Climate of the Ulyanovsk region: features

Climate of the Ulyanovsk region: features
Climate of the Ulyanovsk region: features

Ulyanovsk Region is one of the subjects of the Volga Federal District. Located in the Middle Volga region. The center of this region is the city of Ulyanovsk. To the east of the Ulyanovsk region is the Samara region, to the west - the Penza region and Mordovia, to the south - the Saratov region, and to the north - the republics of Chuvashia and Tatarstan.

The area appeared on the map on January 19, 1943.

The climate of the Ulyanovsk region is moderate, with a slight moisture deficit and relatively cold winters.

what is the weather like in ulyanovsk region
what is the weather like in ulyanovsk region


The settlement of the territory of the Ulyanovsk region occurred over 100,000 years ago. There were found sites, stone and bone tools. More than 600 settlements of ancient settlements that existed in the period from the 3rd to the 7th centuries were also identified. n. e. It is assumed that they were inhabited by the Slavs. From the second half of the 7th century, the Bulgars settled here.

At the turnIn the 14th-15th centuries, due to the massacres associated with the invasion of Tamerlane, the territory fell into disrepair. Since 1438, the zone of the current Ulyanovsk region became part of the Kazan Khanate. In 1552, the territory was liberated by the troops of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, after which the Volga Cossacks settled here.

Geography of the region

This administrative region is located in the eastern (southeastern) part of the European territory of Russia. Distance from west to east is 290 km and from north to south is 250 km.

The area of the Ulyanovsk region is 37.2 thousand square meters. km. This is the smallest region of the Volga region. The natural zone of the Ulyanovsk region is a forest-steppe, and in some places - a steppe.

natural area of the ulyanovsk region
natural area of the ulyanovsk region

The Volga River flows through the region. To the left of it are the lowlands, and to the right of the hills. The elevated part is formed by the Volga Upland. Here the heights reach 363 meters. On the other (eastern) side of the Volga there is a ridge-type plain.

The tributaries of the Volga within the region are Bolshoi Cheremshan, Swinga, Sura.

Climate of the Ulyanovsk region

The Ulyanovsk region has a temperate continental climate, with frosty winters and rather hot summers. Spring is short, with little rainfall. Autumn is quite warm. Winter begins in the second half of November. January is the coldest month of the year. Its average temperature is -12 °C. The absolute minimum is -40 °C. Summer starts from mid-May. The average July temperature is +20 degrees. The absolute maximum is +39 °С.

ExtensiveAsian anticyclones have a decisive influence on the state of summer weather. Therefore, it is characterized by a slight cloudiness, hot days and cool nights. For 5 days a year, the average daily temperature is above +22 °С.

There is little precipitation. There are especially few of them in the south and east of the Volga - from 350 mm per year. In the northwestern part of the region it is wetter - up to 50 mm per year. In winter they mostly come in the form of snow, and in summer they come in the form of short rains and showers. Most of the annual precipitation falls in the warm half of the year. A little less when cold. The last dry year was 2010, and the last wet year was 1976. In spring and the first half of summer, there is often a moisture deficit. Autumn is generally quite comfortable.

districts of the Ulyanovsk region
districts of the Ulyanovsk region

The climate is somewhat different in the regions of the Ulyanovsk region. The wettest is the Sursky district, and the driest - Radishevsky. Typically, cyclones spread to the territory of the region from the west or northwest. In winter, they increase the temperature, and in summer, on the contrary, they lower it. Anticyclones, on the contrary, bring frosty weather in winter, and relatively hot weather in summer. Snowstorms often occur during the cold season.

Thus, the weather in the Ulyanovsk region is quite predictable.

Features of the microclimate

Insufficient rainfall affects the differences in the microclimate of different slopes. In the south, where evaporation is higher, there is sparse xerophytic vegetation, and the soil layer is thinner. Because of this, such slopes are steeper. On the slopes of northern exposures, the vegetation cover is denser. Here, in addition to grass, bushes and trees also grow.

Precipitation increases in elevated areas, where it falls by 10-15 percent more. Due to this, the vegetation cover is better developed here. In lower areas, cooling of the air during the cold season is more pronounced.


Chernozems and gray forest soils predominate in the soil structure. The vegetation is represented by forests (of oak with an admixture of linden and maple), meadow steppes, and pine forests.

weather in ulyanovsk region
weather in ulyanovsk region

The animal world is quite diverse: here you can meet squirrels, foxes, wild boars, wolves, elks, martens, hares. There are also lizards, vipers, snakes. There are protected natural areas: a reserve, a national park, natural monuments.

Mineral resources

The most significant type of mineral raw material is oil. The discovered reserves of this fossil fuel are about 42 million tons. Large quantities of raw materials for the production of glass, cement, silicon and carbonates have also been identified. There are raw materials for the production of rough ceramics. Chalk reserves amount to as much as 380 million tons, silicon - 50 million tons, carbonates - 12 million tons, peat - 33 million tons.

Thus, the climate of the Ulyanovsk region is relatively dry, with medium continentality and moderately frosty winters. By Russian standards, it is moderate. The weather in the Ulyanovsk region is generally quite stable and predictable.
