The analysis of how intensively and quickly changes occur over time is carried out using statistical indicators of dynamics. You can calculate them on a variable or on a constant base of comparison. At the same time, the compared level is usually called "reporting", and the one with which it is compared is called "basic". Statistical indicators include:
- growth rate;
- growth rate;
- absolute gains;
- absolute values of one percent.
Calculating indicators on a constant basis, each analyzed level is compared with the base one. In a series of dynamics, the initial level is chosen as such, or the moment from which the analysis of a phenomenon or process begins. For example, if the period from 2008 to 2013 is analyzed, then 2009-2013 are compared with 2008. The indicators that are calculated in this case are called "basic".
Calculating indicators on a variable basis, each level is analyzed with the previous one (for example, in the period 2008-2013, 2009 is compared with 2008, 2010 is compared with 2009, etc.). The calculated indicators are called"chain".
The most important indicator of the series of dynamics is the absolute increase. It characterizes a change in a positive or negative direction over a certain period of time. In a variable base, its change is usually called "growth rate".

Accordingly, absolute growth can be basic or chain. They are also interconnected: the set of successive chain indicators is equal to the base one, which is the total increase over a period of time.
To estimate the intensity over a certain period, it is necessary to determine the growth (decline) rate. It is defined as the ratio between the reporting and base levels. The growth rate is measured as a percentage. To determine the coefficient of this indicator, you need to convert its value to fractions of one. It shows what proportion the compared level is from the base or previous one. The growth rate cannot be a negative number.

The underlying growth rate over the entire time span is the product of the chain.
There is such an indicator as the rate of growth (or decline), which shows the percentage difference between levels. If the absolute increase is divided by the value of the level taken as the base, this value will be obtained. It can also be calculated by subtracting 100 from the growth rate or one from the growth factor. It is measured as a percentage, and the coefficient is in fractions of a unit. The latter can be both negative and positive, and equalzero.

Behind these figures lies the absolute value of one percent growth - the absolute growth in relation to the growth rate for a certain period of time. This indicator is calculated as a percentage.
The considered characteristics make it possible to compare the dynamics of developing and related events over a fairly long period of time, as well as to compare the dynamics of various phenomena across countries, periods in history, etc. And it should be noted that in order to assess the development of processes and phenomena over time, it is necessary to study all these indicators in the aggregate to form a complete picture.