In early October 2013, Russian show business was shocked by the news: 65-year-old Alla Pugacheva and her young husband Maxim Galkin became parents. Colleagues, as well as fans of the prima donna and showman, were discouraged: no one could have thought that an addition was planned in the star family.

Pugacheva became a mother for the second time - how is this possible?
The couple had to go to the clinic. The children of Galkin and Pugacheva were born by a surrogate mother, the biological parents are a star couple. How is this possible? It turns out that Alla Borisovna thought about the possibility of having more children 12 years ago and secured herself. According to Alina Redel, the prima donna's longtime friend, she was the source of the idea.
It turns out that Alina Ivanovna, living in Germany, found out that a 67-year-old Italian woman had given birth. It happened thanks to advance preparation: she froze her eggs. The named sister of the singer advised Alla Borisovna to do the same. “It might come in handy,” she commented. And she was right.
Diva and her husband after vainattempts, they decided to take advantage of a great opportunity - surrogate motherhood. The showman and comedian recalls that he did not know about any frozen eggs and was amazed at the foresight of his wife.

Surrogate mother incognito
Who is she, this woman who carried twins for a star couple? There is a version on the Internet that this is Elena Shirinina, who already has a daughter. According to Elena herself, the children of Pugacheva and Galkin have nothing to do with her. She admitted that she could not even imagine what the result of her participation in the program “Live with Boris Korchevnikov” would be. From the gossip and false arguments that it was she who endured and gave birth to Lisa and Harry, the woman was already simply tired.
Some Internet resources deftly operate with false information, supplementing it with new information. So, there are rumors that Elena Shirinina, bearing twins, did not even imagine that Alla Pugacheva, Galkin became biological parents. The children were handed over to the showmen without regret, as they should bring them joy, happiness and love. Elena’s words, distorted by bloggers and other admirers of stellar gossip, largely reflect the truth, but they do not concern Harry and Elizabeth: a few years earlier, Shirinina was a surrogate mother and gave birth to beautiful twins, whom she gave under the wing of caring and loving biological parents. Due to the similarity of cases, she was invited to the program to share her experience.
The woman who carried Lisa and Harry is still unknownpublic.
Love Pugacheva and Galkin bore fruit

The children of Alla Pugacheva and Galkin were born on September 18, 2013 at the Mother and Child clinic, located not far from the spouses' country house. Harry was born before his sister and weighed 2.9 kg, little Elizabeth a little less - 2.4 kg.
Now the whole family lives in the suburbs, in the village of Gryaz. In the palace, painstakingly arranged by Maxim, each kid has not only his own rooms located on different floors, but also a personal nanny. Despite the presence of nannies, Alla Borisovna willingly takes care of children on her own: she plays the piano with them, reads books and goes to museums. In addition, the singer, apparently, does not fully trust the manufacturers of baby food, as she assured that she cooks mashed potatoes and cereals with her own hands. But factory products have not been completely abandoned, since Harry and Lisa have a favorite delicacy (the manufacturer was not disclosed). It also became known that, having gone on a summer vacation, Alla Borisovna, for convenience, hired a separate plane, which was filled to overflowing with baby food.

First vacation abroad and more gossip
On the eve of the twins' birthday, at the beginning of summer, the star parents decided to take a break and went on a private plane to Israel, where they spent two months safely and happily, during which the children tanned and got stronger.
Alla Borisovna was very worried about how six-month-old babies would endure the road, andtook all possible measures for their comfort. Thanks to advance preparation, the children of Galkin and Pugacheva did not feel any discomfort, so they slept soundly in their beds, carefully arranged on the plane by the prima donna.
Soaking up the Israeli sun, Alla Borisovna and Maxim Galkin did not even suspect that their bones were still being washed at home in Russia. One of the gossip was talk about the reality of the existence of twins. Internet users complained that no children of Pugacheva and Galkin were born - therefore the photo is not shown to the public. However, the main topic was the news about deliberately false information regarding the biological parents of children. Gennady Sukhikh, Director of the Scientific Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V. I. Kulakov, said that a woman after 50 years of age can extremely rarely produce oocytes ready for fertilization. Therefore, it is unlikely that the eggs donated by Alla Borisovna contributed to conception. Friends who have seen the children with their own eyes claim that at least Liza is Alla's child.

Harry and Lisa are little copies of their parents
Everyone is concerned about who the children of Pugacheva and Galkin look like. Photos that clearly demonstrate what features of the appearance of the parents are inherent in star twins, have not yet been advertised.
Spouses assure that the son is a copy of dad, and the daughter is mom. Alla Borisovna says that Elizabeth has the same cut and eye color as hers. In addition, according to the singer's friend, Mila Stavitskaya, little Lisathe same curly and blond hair as her mother, and Harry is the spitting image of Maxim: dark-haired and smiling.
There are other traits that distinguish children. Little Harry calms down faster, being in the arms of Maxim, loves it very much when he sings to him, and begins to sing along.

Lizonka, often waking up from the pain caused by teething, stops crying if she is in Alla Borisovna's arms.
Both children equally love to be read to, play the piano, and also cherish in music books. Despite their young age, kids show creative talents: they sing songs (so far in the "bird's" language) and dance.
Twins showered with gifts
It became known that on their first birthday the children of Galkin and Pugacheva received expensive, and sometimes too pompous presents.
Boris Moiseev excelled, who spent almost a million rubles on a single gift. But now the twins will walk in strollers upholstered in chinchilla fur.
A good friend of the family, Igor Nikolaev, focusing on the creative heritage and the children's predilections that have already appeared, presented professional microphones to the birthday people.
Valentin Yudashkin remained true to his profession: the children of Pugacheva and Galkin received the latest trendy items of the autumn season (of course, from the couturier's personal collection).
Expensive gifts for young Harry and Lisa are not new. As the parents themselves admitted, the twins are bombarded with all sorts of presents from birth.
Having a large children's wardrobereflected on Alla Borisovna. Friends visiting new parents laugh, saying that she enthusiastically and often changes outfits for her daughter and son. What can I say: probably, in the future, the children of Pugacheva and Galkin will be the founders of fashion.

Surrogacy: Prohibit Cannot Be Allowed
Immediately after the birth of the twins Elizabeth and Harry, the Russian Orthodox Church, or rather, Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov, proposed a ban on surrogacy within the Russian Federation. In his opinion, this is “rebellion against God.”
Vitaly Milonov, deputy, politician also considers this way to become parents immoral. As Vitaly Valentinovich himself admitted, a more worthy, respectable act is the adoption of a child from an orphanage into his family. In his opinion, surrogate motherhood is nothing but a form of trafficking in children and the female body. Maybe they are right. Indeed, in Russia more than 65 thousand children are brought up in orphanages. They are waiting to be adopted and loved.
Many public figures believe that the children of Galkin and Pugacheva, born through surrogate motherhood, will lay the foundation for an immoral and largely destructive fashion for Orthodox society. Therefore, proposals are being submitted to the State Duma to adopt an appropriate prohibitive law.