Acne in the groin in men: causes and consequences

Acne in the groin in men: causes and consequences
Acne in the groin in men: causes and consequences

When acne occurs near the genitals, each person begins not only to experience a lot of inconvenience, but also panics. And these experiences are not unfounded, because such "neighbors" can be harbingers of serious diseases. Pimples in the groin in men are no exception, so if you experience unpleasant itching, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

pimples in the groin area in men
pimples in the groin area in men

Also, it will be useful to determine what exactly led to such unpleasant, itchy formations under the skin in the groin area.


If we talk about the reasons for the appearance of such a "surprise", then most often experts diagnose:

  • Inguinal hydradenitis. This disease is an inflammatory process that occurs in the human sweat glands. As soon as the microbe of Staphylococcus aureus enters them, red pimples appear in the groin of men.
  • Contact dermatitis. This ailment appears due to skin irritation, due to the application of chemicals to it. As you know, the skin in this area is very thin, so redness forms near the genitals.
  • Psoriasis. This disease is quiteeasy to distinguish by scaly nodules in the groin area. In no case should you try to remove such scaly formations on your own, otherwise you can provoke capillary bleeding. As a rule, psoriasis is a chronic disease that cannot be cured, the only thing left is not to provoke the appearance of nodules (wear loose underwear made of natural fabric).
pimples in the groin in men causes
pimples in the groin in men causes

Acne in the groin area in men can appear for many reasons, so experts have developed a kind of classification of such itchy growths.


Black dots on intimate places cause the least inconvenience. However, this does not mean that they should not be fought.

As a rule, a black pimple can be either in the singular or in the form of a plural formation.

Distinguishing acne is quite simple - it never appears on the mucous membrane and most often occurs after shaving. Also, when acne occurs, a person may begin to experience weakness. However, since this is a less dangerous disease, you can get rid of new "neighbors" yourself.


Dermatitis can be infectious or non-infectious. The latter manifests itself if a household or chemical irritant gets on the skin. Usually, such a rash passes quite quickly after treating the skin with an antiseptic. However, if an infection has joined the formation, then dermatitis turns into a rather serious disease.

red pimples in the groin in men
red pimples in the groin in men

Such pimples in the groin of men usually do not hurt, but the itching is simply unbearable. Also, when combing, the blood is separated.

If dermatitis is not treated, then the disease will only progress, spreading over a large area.


Quite often, pimples in the groin of men secrete pus. Such boils are very dangerous to he alth, regardless of their size and number. The fact is that there is an active blood supply in the genital area, which is why even a very small pimple can begin to spread the infection throughout the body.

A purulent pimple in the groin in men, the photo of which is shown below, usually hurts and itches very badly. You can distinguish such an outgrowth by an abscess that is about to burst.

pimples in the groin in men
pimples in the groin in men

Some people pop these pimples, but it's a very dangerous thing to do. Under the nails of a person contains a mass of bacteria that can get under the skin. It is best to remove such acne (especially large ones) from a specialist. To do this, it is not necessary to consult a doctor, purulent acne in the groin in men can be easily removed in a cosmetic way.


Under the skin in the groin area, a large number of parasites can live, which cause acne. If genital hygiene is impaired, then lice and scabies mites may appear in the hairline.

To determine that a person is suffering from parasites, it is first necessary to make a visual inspection. Although the "enemies" are extremely small, they are quite easy to spot with the naked eye.with a look. It is also worth paying attention to the symptoms. If the itching does not go away and you want to itch around the clock (anti-itch remedies do not give any effect), then with a high probability parasites have settled in the hairline. Such pests must be destroyed as soon as possible.

Molluscum contagiosum

This disease is characterized by the appearance of dense pimples about 2-3 mm high. At the same time, the growths do not itch and do not bring serious inconvenience. Most often, the focus of the disease is in the groin, slightly above the penis.

pimple in the groin in men photo
pimple in the groin in men photo

When pressing on a hard pimple, a small hole appears in its center, from which a curdled mass of a yellowish tint is released. This disease is more of an aesthetic nature and cannot cause serious harm to the body.

In order to treat acne in the groin in men correctly, you must first contact a dermatologist and get advice. Based on this, you can get rid of unwanted formations on your own or carry out a procedure in a medical or cosmetology center.


To quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms, squeeze out purulent deposits and soothe the skin, you can use:

  1. Iodine lotions. In order for the pimple to mature faster and not get an infection, it is necessary to apply iodine to the affected area. This drug can be found in any pharmacy today, both in the form of a vial with a dark brown liquid, and in the form of a convenient felt-tip pen.
  2. Aloe. Almost everyonein the house there is a plant, which is most often called the agave. To quickly get rid of acne and disinfect the inflamed groin area, you need to take a clean knife (preferably dip it in boiling water) and cut off a small piece of aloe with it. The cut agave is applied directly to the pimple. It is best to glue the aloe with a plaster so that it can work for a longer period. It is best to make such lotions at night. The course of treatment is 3 days. Agave quickly heals scars and disinfects the skin. In addition, aloe dries out pimples.
  3. groin acne treatment for men
    groin acne treatment for men
  4. Ointment Vishnevsky. This tool perfectly disinfects the skin and prevents the formation of infectious diseases. The ointment must be applied directly to the pimple and cover this area with a small piece of gauze or bandage. It is recommended to do such manipulations at night every day until itchy pimples go away.
  5. "Levomekol". Another ointment that is sold in any pharmacy. This remedy has an anti-inflammatory effect. Apply the ointment to the affected areas in the morning and evening daily.
  6. Hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide perfectly dries acne and prevents infection. To quickly get rid of formations, it is enough to rub the skin in the groin area several times a day with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide.

Ichthyol ointment, sea water, ordinary raw potatoes and calendula in the form of tincture are also good remedies.


To notto allow the appearance of unpleasant formations, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Take care of the hygiene of the genitals and the area around them.
  • Change underwear at least once a day.
  • If the “rudiments” of subcutaneous formations began to appear on the skin, it is necessary to wipe this area with chamomile tincture (it also helps well against abscesses).
  • purulent acne in the groin in men
    purulent acne in the groin in men
  • Take immunity boosting drugs. If the immune system fails, the body may respond with skin rashes.

Pimples in the groin in men, the causes of which were discussed in the article, can be very diverse, so you should not self-medicate or resort to traditional medicine without understanding what led to such consequences. Only a doctor can exclude serious diseases of the reproductive system and prescribe the correct and most effective treatment, in some cases medication.
