Zhigulevsk is one of the cities of the Volga region and the Samara region. It is located on the Zhiguli Mountains on the right bank of the Volga - in its middle course. The city was founded in 1949. Zhigulevsk is located 96 km northwest of Samara and 969 km southeast of Moscow.
City area - 60.8 km2. The population of Zhigulevsk is 54343 people. Time in Zhigulevsk is one hour ahead of Moscow time.

History of the city
Starting from the seventeenth century, the villages of Morkvashi and Otvazhnoe were located on the site of present-day Zhigulevsk. The city was built during the Soviet era, and the builders were prisoners. Oil production was started, a hydroelectric power station, a cement plant and three limestone quarries were built.
Thanks to the boxing school built in the city, local athletes managed to become winners of world championships and olympiads.

In the eighties, a national park was formed in the vicinity of Zhigulevsk"Samara bow". In 2006, the Zhiguli Reserve became a reserve.
Climatic features
The climate in Zhigulevsk is temperate, with medium continentality. Winters are moderately cold. The average temperature in January is -12.5 degrees, and in July - +21 degrees. Thus, summer can be considered cool.
Precipitation is moderate. Their maximum falls on June and July and is 59 mm. The driest months are February and March with rainfall of 27mm and 26mm respectively.
Transport and industry
The city has enterprises in the food, pharmaceutical, military, mining and electric power industries. Previously, there was still an oil industry, which was practically curtailed due to the exhaustion of oil reserves. In the energy sector, the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric power station operates.
The city is crossed by the federal highway "Ural". The city bus station is open - buses depart from there to Ulyanovsk, Penza, Samara, Kuznetsk, Dimitrovgrad, Syzran.
Population of the city of Zhigulevsk
In 2017, the number of inhabitants of the city of Zhigulevsk was 54343 people. Since 1959, when systematic data appeared, the population has not shown any directional dynamics. Moreover, in the nineties it grew, which is not typical for Russian cities.
Since 2005, the population of Zhigulevsk has remained virtually unchanged. Most of the inhabitants were in 2008, when the population of the city was 57,100 people. A noticeable decrease occurred from 2016 to 2017. For the number of inhabitantsZhigulevsk is greatly influenced by migration.

In 2017, Zhigulevsk was ranked 304 among the cities of the Russian Federation in terms of population. Characteristically, the predominance of older age groups, and over time, it only increases.
The population density is 894 people per km2. Population information provided by Rosstat and EMISS.
The residents of the city are called Zhiguli people.

Vacancies of the employment center of Zhigulevsk
As of mid-2018, the Zhigulevsk employment center provides a variety of vacancies. Most often, engineering workers are required. Salaries from eleven to sixty-five thousand rubles. Among other vacancies are teachers (salary less than 11,500 rubles), educator, musician, driver.
Thus, Zhigulevsk is a small Volga city founded in the Soviet era. The population of Zhigulevsk is only about 54 thousand people. The climate is relatively cold, but it can be called average (by Russian standards).
The transport system is underdeveloped, apparently due to its small size. Due to the migration of the population, the demographic situation here is quite stable. True, over the past year there has been a decrease in the population.

The city has various types of industries, only the oil industry has fallen into decay. This is due to the depletion of deposits.
The level of wages, by Russian standards, is relatively good. The highest they are in large industries. At the same time, teachers' salaries are low. Therefore, those people who have an engineering specialization, especially those with work experience, will feel good in this city. Humanitarians will not be as comfortable in the city.
And nature lovers will be able to enjoy the beauty of national parks, which are located right next to the city. There are no significant attractions in the city.