
The offer is Let's figure it out

The offer is Let's figure it out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The offer largely depends on both price and non-price factors. Both need to be carefully studied

Population of Ukraine: possible reduction to 28 million

Population of Ukraine: possible reduction to 28 million

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The population of Ukraine continues to decline inexorably every year. You come to such a disappointing conclusion when reading the regular data of the State Statistics Service. Even in the second half of 2012, the population of Ukraine was approximately at the same level, which has not been observed over the past 19 years

Ukraine. Lugansk region

Ukraine. Lugansk region

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Until recently, only the inhabitants of this country and former citizens of the USSR heard about this region of Ukraine. Today, the Luhansk region is on everyone's lips

TurkStream dead? History and modernity

TurkStream dead? History and modernity

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

TurkStream is the working title of a gas pipeline project from the Russian Federation to Turkey across the Black Sea. For the first time, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced its construction on December 1, 2014, during a state visit to Ankara. This project appeared instead of the previously canceled South Stream. The official name of the new gas pipeline has not yet been chosen

Syrian Air Force: photo, composition, condition, paint scheme. Russian Air Force in Syria

Syrian Air Force: photo, composition, condition, paint scheme. Russian Air Force in Syria

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The longer the turmoil in Syria lasts, the more news about its military appears on the big screen. In just a few years, the country has gone from minor clashes with "opposition" groups to the bloody chaos of a civil war. Oddly enough, until recently, the Syrian Air Force did not attract any attention to itself, although their role in keeping militant fanatics and "dollar Islamists" is very large

Ministry of Finance: functions, tasks, structure and meaning

Ministry of Finance: functions, tasks, structure and meaning

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Functions of the Ministry of Finance are numerous and varied. The well-coordinated work of its departments makes it possible to improve the budget system and develop it, implement a unified policy and concentrate finances on priority areas of socio-economic development

Open economy in the modern world

Open economy in the modern world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The open economy is considered among specialists as a sphere widely integrated into the general economic system. Let's note some of its characteristic features in this article

2008 - the crisis in Russia and the world, its consequences for the global economy. World financial crisis 2008: causes and background

2008 - the crisis in Russia and the world, its consequences for the global economy. World financial crisis 2008: causes and background

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The global crisis in 2008 affected the economy of almost every country. Financial and economic problems were brewing gradually, and many states made their contribution to the situation

What are the types of power plants

What are the types of power plants

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Electric energy, which began to be actively used, by historical standards, not so long ago, has significantly changed the life of all mankind. Currently, different types of power plants generate a huge amount of energy

The most influential people in the world: top, ratings. List of most influential people in the world

The most influential people in the world: top, ratings. List of most influential people in the world

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Who rules our world today? Who has influence on everything that happens on a global scale? The most influential people in the world - who are they? In our article, we will answer this question by presenting the assessments of two authoritative world publications

Built-in stabilizers: concept, types, economic meaning

Built-in stabilizers: concept, types, economic meaning

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Built-in stabilizers are a type of toolkit designed to prevent the "overheating" of the economic system with uncontrolled growth of indicators. In addition, this economic mechanism avoids or reduces the negative effects during a downturn, without requiring any active actions from the political or economic management

Monopolism is Monopoly in the economy: consequences, methods of struggle and history

Monopolism is Monopoly in the economy: consequences, methods of struggle and history

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Monopolism is one of the reasons for the slowdown in economic growth. Where do monopolies come from? What is their negative impact? What is the role of the state in this matter? All this will be discussed in the article

Denomination is Definition, concept, essence, causes and consequences of the reform

Denomination is Definition, concept, essence, causes and consequences of the reform

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Denomination is an economic term that means a change in the face value of money. The need for it, as a rule, arises after hyperinflation in order to stabilize the currency and simplify the calculations as much as possible. Most often, during the denomination, old money is exchanged for new ones, which have a smaller denomination. At the same time, old banknotes are withdrawn from circulation

