Do you love the circus the way children love it for its festivity and carelessness, for beauty and courage, for cheerful music and an atmosphere that excites the imagination? If so, hurry to the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky. Moscow is captivated by the premiere, which takes place on the famous arena of the largest circus in the country.

The plot of the circus show "Messenger" - the dreams of a little girl, in which she is surrounded by unusual people and cheerful, friendly animals. This role was the debut for the six-year-old Eva Zapashnaya, a representative of the fourth generation of the circus dynasty, the daughter of the artistic director of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Prospekt Askold Zapashny.
With the spontaneity inherent in children, Eva admits that the hardest thing for her is to sit on the neck of her uncle, Edgard, who is spinning a giant hula hoop at this time. Obviously, being among African and sea lions, walking between cages with leopards or terrariums with crocodiles does not cause internal discomfort to a child who grew up in a family of famous predator tamers. The first entry has already been made in the artistic track record of Eva Zapashnaya: the circus on Vernadsky Avenue, the Messenger program.

Reviews about the second main character, the Messenger, viewers were divided. Artist Boris Nikishkin, a clown and winner of several circus festivals, brilliantly brought the director's idea to life and became the unobtrusive guide of the Girl on her journey through the world of the circus. Young, charming, cheerful - he naturally accompanies the little heroine and the audience throughout the performance. However, the fastidious and sophisticated public does not always positively evaluate his clown work, dividing the artist's participation in the performance into two components - acting and circus.
Mixing fiction and reality

Colored dreams, journeys through unexplored lands and encounters with incredible animals - an intriguing circus show prepared by the Moscow circus on Vernadsky Street. "The Messenger" (the reviews of the audience are more eloquent than newspaper reviews testify to the success of the new performance) was staged by the creative team of the Zapashny Brothers Circus. The audience who attended the performance expresses their impressions in enthusiastic tones. Although the dotted, as if deliberately circus unsaid plot makesthe auditorium to fantasize and look for their own interpretation of the events taking place in the arena.
In the center of the story is a little girl (Eva Zapashnaya), in whose life the everyday facelessness of the day is replaced by vivid night dreams and walks accompanied by a toy Plush Hare (Elza Zapashnaya, Sonya Selnikhina). Before the dreamer appears a string of characters who involve her in a colorful kaleidoscope of events unfolding inside the circus arena.
The owners of lush manes are mighty African lions. Striking sea lions are graceful-heavy inhabitants of distant and cold seas. Tropical boas, unpredictable alligators, leopards, wolves and huskies. Together with them, fearless animal trainers, brave tightrope walkers, dexterous acrobats and tightrope walkers - a motley company accompanies the dreams of the main character of the play. And she also meets an Angel (Boris Nikishkin) - kind, funny and funny-clumsy. Together they travel among dreams, and no longer want the morning to come and parting. Because an Angel is a messenger bringing new joyful impressions. The circus on Vernadsky presented such a fantasy to the public.
Reviews from viewers convey admiration for the trick in which the trainer lifted the largest lion on his shoulders.
One on one with lions

Vladislav Goncharov does not belong to a galaxy of hereditary trainers who from childhood comprehended the wisdom of communicating with predators. In 1997, he began working in a mobilecircus from putting up posters and distributing tickets, worked as an administrator. When he decided to create his own number, he bought a lion cub, but he failed to make an artist out of him, and the animal had to be given to the zoo. Then he tried again with another predator, and again unsuccessfully. However, perseverance and patience paid off. The young artist prepared an attraction with 12 adult lions.
With diligence and talent, he achieved recognition in the professional community and among the audience. Vladislav's attraction is an adornment of every circus program and a guarantee that tickets will be sold out long before the start of performances. Rehearsals and tours, frequent travel are the specifics of circus work. Today Vladislav Goncharov's address is: Moscow, circus on Vernadsky, "Messenger".
Reviews from the public expressively describe the emotions from the twine made by a girl on the heads of two tightrope walkers under the dome of the circus - amazing and unforgettable.
Walking a tightrope

The first people the Girl saw in her dream were angels walking under the dome of the circus along a barely visible path of a thin steel cable ghostly shimmering in height. The original design of props and complex combinations of performed tricks - like fake angel wings actually support fearless artists in the air. The feeling of soaring, weightlessness and lightness creates the illusion of free flight and the infinity of fantasies, into which the young heroine of the circus performance plunged in a dream. Rope walkers led by RomanChizhov managed to convey the light world of airiness of a calm children's sleep and create an atmosphere of tangible magic, which was laid in the plot of the show "The Messenger" by the circus on Vernadsky.
Reviews are filled with the excitement of the audience at the sight of a leopard riding on an air swing and a huge crocodile running through the arena a few meters from the public.
Borneo: exotic territory

A circus performance is a kaleidoscope of rapidly changing colorful miniatures. The circle of the arena turns into a fabulous kingdom of exotic animals. White pythons and crocodiles are witnesses of thousands of years of evolution. Leopards are graceful, alert and every second ready for a sudden jump. Actress Marina Rudenko, the creator of the Borneo act, was able to see artistic talents in her wards - in children's dreams, toothy actors look harmless and friendly.
Circus whirlwind: Alaska

