According to the latest statistics, the population of Borovichi is 50,896 people. This is the second largest city in the Novgorod region. It is located on the Msta River. Borovichi is located 175 km from the regional center - Veliky Novgorod. By a government decree, this settlement is included in the list of single-industry towns in which there is an obvious deterioration in the economic situation.
History of the city

The population of Borovichi mainly works at large industrial enterprises, of which there are quite a lot in the city. It was first mentioned in 1495 as the Borovichsky churchyard (a small administrative-territorial unit in Russia, established by Princess Olga).
In 1564, you can find a description of a fairly large commercial and industrial settlement at this place, which is called Borovichi Ryadok. At that time, the main activity of local residents was to ensure the transportation of ships acrosslocal difficult rapids, known as Borovichi. This was reflected even on the coat of arms of the city, which was later granted by Empress Catherine II.
In 1612, Borovichi was marked on military maps in connection with the well-known battle (at Borovichi). On February 25, in this place, about 9,000 people converged in the battle on Blood Mountain (today it is the Lanoshino microdistrict). Polish troops opposed the Swedish. On the part of the Scandinavians, a field marshal named Evert Karlsson Horn commanded, and the Cossack Severin Nalivaiko led the Polish army. The Swedes won. The Poles were completely defeated, only part of the troops managed to escape within the walls of the Holy Spirit Monastery. However, the Swedes did not retreat, they laid siege to the monastery and eventually finished off the Poles.
Borovichi becomes a city

The status of the city of Borovichi was acquired in 1770. The corresponding decree was signed by Empress Catherine II, before that the settlement was officially considered a village. In 1772, the Senate approved the coat of arms and the plan of Borovichi. After this important event, the city began to actively develop.
In 1786, a school of water communications was opened here, and after some time they began to conduct classes on the basis of a small public school. By that time, 16 stone houses had been built in Borovichi, more than 300 were wooden and more than 300 stood on stone foundations. There was a mill and 3 brick factories at once. Fairs were held here twice a year, which attracted many residents from the surrounding villages, towns and villages.
Suvorov's Land
Borovichi regionis directly connected with the name of the Russian commander and field marshal Suvorov. A few tens of kilometers from the city there is a village called Konchanskoye-Suvorovskoye, it is here that the famous military leader has been in exile for 3 whole years.
Emperor Paul I was informed that Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was preparing a riot, so the head of state decided to exile the field marshal. Opala passed when it became necessary to go on an alpine hike. Alexander Vasilievich went to Italy precisely from near Borovichi. In 1942, a museum-reserve dedicated to this great man appeared at the place of exile of the field marshal.
Industrial Development

Industry in Borovichi began to develop in the middle of the 19th century. First of all, this is due to the opening of the production of refractory bricks and the Nikolaev railway. After that, the role of the Msta River as an important transport artery was lost.
In addition, large reserves of important minerals were found near the city. In particular, it was lime, gray pyrites, refractory clays and brown coal. In 1786, the first adit in the country appeared here, in which coal was mined.
An important role in the development of Borovichi was played by the merchant of the first guild Matvey Shulgin, who at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries was the mayor. From 1893 to 1905, he did a lot for the development of amenities and education. Thanks to his efforts, an arch bridge across the Msta was built.
In the 20th century, the intensive development of the city began. In 1910 there wasthe Borovichi plant for the production and production of building materials was founded. The plant owns a unique narrow-gauge railway. There are few of these throughout the country. The length of this road exceeds the distance of 2 km.
Soviet power in the city of Borovichi was officially established on October 28, 1917. During the Soviet Union, the Smena convoy building plant was built in the city, which became one of the 12 largest in the country.
Population dynamics

The first data on the population in Borovichi appeared only in 1856. At that time, 8,600 people lived in the city. At the end of the 19th century, thanks to the dynamic development of industry, the population of the city of Borovichi increased every year. Already by 1897, it was possible to reach the mark of 9,400 people, and in a landmark year for the whole empire, when the Romanov family celebrated the 300th anniversary of their stay in power, as many as 11,000 people lived here.
During the years of the Soviet Union, the population of Borovichi increased several times. In 1931, there were 23,500 people here, and before the Second World War, already 41,000 people lived in the city.
Post-war city

