The male name Yaroslav has been known since the time of Kievan Rus. That was the name of the wise son of Vladimir the Great. And only relatively recently has another form of it become popular - the female name of Yaroslav. The name day of the man named so will be celebrated on March 5, June 3, December 8. And when will a girl named Yaroslava celebrate her name day?
Origin and meaning of the female name Yaroslav
The name Yaroslav comes from the male name Yaroslav and is its female version. Has two meanings.
- Yaroslava - "possessing bright fame." This is how the name is translated from the Old Slavonic language.
- Yaroslav (Yaroslava) (a female name has no name day) - has a common root with the word "yar". Among the pagans, this name was borne by the ancient Russian god of the sun. The name Yar (Yaroslav) means (glorifies) vitality, fertility, joy.
When is Yaroslav's name day celebrated?
Unlike the male name, his female form, Yaroslav, does not appear in the church calendar. And this means that the girl named by him will receive a different name at baptism. The patron who will wear it will become the guardian angel of the child. Thus, the name day of Yaroslav should be celebrated on the day of memory of that saint, inhonor of whom she was named.

Before the rite of baptism, parents are always asked what name they want to baptize the baby. Usually choose a name that begins with the same letter or consonant. Only the name Yazdundokta begins with the letter “I” in the church calendar, in honor of Scandulia (Yazdundokta) of Persia, whose memorial day is celebrated on November 16. The name consonant with the name of Yaroslav is Mstislava. The Orthodox Church honors Martyr Mstislav (Fokin) on March 10.
Character traits of a woman named Yaroslava
Cheerful and friendly Yaroslava has a cheerful disposition since childhood. She is inquisitive, honest and open. He studies well, is fond of creativity. Yaroslava always defends her opinion, straightforward and proud. Think carefully about choosing a profession. Thanks to sociability and self-confidence, a woman named by this name quickly reaches career heights.

There are always a lot of admirers near Yaroslava, fleeting novels are not alien to her. But the girl, the owner of this name, chooses her husband for a long time and deliberately. Yaroslav builds his family relationships following the example of his parents. Husband often chooses similar to his father.
Yaroslav's birthday is not celebrated according to the church calendar. But this does not mean that girls cannot be called such a beautiful and strong name. On the contrary, the Yaroslavs are women with an ardent heart, a cheerful disposition and a balanced character.
Yaroslav's name day
Three times a year the Saints are venerated withnamed Yaroslav: March 5, June 3, December 8. About who exactly is his patron, a person learns at baptism. If, for a number of reasons, the man named Yaroslav does not know this, then he himself can determine when he should celebrate the day of the angel. To do this, in the church calendar, you need to find the nearest date on which the day of remembrance of the Saint with the same name is celebrated.

The patrons of the male name Yaroslav are:
- Prince Yaroslav the Wise (March 5);
- Prince Yaroslav (Konstantin) Svyatoslavovich of Murom (June 3);
- priest, new martyr, Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky (December 8).
Saint patrons of the name. Yaroslav the Wise
In March, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of Yaroslav the Wise. He was the son of Vladimir the Great, the baptizer of Russia. Yaroslav the Wise went down in history not only as an outstanding politician and ruler, under whom internecine wars stopped. He devoted much time and energy to the Christian enlightenment of the people. During the reign of the prince, many Orthodox churches were founded in different cities, on the territory of modern Russia and Ukraine.

Despite all the services to the church, the faithful Yaroslav the Wise was canonized only in 2005. The patron saint's day is celebrated on March 5.
Another name day of Yaroslav according to the church calendar is celebrated on June 3rd. On this day, the holy church remembers not only the prince himself, but also his sons Michael and Theodore,called Murom wonderworkers. The grandson of Yaroslav the Wise, whose name in the local calendar is Konstantin, was an ardent enlightener of Christianity and the baptizer of Murom.
In December, Orthodox Christians remember Archpriest Yaroslav Savitsky, who was executed in 1937 on charges of anti-Soviet agitation. Later, at one of the Councils of the Orthodox Church, he was canonized as New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
Parents who call a girl Yaroslava do not need to be upset that their daughter does not have a patron with the same name. The child will definitely have an angel's day. In this case, Yaroslav's name day is celebrated on the day of memory of the saint whose name she was baptized. It is not allowed to choose the male form of this name when performing the sacrament of baptism, only when taking monastic vows.