On the verge of old age, or old age

On the verge of old age, or old age
On the verge of old age, or old age

Paradoxically, we begin to age from the moment we are born. First, we call this process growth, then - maturation. The concept of age is associated with periods of human life. And now the time comes when we realize that old age is already very close. The first impulse is resistance, an irrepressible desire to stop this process. Even realizing the inevitability of old age, people are still feverishly looking for a magical cure for it.

concept of age
concept of age

One wise man said: "Let's not shorten our lives first, and only then start looking for how to lengthen it." It was this rule that guided the healers of the East in their work. People do not have the opportunity not to grow old, but they can grow old beautifully. After all, advanced age does not mean decrepit age.

Scientists-gerontologists claim that senility and age-related diseases were not included in the aging program. And if a person lived in accordance with the laws of nature, he would liveup to two hundred years. At the same time, an elderly person could perform his main functions as usual. This is how it is in the wild. Animals are able to feed themselves and reproduce until death, and besides, their appearance is not subject to senile deformities.

Why is it wrong with us?

Science has identified two types of aging: physiological and pathological. The first type has been described above. But pathological aging is caused by diseases - which we see around. But you can fight it! A person has no idea what hidden reserve he has. In principle, we do not know our body and mistreat it, for which we pay with decrepitude and premature death.

old age
old age

Three factors affect the rate of aging:

1. Human genes. We receive information from our ancestors

2. social conditions. The level of development of society greatly affects life expectancy. In countries with a high level of development, the lifestyle of older people does not differ much from that of people in middle age. Old age is not a hindrance to an active lifestyle. On the contrary, this is an opportunity to do something that you didn’t have time for before. It's time to do what you want! You can travel, attend concerts, exhibitions, learn a new craft, etc.

3. The lifestyle of each of us. This factor, although the last in the list, is far from the last in its importance. People who eat right, are active, cheerful and cheerful look better and live longer.the rest.

Of course, one cannot completely ignore the genetic factor. But basically the potential in us is about the same. And the rest get what they deserve.

Early aging is caused by bad habits and inclinations: overeating (overweight), junk food (high blood cholesterol levels), drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. If we exclude them from our lives, then the aging process will proceed according to a given program, and we will meet old age without heart attacks, without diseases of the organs of movement, without senile dementia.

old man
old man

Thanks to modern methods that allow determining the biological age of various human organs, it has been revealed that senile diseases have become much “younger”. First of all, this applies to the cardiovascular system. Often forty-year-old people have the heart of a seventy-year-old man. Such is the retribution for the frantic pace of modern life, for being in constant tension and stress.

Old age is not a diagnosis or a disease. If you want to keep active for a long time, analyze your life. Get rid of bad habits that destroy your body. Engage in physical exercises that will not only strengthen your body, but also temper your spirit.