Monopsony: examples and definition

Monopsony: examples and definition

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In economics, there is a concept opposite to monopoly. In such a situation, there are a large number of sellers on the market and only one buyer. This is monopsony. There are plenty of examples of this phenomenon in everyday life. One of the most revealing is the labor market, where many workers are trying to sell their services and skills to a single enterprise

Market demand. Demand curve. Law of demand

Market demand. Demand curve. Law of demand

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Economics involves many terms, rules, laws, formulas, hypotheses, and ideas. No statement can be absolutely right or wrong

Area, economy, religion, population of Afghanistan. Number, population density of Afghanistan

Area, economy, religion, population of Afghanistan. Number, population density of Afghanistan

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In this review, we will study the economy, history, geography and culture of Afghanistan. Particular attention is paid to demographics

Industrial cluster: features and benefits

Industrial cluster: features and benefits

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

A cluster in the economy and industrial production is a group of interconnected organizations (companies or corporations) that are located in a certain territory and are producers of products or services, while complementing each other. Cluster members are characterized by cooperation, territorial concentration

How many people live in Moscow officially

How many people live in Moscow officially

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

With its opportunities and beauty, Moscow attracts a large number of people not only from the territory of the Russian Federation. Representatives of other peoples and states aspire to it. Someone for money, and someone for a dream. Moscow gives everyone shelter and the opportunity to achieve what a person wishes. But not everyone manages to achieve a dream

The economic crisis in China

The economic crisis in China

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Negative trends in China cause some concern, because everything is interconnected in the global economy. Is it all that bad?

Life in Dubai: pros and cons. What is behind the gloss and luxury of Dubai

Life in Dubai: pros and cons. What is behind the gloss and luxury of Dubai

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

In the past - a wretched seaside village, where natives barely survived. The traditional occupation is fishing, growing dates. Today it is a beautiful city. Dubai will become the business capital of the world in the not too distant future, entrepreneurs say

Azerbaijan's economy: structure and features

Azerbaijan's economy: structure and features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

One of the few countries of the former USSR that have maintained a fairly high rate of GDP growth is Azerbaijan. The economy is developing steadily, despite the fact that the 2008 crisis significantly affected all indicators, significantly reducing growth in all areas of the economy compared to the pre-crisis level

What is the "Perimeter" system and how does it work. Nuclear system "Perimeter"

What is the "Perimeter" system and how does it work. Nuclear system "Perimeter"

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

What is a system of guaranteed retribution? How does it work and why is it referred to in the European media as the "doomsday weapon"? Why is this mysterious "Perimeter" really needed?

Countries with the highest population density: rating, features

Countries with the highest population density: rating, features

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Everyone knows that the population of the Earth is growing steadily. But at the same time, people are distributed very unevenly over the surface of the planet. What is it connected with? Let's talk about which country has the highest population density and how this can be explained

Funding is The funding program. Education funding

Funding is The funding program. Education funding

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Project financing involves the choice of some methods of payment for the costs associated with its implementation, as well as the identification of investment sources with their structure. This method acts as a way to attract resources for investment in order to ensure the implementation of the selected project

Taiwan economy: features, development plans

Taiwan economy: features, development plans

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Taiwan's national economy has gone through a path much like that observed in Hong Kong and Singapore. The dynamic capitalist economy of the country is based on industrial production. Electronics, shipbuilding, light industry, mechanical engineering and petrochemistry are developing especially well

Berlin: population and composition. Berlin population. All about the population of Berlin

Berlin: population and composition. Berlin population. All about the population of Berlin

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Berlin, with a population of several million, is the cultural, economic and political center of Europe. We will talk about it in the article

STO (one hundred) is All meanings of abbreviations and words

STO (one hundred) is All meanings of abbreviations and words

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The meaning of the word "hundred". Service station and organization standard. Other interesting decoding of the abbreviation SRT

