Property is a right to what?

Property is a right to what?
Property is a right to what?

For everyday life, property is the belonging of some things to some persons or groups of persons. And this means that each of these people can use this thing as they want. Such an assumption is determined by the attitude of a person to what he possesses.

In the scientific understanding, property is a social concept that reflects the most complex system of relationships between social groups, individuals and classes. The forms of exchange, distribution and consumption depend on the nature of property. In the process of economic development, forms of ownership tend to change, which was based on the development of productive forces.

Economic interest is expressed in the desire of people to satisfy their needs and requirements. Under the conditions of the social distribution of labor, it acts as an important stimulus for the growth of exchange and production. And most of the economic interests are quite contradictory. Thus, the owner of the company is interested in maximizing profits and reducing wage costs. And hired workers, in theirturn, are interested in increasing wages.

property is
property is

Property relations and conflicts of interest are manifested during the competitive struggle, when everyone seeks to oust the enemy. At the same time, a variety of measures are being used: cutting down prices, and secret agreements, and depriving competitors of loans, raw materials, etc. Ownership is the cause of many disagreements. A kind of stumbling block.

The state regulates the protection of property rights, which is fixed in the laws. It also acts as one of the prerequisites for market exchange and interaction between the seller and the buyer.

When an entrepreneur owns property, it encourages him to use it to the maximum: to use resources. Collective property also encourages owners to use it rationally.

property relations
property relations

Speaking of collective property, we should also mention its other forms. It is also private and public.

Private property: the results and means of production are owned by individuals. The collective is characterized by belonging to a group of persons, where each of them is the owner of the products and factors of production. Public ownership is a property that belongs to all mankind. State property is also being considered.

There is also such a type of property as intellectual property. It is the result of human mental activity, the creation of his mind. She isThere are two types: industrial property and copyright. The first is patents, industrial designs, trademarks, etc. And the second - artistic and literary works, architectural structures, etc.

industrial property
industrial property

Property ownership gives a person satisfaction and a sense of responsibility for how effectively the resources of society are used. And the profit-seeking owner will ultimately be able to achieve benefits for society as a whole.
