Franz Klintsevich: biography, photo

Franz Klintsevich: biography, photo
Franz Klintsevich: biography, photo

The biography of Franz Klintsevich should be well known to everyone who is interested in modern politics. He is a member of the Federation Council and represents the Smolensk Region in the Supreme Chamber of the Federal Assembly. Previously, he held a prominent place in the State Duma, being a deputy of four convocations.

Military career

Biography of Franz Klintsevich
Biography of Franz Klintsevich

Let's start telling the biography of Franz Klintsevich from 1957, when he was born in the small village of Kreivantsy on the territory of the modern Grodno region in Belarus. He graduated from high school in 1974 in Oshmyany.

In the biography of Franz Klintsevich, nationality played a certain role. His parents' names were Adam Mikhailovich and Yadviga Bronislavovna - they were Jews. Because of the nationality, the biography of Franz Adamovich Klintsevich was not easy at first. It was not as easy for him to move up the career ladder as for others, since there were still prejudices against Jews in the Soviet Union.

From 1975 to 1997 he served in the armed forces, wasparatrooper, retired with the rank of colonel.

Afghan period

It is worth noting that in the last years of the existence of the USSR, a person's belonging to a particular ethnic group no longer had such a decisive significance. Ceased to interfere in career advancement, nationality and in the biography of Franz Klintsevich. The officer's photo was well known to the senior command staff, who noted his faithful and successful service.

From 1986 to 1988, the hero of our article served in the parachute regiment, which took part in the Afghan war. Klintsevich was a senior instructor in the political department.

Shortly after returning to the Soviet Union, he took over as deputy chairman of the Russian Union of Afghan Veterans. Having started his career in this public position.

In 1992, he joined the commission for the social protection of military personnel, which was organized under the Government. At that time, Klintsevich was among the supporters of Boris Yeltsin, took part in the execution of the House of Soviets.

In 1995, he headed the board of the Union of Veterans of Afghanistan. In the same year, he made an attempt to enter the State Duma. Klintsevich was nominated on the lists of the "For the Motherland!" bloc, which could not overcome the 5% barrier.

Deputy of the State Duma

Photo by Franz Klintsevich
Photo by Franz Klintsevich

In the political biography of Franz Klintsevich, the decisive year was 1999, when he was elected to the Federal Assembly on the list of the Unity electoral bloc from the People's Patriotic Party of Russia. Initially joined the Committee on Social Policy and Labor.

Klintsevich began to successfully build a career in "Unity". In 2000, he headed the Moscow city organization, and a year later he became a member of the Presidium of the General Council of the newly created United Russia party.

In 2001, the politician defended his dissertation on the psychological and personal characteristics of compatriots with high and low incomes and became a candidate of psychological sciences.

Activities in the next convocations

Politician Franz Klintsevich
Politician Franz Klintsevich

In 2003, Klintsevich ran for the next elections to the State Duma already from the Caucasian group, that is, from the republics of Ingushetia, Dagestan, Chechnya, Karachay-Cherkessia. And this time he managed to win, in the Federal Assembly, Franz Adamovich became a member of the Defense Committee.

Winning the elections of the fifth convocation, the hero of our article headed the Committee on Veterans Affairs. And in 2011, in the elections to the State Duma of the sixth convocation, he ran for the Smolensk region, leading the list of four candidates. The party won only 36% of the vote in the region, which allowed only Klintsevich to get a seat in Parliament, while he still announced a natural and confident victory.

In the biography of Franz Klintsevich, deputy activity in the Duma of the sixth convocation turned out to be one of the brightest stages of his political career. He served as Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee, making many bright and resonant statements in this post.

Transition to the Federation Council

Franz Klintsevich's career
Franz Klintsevich's career

By 2015, the biography and photos of Franz Klintsevich were well known to a large number of the electorate. In this regard, for many, the decision of the governor of the Smolensk region Alexei Ostrovsky, who appointed the politician as a representative in the Federation Council, was surprising.

Currently he holds a seat on the Defense Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Russia and Belarus.

In the Federation Council, Klintsevich served as First Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee until February 2018, when he officially announced his resignation. According to media sources, this was due to dissatisfaction with his work on the part of the Ministry of Defense, which considered the politician's comments short-sighted, did not reflect the official line of the department, and in some cases harmed it. For example, after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Franz Adamovich said that it was a short-sighted and hasty decision.

Private life

Nationality Franz Klintsevich
Nationality Franz Klintsevich

Klintsevich is married to the same age as Larisa Fischlerovna. She is a graduate of Grodno University, she was an assistant to State Duma deputy Ruslan Yamadayev, who participated in Chechen gangs in the 90s. After he began to fight against Wahhabism along with federal troops, he was a deputy of the State Duma. In 2008 he was shot dead in the center of Moscow.

In 1981, the Klintsevichs had a son, Andrey. He is a graduate of the military university of the Ministry of Defense, a paratrooper. Most recently, he was the head of the Implementation Departmentpublic initiatives in the Young Guard of United Russia.

In 1985, daughter Anastasia was born. She is a graduate of Peoples' Friendship University. Specializes in municipal and state administration.

The hero of our article has five grandchildren.