After the end of the war, the population of the city of Borovichi continued to grow at a rapid pace, as it was necessary to restore the country's economy and industry. There were enough industrial enterprises here, so workers were always required. The population of Borovichi by 1959 exceeded 44,000 people. In 1967, the population reached 55,000 inhabitants.
In 1982, the population of Borovichi exceeded 60,000 people. Most of the inhabitants in the city lived during perestroika, by 1987 there were 69,000 Borovichi residents. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the population of Borovichi began to systematically decrease every year. Moreover, the decline began in the difficult 90s and continued into the 2000s, when the economic situation in the rest of the country began to gradually improve. At the moment, the population of Borovichi, Novgorod region, is 50,896 people.
In terms of the number of inhabitants, the city has dropped to the level of the late 50s of the last century. Now you know how many people there are in Borovichi today.
Unemployment rate
The city's unemployment rate is now around 5%. This is the data published by Novgorodstat. Interestingly, the average age of a working person is now 42 years. It remains about the same for men and women. More than half of the workers have secondary vocational education, and only a quarter have higher education.
In recent years, the number of unemployed has been decreasing, but only slightly. Therefore, as before, a lot of people turn to the employment center in Borovichi. About 3,200 people who are looking for work are registered. The center for work with the population of Borovichi notes that at the moment the most effective way to find a job in the city is to seek help fromrelatives, friends and acquaintances. This method is used by 86% of the unemployed. On average, it takes people about 10 months to find a job in Borovichi.
Industrial production
There are many industrial enterprises in Borovichi, which employ most of the city's residents. The Borovichi Refractories Plant is engaged in the production of refractory products, the Korona company produces frozen semi-finished products, dairy products, sausages, confectionery and bakery products.
There are enough food companies in the city. The Borovichi Meat Processing Plant produces semi-finished products and sausages, the local dairy produces dairy products, the Demetra company bakes confectionery and bakery products. The Dairy Yard enterprise is engaged in the production of farm dairy products.
Production capacity
The Mstator company manufactures and develops electromagnetic components for radio-electronic equipment, the specialized Borovichi plant is engaged in the production of sand-lime bricks, the building materials plant produces paving slabs, red brick, building materials.
An experimental specialized plant and a St. Petersburg branch of OAO Krasny Oktyabr were opened in the city - this status was given to the Dvigatel plant. The Polimermash plant produces tools for repairing and splicing conveyor belts, as well as vulcanizing presses. A plant operates at its own production facilitieswoodworking machine, which manufactures four-sided machines.
The Elbor company produces steel doors and locks; The Myakishi company produces educational and soft toys.
Train station

The terminal station of the railway line "Uglovka - Borovichi" is located in Borovichi. A separate attraction of this city is the old station building, built back in 1876.
The formation of this particular station complex predetermined how the tracks will be located at the entrance to the city. Most of the buildings form a single line that stretches along the tracks. Since the Borovichi railway station has been preserved unchanged since the 70s of the XIX century, it is often chosen for the filming of television series and feature films.
The city itself can be seen in Pavel Kadochnikov's melodrama "I'll Never Forget You", Oleg Dashkevich and Pavel Kadochnikov's historical-biographical film "Silver Strings", Eldar Ryazanov's drama "Quiet Whirlpools", Philip Yankovsky's historical detective "State Counsellor" ".
City attractions

Perhaps the main attraction of Borovichi is the Holy Spirit Monastery. Initially, it was founded on the Msta River, in the north of the settlement, whenwas still a village.
When it was built, it is not known, the first mention in ancient Russian documents occurs in 1572. Then all the buildings were still wooden. The formation of the monastery ensemble was completed already in the 19th century.
Under the Soviet regime, the monastery was closed, and the heads of the churches were dismantled. Only in 1998 it was transferred to the local diocesan administration. Currently, painstaking work is underway to restore the monastery. It is not yet known when they will end.
The hallmark of the city is the arched bridge across the Msta River, which was built back in 1905. The bridge in its design resembles a stretched bow. Despite the fact that this structure is quite heavy and very powerful, it looks light and airy thanks to the openwork design.