What is a man and why does he live on Earth

What is a man and why does he live on Earth
What is a man and why does he live on Earth

Several decades ago, the question of what a person is had a clear and unambiguous answer. Scientists convinced us that this is a species of the genus Man, representing a group of primates. This theory was started by Charles Darwin. The origin of man, from his point of view, is simple and clear. Having carried out comparative anatomical studies and the study of human and ape embryos, he established their undoubted relationship and assured everyone that man descended from apes. For decades, this theory was considered the only true one. The origin of man from the monkey was not questioned, although many scientists accumulated more and more facts indicating that there are many inconsistencies in such a teaching.

what is a person
what is a person

Finally, scientists voiced their doubts for the first time. The impetus for this was paleontological finds. Lee Berger found the remains of a man who lived more than two million years ago in South Africa. This means that the Darwinian theory will have to be thoroughly revised. It is possible that it was not the man who descended from the monkey at all, but degraded, creating a branch that turned into monkeys. This is just one of the latest ideas from scientists trying to answer the question of what is a person.

There are other theories. Having studied the skeletons found during excavations, anthropologists came to a sensational conclusion: evolution does not at all correspond to the image that Darwin painted. It turns out that Cro-Magnons and Australopithecus have nothing to do with evolution. These are completely different species that could live on Earth in parallel, and not at different times, as previously thought. It is becoming increasingly difficult to answer the question of what a person is.

the origin of man from apes
the origin of man from apes

Some experts believe that a person is a powerful information and energy system that has its own setting, coloring, dynamics. Like any system, it tries to come to a state of rest, but any external or internal event disturbs this balance. Then the energy gets out of control and provokes depression, nervous breakdowns, wars. Tension gives rise to desires in a person that have to be satisfied.

Who are we? Seeds of life brought from outer space? The fruit of some universal experiments? Descendants of monkeys or immortal gods, called to create and store information about the Universe? Someday biologists will find the answer to these questions. But the main word will not be left to biologists.

darwin origin of man
darwin origin of man

No matter what they meanscientists under this term. The main thing is the inner content of a rational being bearing this proud title. What is a person? This is the highest value, the main we alth of society. Is every person worthy of being considered the highest value?

Before answering this question, it is worth remembering the Witch Hunt and Nazi concentration camps, Stalin's repressions and maniacs who killed dozens of people. Perhaps then the answer will be much easier.

It doesn't matter how man appeared on Earth. What matters is what he does for the universe. The important thing is that he is a particle of this Universe, and it depends on a person how long the world around us will last and how happy it will be for each of us.