A cart drawn by four Siberian huskies carries the Girl and the Plush Bunny through the arena with a swift whirlwind. After the tropical "Borneo", the heroine's fantasies take her to the cold northern latitudes, to the expanses of the "Alaska" issue (directed by Ekaterina Korenkova). Alaskan Malamutes and Black Canadian Wolves live here. And, as a contrast to ferocious predators, ordinary domestic goats with silver horns - a truly fabulous neighborhood prepared a circus on Vernadsky Avenue for the Girl and spectators.
"Messenger" (reviewsand photos about visiting the performance, the audience generously publishes on the net) Muscovites liked it. Sophisticated connoisseurs admired the complexity and originality of the performance with non-traditional props for the circus - doors.
Doors: A Circus Worldview

A small, by circus standards, number of paired tightrope walkers “Behind the Door” (headed by Roman Khapersky) struck the audience and caused a flurry of astonished responses. Breaking the foundations - the role of the "bottom" in the stalls went to a fragile girl who supports a male partner who performs complex balancing act. Non-traditional props - a door, like an opening into an unknown world, behind which human abilities rise to another level. Perfected craftsmanship - it is not for nothing that Roman Khapersky became the owner of the "Bronze Clown" of the International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo (2011). After all, the multi-coloredness of the circus performance is made up of a palette of bright numbers, which the circus on Vernadsky brilliantly took advantage of in its fantasy show.
"Messenger" reviews deserve enthusiastic and grateful. The audience experienced a real feeling of tenderness from the number of sea animals - an amazing mutual understanding of the artist and his pets.
Messengers of the northern seas

The sea lions are bulky and clumsy bumpkins, lazily shifting from flipper to flipper, and lying on the rocky shores of distant Kamchatka. Trainer Vasily Timchenko introduces the audience to the other side of the nature of these animals:swift, emotional, dexterous and amazingly graceful. Real artists: they mastered the triple balance and dances, twist the hula-hoops and climb the stairs. And they do it easily, naturally and with visible desire. Sea lions, a species of sea lion, are the most dangerous species among their relatives. But the hereditary trainer Vasily Timchenko managed to find mutual understanding with them. Although he admits that he is allergic to fish, which the sea lions love. These noble people and talented animals were seen in a dream by a little girl from a kind fairy tale, which the circus on Vernadsky presented to the public.
“The Messenger”, reviews of which illustrate the success of the production, was considered by the audience to be the best circus performance of the Zapashny brothers this season. The program captured not only children, but also parents - this is the unanimous opinion of people who visited the circus.
Backstage of the show

Viewers rarely manage to look behind the circus curtain (forgang). There, a wave is gaining momentum and strength, raising to the level of the upper rows of the amphitheater the charm of the uncomplicated story of the Girl and her fantastic dreams. Acrobats are warming up on a Russian stick under the guidance of Maxim Selnikhin - in a couple of minutes they will amaze the auditorium with dizzying jumps. Soap bubbles, which shimmer with iridescent colors in the rays of circus spotlights, are still peacefully resting in plastic baths. Aleksey Chainikov, an acrobat with hula-hoops, is preparing for the exit - his number in the second part of the program. dimlylong perches gleam in the subdued backstage light. On them, in the final number of the program, tightrope walkers will climb under the guidance of Vadim Shagunin.
A positive viewer experience is the best indicator of a new program's success. When choosing a place for a Sunday family vacation, thousands of people are interested in what reviews the Circus on Vernadsky Avenue "Messenger" receives.
Messengers of circus arts

When it comes to a circus performance, the director and choreographer or costume designer are rarely mentioned. Although the names of the Zapashny brothers, who recently headed the circus on Vernadsky Street, are well known to lovers of circus art. In the construction of new performances, they moved away from the practice of demonstrating divertissement programs that were not connected by a storyline. It is obvious that the audience liked the theatrical style and the feedback on the show "The Messenger" clearly illustrates this.
Together with Edgard and Askold Zapashny, the main director of the circus Evgeny Shevtsov, the main choreographer Olga Poltarak, the sound engineer Jan Peterson and Evgeny Bargman, the chief conductor of the circus orchestra, worked on the program.
The show continues

Today and every day - paying tribute to centuries-old foundations, the circus continues to use the traditional formula of work to this day. Although the audience is sometimes bewildered, because performances do not take place every day. paradeadmission opens on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The foyer is filled with talkative noises, echoing the voices of animals coming from the backstage rooms and the muffled sounds of the orchestra. The third bell, the late spectators rush to find their seats, the sound of the conductor's baton on the music stand, the overture … The lights go out and the performance for which the audience came to the circus on Vernadsky Street - the show "Messenger" begins.
Viewer reviews are comparable to emotional shock, and the program is recognized as one of the best among those that took place at the Great Moscow Circus in recent years.