Get ready, parents, if your son is named Timur. You have to seriously engage in education, in every possible way develop the talents of the child and devote a lot of time to his studies. You will raise a very strong-willed person. Timur will achieve a lot in life. If, of course, will strive for this. He will grow up as a powerful person, purposeful and demanding. And thanks to such character traits, he will become successful and influential in society.
Origin of the name and its meaning
What does the name Timur mean? The origin of the name will tell the history of the Turkic peoples. There are several forms of this name: Damir, Tamerlane, Timer, Taimuraz. All of them are united by the meaning - translated from the Tatar language - "iron".
There are several versions, according to one of which this male name comes from the female Damir, which also translates as "iron". In the Ossetian language, Timur is called Taimuraz, in a literal translation - "Ossetian strong as iron".
A more accurate description and how the name Timur is translated (meaning, origin) can be found in the Mongol-Tatar legends. In the distant past, there lived a man named Timur-Leng. Its stillcalled Tamerlane, which in exact translation means "iron". He was the son of the great leader of the Barlas (Mongol tribe) and a descendant of the bloodthirsty Genghis Khan. Powerful and imperious, fearless and cruel was this man. He conquered many eastern settlements. The legend tells that Tamerlane's troops swept away everything in their path. They destroyed entire cities and killed people with particular cruelty. The plans of the conqueror was an attack on China. Perhaps Timur-Leng would shed a lot of blood here too. But on the way to this country, the conqueror died.
Everything is interesting to parents who gave their son the name Timur - meaning, origin, name day. How will the character be formed, and what will the boy be able to achieve in the future? Having learned the characteristics of the name, we will answer these questions.

Characterization of the name of little Timur
I wonder if the name Timur affects the character of a person, his origin and meaning? Strong-willed traits and steadfastness are manifested in the early childhood of a boy who was named that name. The child always and in everything tries to be a leader, but so far he does not know how to control his emotions. Among peers behaves arrogantly and often comes into conflict. He believes that his opinion and decision cannot be challenged. It is difficult to convince the son of something and parents. They need to have patience so that the offspring recognizes the correctness of adults. If you manage to teach a child to control emotions, then a great future awaits him.
It can be said that the name Timur (we described his origin above) has a very strong influence and is reflected inthe character of the boy. To achieve his goal, he is ready for a lot. Family, relationships and opinions of parents, peers become secondary for him. It is important for a boy to prove superiority and receive unconditional recognition. If he feels that he has not won a victory, he is very worried and closes. The nature is vulnerable, although it hides its weaknesses behind a mask of indifference.
Timur is a child with a rich imagination and fantasy. He has a good memory. He knows how to quickly analyze the situation and immediately find ways that are beneficial for himself. If he feels that his pride is hurt, he ceases to control himself and emotions, he can start a fight. It is not difficult to guess which side of the conflict will win, knowing what the name Timur carries in itself, the origin of the name.
But making friends with him is real and possible. If you learn to communicate with him, understand perfectly and wisely convince him, then you won’t find a more devoted friend. He will become kind and responsive, generous and accommodating.

Adult Timur and character traits
A very complex personality - a man whose name is Timur. The origin of this Mongolian name indicates that its owner, like iron, is strong and strong-willed, not amenable to any influence. At the same moment, having found a common language with him and feeling the peculiarities of his character, you can achieve friendship. In people appreciates the mind and purposefulness. If he becomes a leader, he will be very demanding of his subordinates.
Timur is lazy, doesn't like long arguments and finding the right solution. If it's hard for himquickly achieve the goal, then the plan becomes uninteresting and meaningless.
Adult Timur is very demanding. He is squeamish and jealous of cleanliness. He will never get close to a person if he notices slovenliness and an untidy appearance. His house is always in order, every detail has its place. Does not tolerate changes in the home, hard to get used to innovations in the interior.
Tries not to make new friends, can't stand big companies and noisy festivities. He prefers to spend the evening alone with a book in his hands. To relax, he goes to nature. He is fond of active types of tourism and sports.

Career and work
His whole life will be connected with his career. It is important for him to decide early on who he wants to become in the future. What professions are suitable for a man whose name is Timur? The origin and history of the name suggest that he can achieve success in military affairs. He is a strategist, he knows how to calculate events one step ahead. He can achieve heights in sports, if, of course, he begins to professionally engage in sections with strict coaches in his youth. Timur should try his hand at the financial sector.
He is a creative person. If in childhood parents were engaged in the development of philological talents, then adult Timur can become a writer, director or critic. It can be assumed that he will be popular by making his name, Timur, famous. The origin of the name with fate is connected by an invisible thread. You just need to find the right path in life.

He alth
Little Timur is a sickly and weak child. It is important for parents not to start ailments of the bronchi and lungs. Well, if the boy will be tempered. A visit to the sports section will strengthen the immune system.
Adult Timur rarely gets sick. He is a strong man. If his daily life is connected with sports, then he is not afraid of illness at all. Although you need to closely monitor the condition of the joints and the musculoskeletal system.

Love and intimate life
No one will say that he is a womanizer and gentleman who collects women's hearts. Timur is careful with the opposite sex. He does not make one-night girlfriends and is very squeamish about casual intimate relationships.
The guy wants to find one among all the charmers, but the best one. It will be difficult for him to find a soul mate. After all, he is a demanding man with sometimes unbearable character traits and specific views on life. Only a wise, intelligent and intellectually rich woman can tame the obstinate and harsh Timur. After all, for him, the we alth of the inner world and erudition are much more important than external virtues.

Marriage and family ties
Timur is getting married late. But the family union will be strong. With the birth of children, his character will not soften. He will be demanding of offspring, believing that it is right to educate the younger generation in this way.
Timur in love is very jealous. He doesn't have to submitreason, he himself will find something to be jealous of his beloved. The wife needs to be careful in words and not make dubious acquaintances if she values \u200b\u200bthe relationship with Timur and plans to maintain a family union. At the same time, Timur, being confident in the loy alty and devotion of his wife, will do everything possible so that she lives in prosperity and luxury.