Governor of the Irkutsk region: the builder's path to power

Governor of the Irkutsk region: the builder's path to power
Governor of the Irkutsk region: the builder's path to power

Governor of the Irkutsk region Sergei Levchenko belongs to the old-school statesmen, he began his political career back in the days of the USSR, having worked in the party apparatus and even led the district. Unlike many of his colleagues, he has a serious professional career behind him, he went from foreman to chief engineer, supervised large construction projects. The honored builder managed to be elected to the post of governor of the Irkutsk region only on the third attempt in 2015.

Work activity

The authoritative statesman was born in 1953 in Novosibirsk, where he spent his childhood and youth. He grew up in a low-income family and tried to acquire a serious respected profession. To this end, Sergei Georgievich entered the Novosibirsk Civil Engineering Institute, choosing the faculty of Industrial and Civil Engineering.

governor of the irkutsk region
governor of the irkutsk region

After graduating, the young specialist was assigned to the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where he began working as a simple foreman at the construction of a local aluminum plant. He worked hard, showed professionalism and quickly moved up the corporate ladder. Having gone from a foreman to a foreman, after six years Sergey Levchenko has grown to the position of head of the site.

In 1982, a young and talented engineer was appointed head of the Angarsk department of "Steelconstruction", which he successfully led until 1987.

Coming into politics

Perhaps Sergey Levchenko would have continued to work until retirement in the construction industry, but in 1986 perestroika broke out, the party needed new young cadres. Sergei Georgievich perfectly met all the requirements of the party nomenclature and began to master the hard work of an apparatus worker. He was elected a deputy of the district and city councils of people's deputies of Angarsk, worked diligently in local committees.

Levchenko Governor of the Irkutsk Region
Levchenko Governor of the Irkutsk Region

From 1987 to 1991, Sergei Georgievich was the second, and then the first secretary of the city party committee in Angarsk, actually acting as the mayor.

The collapse of the USSR temporarily suspended the political career of a staunch communist. At this time, he returns to construction, becoming the general director of SMU "Stalkonstruktsiya" in Angarsk. Having improved his financial situation and firmly on his feet, Sergei Levchenko again turns to political activity. In 1994, without leaving the post of CEO, he was electedMember of the regional legislature. Three years later, Levchenko makes his first attempt to become governor of the Irkutsk region. However, in a bitter struggle, he lost to the current head of the region, Boris Govorin.


In 1999, Sergei Georgievich decided to try his hand at the role of a politician at the national level and put forward his candidacy for the post of deputy of the State Duma. Together with other deputies of the federal list of the Communist Party, he successfully passed the elections and began to work in the main parliament of the country.

Here Levchenko developed an active activity, not limited to passive participation in legislative work, he conscientiously worked in the Committee on Energy, Transport and Communications, took part in the initiatives of the Agro-Industrial Group.

sergey levchenko governor of irkutsk region
sergey levchenko governor of irkutsk region

In 2001, Sergei Georgievich made a second attempt to be elected governor of the Irkutsk region. Again, his opponent was Boris Govorin, who was not going to give up his familiar chair without a fight. In the first round the winner was not revealed, and in the second round Govorin won. Moreover, the difference between him and Levchenko was only 2 percent, which gave reason to talk about the active interference of the regional administration in the vote count.

Nevertheless, Sergei Levchenko did not lose heart and continued his deputy activities. In 2004-2007 he worked in the legislative assembly of the Irkutsk region, heading the local faction of the Communist Party. In 2007, he returned to the State Duma, where he stayed until 2015.


In 2015, the former governor of the Irkutsk region was dismissed, Sergey Eroshchenko was temporarily appointed in his place. Levchenko felt the opportunity to fulfill his cherished dream and immediately returned to Irkutsk, where he began to prepare for his third election race.

governor of the irkutsk region 2017
governor of the irkutsk region 2017

Despite the support of the central government, the inexperienced Sergei Eroshchenko could not compete with the seasoned communist, who worked in the region for many years and has a significant authority among the population. With 56 percent of the vote, Levchenko won the gubernatorial election and became the head of the Irkutsk region.

After the inauguration and taking office, the politician made a number of policy statements. He promised to pay attention to the development of the agricultural complex of the region, to focus on the restoration of collective farms in the northern regions.

Despite a number of high-profile resignations recently, as of the year 2017, the governor of the Irkutsk region is still an old communist. He is an exemplary family man, married, he has a son and three daughters. The son of the governor of the Irkutsk region, Levchenko, owns ZAO Stalkonstruktsiya.
