The primates of the Orthodox Church left a special mark on the culture and spiritual life of the country. Their deeds and words influence the formation of personalities in several generations. One of the outstanding figures of the church is St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. He left behind a vast legacy: spiritual and educational literature, correspondence with famous theologians and statesmen of his time, many followers.
Family and childhood
The future bishop of the Caucasus and the Black Sea was born into the eminent noble family of the Bryanchaninovs in early February 1807. At baptism he received the name Dmitry. Before his appearance in the family, two babies died, and the mother, trying to overcome despair and filled with faith, visited the holy places around the family estate in the Vologda region. Through fervent prayers, a boy was born, followed by five more children. From childhood, Dmitry was a special child, he loved loneliness, he preferred reading to noisy children's games. Interest in monasticism was determined early.
Primary education was received by all the children of the Bryanchaninovs at homeconditions. But it was so brilliant that it easily helped everyone to enter educational institutions with the highest scores. According to the recollections of his younger brother Peter, Dmitry never suppressed his younger brothers with his authority or many knowledge. In the heat of the games, jokingly tying children's battles, Dmitry always told the youngest: “Fight, don’t give up!” St. Ignatius Brianchaninov carried this perseverance through his whole life.

Military School
At the age of 15, his father decided to send Dmitry to a military school. This was required by the status and position of the family in society. On a trip to St. Petersburg, to the place of study, the father asked his son what his heart was for. Dmitry, after some hesitation, asking his father not to be angry in case of an unpleasant answer to him, said that he saw himself as a monk. The parent did not pay much attention to the answer, believing that it was a rash decision and did not attach any importance to it.
The competition for the St. Petersburg Military Engineering School was high: thirty students had to be selected from one hundred and thirty applicants. Dmitry Bryanchaninov was one of the first to be accepted based on the results of the exams. Even then, teachers predicted a wonderful future for him. Family ties and his own talents helped the young Bryanchaninov to become an entrance to literary evenings with the president of the Academy of Arts A. N. Venison. In the bohemian circle, he made acquaintance with Pushkin, Krylov, Batyushkov, and he himself soon became known as an excellent reader.
During the years of study, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov diligently comprehended science, wasbest in class, but internal preferences lay in the field of spiritual interests. During this period, fate brought him together with the Valaam monks and the monks of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. In 1826 he graduated with honors from an educational institution with the rank of lieutenant, he immediately applied for resignation. His goal was to devote his later life to monasticism. This was prevented not only by relatives, but also by influential patrons of the capital. Dmitry Bryanchaninov had to go to his duty station, but the Lord had other plans.

Novices at monasteries
Upon arrival at the place of service, in the Dinaburg fortress, the young military man fell seriously ill. The disease did not go away, and after a year he again asked for a discharge from military service, and this time everything worked out in his favor. Freed from worldly duties, Dmitry went to the elder Leonid, who labored in the Alexander-Svirsky monastery, where he became a novice at the age of 20. Due to circumstances, Elder Leonid soon moved first to Ploschanskaya Hermitage, from where he departed for Optina Hermitage, and novices, including Bryanchaninov, made movements with him.
Life according to strict canons in Optina Hermitage had a bad effect on Dmitry's he alth. He was forced to leave, the path lay home, where he was able to visit his sick mother at her insistent request. The time spent in the family circle was short, and the novice went to the Kirilo-Novoozersky Monastery. The climate turned out to be almost disastrous, Dmitry became seriously ill, and fate, as if testing him onthe strength of the decision, again returned the young man to the parental walls.
Having recovered in body, strengthened in spirit and received the blessing of the Vologda Bishop, the future Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov went as a novice to the Semigorsk hermitage, and then moved to the Dionysius-Glushitsky monastery. The time of obedience is one of the most difficult trials, Dmitry confirmed his decision. At this time, he wrote the first work, "The Lament of the Monk." On June 28, 1831, Bishop Stefan of Vologda took the tonsure and the monk Ignatius appeared in the world, the name was given in honor of the saint and martyr Ignatius the God-bearer. In the same year, the newly tonsured monk received the rank of hierodeacon, and a few days later - hieromonk.
Many Works
The life of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov was full of accomplishments, difficulties and hard spiritual work. Being young in age, he was appointed head of the Pel'shem Lopotov Monastery. The monastery was already ready for closing at the moment when Ignatius arrived at the place of service. I had to be not only a shepherd of a small brethren, but also a builder. In just two years of energetic activity in the monastery, many buildings were restored, worship services were streamlined, the number of inhabitants of the monastery increased to thirty monks.
Force of spirit, wisdom rare for such a young age earned the abbot respect among the brethren, veneration and unquestioning obedience even to older monks. Diligence and efficiency served as a pretext for the ordination of Hieromanakh Ignatius to the rank of abbot of the monastery.
Successful and quick recovery of almost lostthe monastery was the first glory. Vigorous activity, humility and perseverance in achieving goals turned into a new appointment: at the end of 1833, hegumen Ignatius was recalled to St. Petersburg, where he was entrusted under the care of the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage. At the same time, the elevation to the rank of archimandrite took place.

