Where there is almost no land for plants to live comfortably, there are many charming flowers. The wild gifts of the mountains are unique and charming - mountain flowers! They bloom even in extreme climates, high in the mountains.
Features of these plants
Nothing prevents them, they bloom despite the presence of extreme conditions:
- low temperatures often here;
- strong winds blowing on bare rocks;
- lots of seasonal rainfall;
- thick sheets of snow;
- shortage of soil cover.
Plants have long admired people: wild mountain, forest, field. Snow cover the mountains tightly. This is protection from harsh winters. This happens until the sun's rays help the snow melt.
The name of mountain flowers is not known to everyone. For example, stonecrop with fleshy leaves. It is a flower resistant to harsh winter and summer lack of water. Some of the mountain flowers do not wait for spring, they begin to wake up along with the melting snows. This is how tiny soldanella grows. Her spike-shaped inflorescence grows alone. The plant is small, has purple-pink flowers. It grows in contrast to the austere surroundings. Almost at the sametime insects appear that pollinate mountain flowers. The snow is slowly disappearing, the leaves of the plant are gradually coming out. At this time, the flower sets seeds, forms leaves, but for the next year.

The most common mountain flowers
Saxifrage - destroyer of rocks. It can grow directly from a monolithic rock. Forms rosettes or pillows, standing out of intertwined leaves. Of these, flowers grow, located on spike-shaped inflorescences. They are very long, even hanging down. The roots of saxifrage grow in the form of branches. Their small weight serves as an anchor, they penetrate deep into the crevices of the mountains in search of water. They are so adapted to live on bare rocks that they simply do not grow in other places.
Saxifrage protected from animals by rocks. Herbivores just can't get to them. Plants are popular, can grow even at home. True, they are not so saturated and spreading indoors, with thin shoots. Gardeners did not ignore them either, they are used for different compositions when arranging alpine slides. Plants are easy to cultivate, do not require much care.

Flowers of mountain ledges
Different herbs and ferns grow in these places. On narrow ledges of rocks one can meet annual mosses and saxifrage flowers resistant to frost. They do not require a lot of soil and nutrients. They grow and multiply, protected from the animal world of the mountains. As time passes, some plants with flowers are replaced by others.
But spring comes, the rocky ledges begin to be covered with many alpine flowers. As they grow, organic matter is formed - humus. It is very dense, under the influence of rains it can compact, then collapse to the foot of the cliff. This is where flowers survive and grow. The foot of the rocks is covered with annual mountain flowers, frost-resistant and multi-colored.

Edelweiss mountain dweller
A rare mountain flower called edelweiss is a sign of fidelity, love. He is very unusual. The Italians say that this is a silver flower. For the inhabitants of France, this is the star of the Alps. Like all mountain flowers, he loves the sun's rays. Grows in the snow, at the very edge of high mountains.
Not every person can see it, let alone rip it off. This is a rare plant, only those who have love in their hearts can find it. How skillful you have to be to reach him, and how strong. But the one who loves unforgettably will achieve his goal. But he must also be adored. Only mountains do not lend themselves to every person, especially their top.
Since ancient times, many would like to get edelweiss. Moreover, there were many of them, but the plant remained inaccessible. This led to his complete disappearance. Already in the 19th century, it was noted that the flower is becoming rarer and rarer. It was believed that only a few dozen copies remained. Edelweiss came to complete extinction. Now this flower is growing, but you can meet it only occasionally. Breaking it is strictly prohibited. To preserve rare plants that may never appear on earth if they disappeartheir last look, people have provided for measures, such as fines.
Flowers of the Canary Islands
There is Mount Teide, which is strewn with many flowers. Many of them are not found anywhere else in the world. These are local mountain flowers.
For example, Echium wildprettii bruise. It is quite large, when growing up it throws out long inflorescences in the form of spikelets. They have tiny petals that attract insects for pollination.

Chinese mouseflower
There is an unpleasant flower, although it is created by nature. We have become accustomed to the fact that nature almost always creates beautiful, unusual things. If you look at it closely, then it looks like a bat, but only with closed petals. Its ornate tentacles reach almost 40 cm, they look like snakes with black color to people. At the sight of him, a person is horrified, disgusted. Because of this, it is rarely grown even by brave flower growers. The appearance of the plant does not please anyone.
Such different mountain flowers. Names, their features can be seen in numerous photos. These plants are colorful and charming.