Districts of Dnepropetrovsk: list and new names

Districts of Dnepropetrovsk: list and new names

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Dnepropetrovsk (since May 2016 - Dnipro) is a large city, the "industrial heart" of Ukraine. It is located on both banks of the Dnieper and has about a million inhabitants. The city is a significant industrial, scientific and educational center of the country. The districts of Dnepropetrovsk differ in area, population and the nature of development. They will be discussed in this article

Corporate finance: features, principles. Corporate finance is

Corporate finance: features, principles. Corporate finance is

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Corporate finance is an economic relationship built thanks to the presence of production assets. They are part of the national we alth system and a source of filling the state budget. It is corporate finance that stimulates the development of technology and job creation

Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund of Russia

Reserve Fund and National Welfare Fund of Russia

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The Reserve Fund and the National We alth Fund of Russia is formed from income from the oil and gas industry. Its purpose is to cover the budget deficit and to eliminate the likelihood of Dutch disease in the economy

Energy economics. Economics of energy industries

Energy economics. Economics of energy industries

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Energy economy plays a special role in the national economy of any state. The assessment should take into account the potential, and not just the current level of development. If we consider the energy situation around the world, then it can be considered relatively safe, since fossil fuel reserves are quite large

The poorest country - statistics

The poorest country - statistics

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

According to the latest statistics, Belarus, as well as Moldova, is recognized as the poorest country in Europe. Most residents of these regions receive no more than two thousand euros per year. While in Liechtenstein or Switzerland a person can earn up to 60 thousand euros per year

Average annual population. Calculation formula

Average annual population. Calculation formula

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Statistical data are required to study various processes in society. The average annual population provides information that is used in global planning at the national level

GRP - what is it? GRP structure

GRP - what is it? GRP structure

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The article describes the structure of GRP, the essence of the gross regional product and current methods of its calculation

City on the Amur, population. Khabarovsk and the region

City on the Amur, population. Khabarovsk and the region

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Khabarovsk is inhabited by more than 600 thousand people. Despite some increase due to the influx of labor migrants, the indigenous inhabitants of the region are rapidly leaving their familiar areas, moving to the European part of the country

Price scissors - what is it? Price scissors of 1923: causes, essence and ways out

Price scissors - what is it? Price scissors of 1923: causes, essence and ways out

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

The economy of the Soviet Union went through many difficult periods, which led to both positive and negative results. For example, during the New Economic Policy, the concept of "price scissors" appeared

Ust-Nera - the center of Oymyakonya

Ust-Nera - the center of Oymyakonya

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Yakutia is a very cold and very promising region. Here is the Pole of Cold and the coldest river on the planet. And rich reserves of diamonds, gold and many other valuable metals are also discovered here. Therefore, so much attention is now being paid to the regions of the Republic of Sakha. The village of Ust-Nera, as one of the centers of the gold mining industry, must regain its former glory

Yuzhnouralsk: population, employment, national composition

Yuzhnouralsk: population, employment, national composition

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Yuzhnouralsk is a city in the Chelyabinsk region of the Russian Federation. Chelyabinsk is 88 km away. It is located on the river Uvelka. Seven kilometers away is the railway station. e. station "Nizhneuvelskaya", which is connected to the city through a railway branch, at the end of which is st. Yuzhnouralsk. The population of Yuzhnouralsk is 37,801 people

Margin is the difference between Economic terms. How to calculate margin

Margin is the difference between Economic terms. How to calculate margin

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

Often economic terms are ambiguous and confusing. Let's take margin as an example. The word is simple and, one might say, ordinary. Very often it is present in the speech of people who are far from the economy or stock trading. However, few people know absolutely all the meanings of this rather broad concept

Game theorist John Nash

Game theorist John Nash

Last modified: 2025-01-23 09:01

John Nash became widely known all over the world thanks to the movie "A Beautiful Mind". This is an amazingly touching, life-affirming film charged with faith in the power of human genius. This is a biography film, a shock film, a discovery film