Trinity-Sergius Hermitage
At the time of the adoption of the new monastery, Archimandrite Ignatius was twenty-seven years old. The Trinity-Sergius Hermitage was in a deplorable state: there was confusion in the thinned brethren, laziness was observed, services were conducted with digressions. The courtyard was dilapidated, much collapsed. For the second time, Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov accomplished the feat of restoring the spiritual and material life of the monastery entrusted to his labors.
The proximity of St. Petersburg and the extensive acquaintances of the rector helped to quickly put the premises in order. Spiritual life was filled and took the proper direction thanks to the guidance of Father Ignatius. Within a short time, services in the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage became exemplary. Particular attention was paid to chants. P. Turchaninov applied his labors and cares in the field of teaching the church choir. Composer Glinka M. I., who in the last years of his life became interested in the history of church singing and research on old scores, wrote several works for the local choir.
In 1834, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov received the rank of archimandrite, and in 1838 he became dean of the monasteries of the entire St. Petersburg diocese. In 1848, tired of labor and bouts of illness, ArchimandriteIgnatius asks for his resignation and settlement in a secluded monastery. But this time, the Lord had other plans. Having received a vacation of 11 months, the saint returned to his duties.
The abbot was not only involved in the arrangement and life of the monastery. His attention was riveted to theological literature, research, reflections. Within the walls of the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage, a theologian and rhetorician, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, appeared. "Ascetic Experiences" - this is the name of one of his best works, the first two volumes were written at this time. Subsequently, theological books will come out from under his pen, shedding light on many issues of religion, the inner mood of monastics and laity.

Wishing to serve God and the church, Ignatius Brianchaninov nevertheless yearned for solitude. But he was appointed to serve the development of spiritual life in one of the most difficult regions of Russia. In 1857 Archimandrite Bryanchaninov received the bishopric of the Caucasus and the Black Sea. The administration of the diocese lasted four years. During this time, a lot of administrative work was done: the governing bodies were brought into proper condition, the salaries of the priests were increased, a wonderful choir was created, a bishop's house with a farmstead was built, the seminary received a new location.
But the disease progressed, it became more and more difficult to serve, and the bishop filed another petition asking for his resignation and removal to the Nikolo-Babaevsky Monastery. This time the request was granted.

Last resting place
In 1861, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, accompanied by several disciples, arrived at a settlement in a remote monastery. The first time of life in the monastery can hardly be called calm: the Nikolo-Babaevskaya monastery was in decline, it took a lot of work to restore it. The path already covered several times was repeated with the same triumph: in a short time, the premises were rebuilt, a household appeared, a new church was built in honor of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God.
Here appeared the first serious writings of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov. He revised his previous works and began to write new ones. The first in a series of best works were written "The Fatherland" (posthumous edition) and "Offering to modern monasticism." During the life of the author, books began to be published, which he divided into three parts:
- the first included: "Ascetic Experiences", 3 volumes;
- to the second: Ascetic Sermon, Volume 4;
- to the third: "An Offering to Modern Monasticism", Volume 5.
The fourth part of the works came out after the repose of the saint, it was compiled by "The Father". In demand among monastics and deeply believing laity is the book written by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov, “To Help the Penitent”. In this work, instructions are written, practical advice is given to those who follow the path of inner enlightenment, where repentance is the cornerstone of faith and turning to God. On April 30, 1867, the saint's earthly path ended, and the ascent began.

The creations of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov received recognition during the author's lifetime and went to libraries. The Athos priesthood, famous for its harsh judgments and zeal of faith, accepted the author's works with favor. The life of the saint was ascetic, full of work, enthusiasm, accomplishments. The laity, brethren and students noted the greatness of the soul of Ignatius Brianchaninov, after his death, interest in his personality did not fade away. Works serve as a guiding star for many in the search for their destiny.
The canonization took place in 1988. The canonization took place at the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church. You can touch the holy relics in the Holy Vvedensky Tolga Monastery of the Yaroslavl diocese. In serving God, helping people during life and after death, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov found his destiny.

Books: theological legacy
Literary and theological works of the saint are extensive in terms of the topics covered in them. An essential part is the extensive correspondence of the pastor with numerous acquaintances, famous people. Of particular interest is the theological correspondence with Theophan the Recluse, in which the spiritual matters studied by the pastors are discussed. In general, the literary religious heritage belongs to the following theological sections:
- Eschatology.
- Ecclesiology.
- Developed by the author's teaching on spiritual delusion, in which warnings are giventhose who study theology.
- Angelology.
- Apologetics.
The complete collection of the works of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov consists of seven volumes. For several generations of monks, laymen, historians and lovers of literature, the books of St. Ignatius Brianchaninov help find answers, decide on the choice of a future path, and help believers with spiritual support.