Maria Tishkova - esque wife of Kafelnikov, wise and beautiful model 40+

Maria Tishkova - esque wife of Kafelnikov, wise and beautiful model 40+
Maria Tishkova - esque wife of Kafelnikov, wise and beautiful model 40+

Looking at model Maria Tishkova, you won't believe that she is 43 years old. The beauty was born on August 18 under the constellation Leo. She is the mother of two children. Today she still works, acts in films, acts as a stylist and beauty consultant, leads an active life in social networks, where she gives advice and shares her experience.

In the late 90s, the famous tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov began to live with Maria Tishkova and married her. She looks amazing and, probably, managed to agree with her soul and not grow old. Although he probably feels terrible because of his daughter and blames himself. But first things first.

maria tishkova
maria tishkova


Model Maria Tishkova met former tennis star Yevgeny Kafelnikov in the 1990s and began an affair. The couple entered into a marriage that lasted three years, and as a result of which the daughter Alesya was born, which is a big cause for concern today.

The divorce process was not quick, easy, or cloudless. Maria and Eugene could not share their daughter. The unfortunate Alesya has disgustingly become a sort ofconsolation prize in the struggle of two people who lost their feelings. The child has become a tool of control and manipulation. The girl could not help but feel this and suffered.

What about mom? Like everyone involved in this profession, the beauty has in her luggage not only decent photos. Model Maria Tishkova herself talks about candid photos on social networks, for example, shooting in the nude. And since her biography also has unpleasant facts, they, like mushrooms after the rain, began to emerge just at the time of the divorce.

And since Kafelnikov was at that time more we althy than Tishkova, the daughter was determined to live with her father. Maria did not communicate with Eugene - he did not want this. And if she wanted to see Alesya, she called the tennis player's parents.

What about the daughters?

Photos of model Maria Tishkova can be seen in many chronicles. She does not hide her life and willingly shares details with fans, gives advice and recommendations. Maria has two children - Alesya and Diana. The first is a brawler, the second is a quiet girl who keeps a low profile. Diana is not a public person.

maria tishkova model photo
maria tishkova model photo


Today, the former spouses managed to find a common language, they appear together at events, accompanying their daughter. Look at the photo - Maria Tishkova and Yevgeny Kafelnikov are standing side by side, and there is no fierce hatred here. Let's hope they survive it. Alesya today is making a career as a model, and, unfortunately, has a sad reputation as a drug addict. Because of this, the international model stopped cooperation with, and she also suffers from eating disorders. Maria Tishkova blames herself for this, feels terrible, but says that together they will fight the misfortune that happened to her daughter.

Alesya is going to study today, she took up her mind. She and her mother even visited the live broadcast of Andrei Malakhov on Channel One, spoke sincerely about their troubles and all over the country. Alesya admits that she would like to help all girls suffering from bulimia and anorexia, because not always and not everyone has the opportunity and strength to escape from the terrible abyss, when the ground has been knocked out from under your feet, and return to normal life.

Alesya knows this firsthand, but from her own experience. At the same time, she blames not her mother for everything, but her father - she was afraid not to live up to his expectations. He constantly demanded something from her, and she wanted him to be proud of her. Which led to sad consequences.

maria tishkova model biography
maria tishkova model biography

Failed marriage

Daughter of Maria Tishkova Diana was born from a famous performer in the nineties - Christian Ray. He became most famous by singing a duet with Orbakaite. He also noted as a successful producer. It was Christian Ray who took part in the recruitment and creation of the "Brilliant" group, he is a co-author of the hit "There, only there." However, in 1998, Ray met an American Deborah Smith in America, the couple got married. They had two daughters. Today he lives in the US and it is not clear if he is interested in Diana.

maria tishkova model photo with daughters
maria tishkova model photo with daughters

Principles of the model

Maria Tishkova actively leadsyour blog on social networks. She works as a stylist and often helps her daughter on set.

She is a strict mother and gives good advice to her daughters. Alesya is a celebrity, and this imposes certain obligations on a person in front of his fans. Alesya knows from her that all excuses like fatigue, bad weather and illness are no good if you are a star. After all, it is the light of the star that people in the abyss are looking for. Her task is to shine and give her love and warmth to those who look at you.

According to Maria, it is worth remembering this simple truth, and life will become much easier. If a person seeks light from others, then he is not a star, but a simple consumer, a “flashlight”. Everyone can adopt this useful advice for themselves. After all, we are all needed by someone, and they look at us, and our loved ones count on us, for whom we are stars.