot. There are sanatoriums, recreation centers, tourist complexes and campsites.
Rafting is organized along the river, including kayaking and rafting. Traveling along the purest waters of the Biya between picturesque shores, overcoming rapids and whirlpools causes a storm of emotions. Rafting on Biya is quite difficult (second category), but there are experienced instructors at the tourist bases.
Biya is a river rich in fish. Not only bream, ide, roach, burbot and pike perch, which are familiar to the inhabitants of Central Europe, are found here. A successful angler can also catch more exotic species of fish, such as grayling, lenok, chebak and even taimen. Throughout the river there are many suitable places for fishing:rifts, whirlpools, islands, etc.
Various tourist bases located on the shores of Lake Teletskoye and along the river make fishing quite comfortable.

Legends of Gorny Altai
The Biya and Katun rivers have long been revered by the peoples of Altai. There are many beautiful legends and fairy tales about them, in which Biya embodied male strength and perseverance, and Katun - female willfulness. These two rivers appear in the legends either as spouses, constantly quarreling, and then merging together, or as a guy and a girl running away from her parents' house for her beloved.
Here is one of these legends, perhaps the most romantic.
It happened a long time ago. The rich Khan of Altai had a beautiful daughter, Katun. She fell in love with the simple shepherd Biy and missed him very much. Khan Altai found out about this, became very angry and decided to quickly give his daughter in marriage to a man he liked. Katun did not want to submit to the will of her father and ran away from home, and the Khan gathered an army and sent him in pursuit of his wayward daughter.
Then the Katun turned into a river and rushed from the rocks into the valley. Upon learning of this, Biy also turned into a river and rushed after his beloved. Angry Altai erected impregnable rocks on the way of his daughter. Katun fought against them for a long time, but nevertheless broke through to freedom and merged with her beloved Biy in a wide valley.