"Yuppie" is a subculture of young people who have achieved high results in work at a young age and are the business elite of modern society.
History of occurrence
Now young people do not strive for freedom from society, disorderly life and lack of rules. The new ideology of the younger generation is financial success, reaching the pinnacle of a career while still young. "Yuppie" is a subculture, in English - "yuppie". Stands for young urban professional - young urban professional.

Youth subculture "Yuppie" originated in the early 80s of the last century in the United States. In Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space, it reached its apogee by the end of the 1990s and the beginning of the 2000s. Even then, in the 80s, all the leading publications in the United States were full of notes about the emerging new youth movement. Their ideology radically contradicted the ideology of their predecessors, the hippies.
Thisthe subculture marked a dramatic change in the life of the country both in the United States in the distant 80s and in the post-Soviet space in the 2000s. "Yuppie" is a subculture that most likely arises under the influence of events that turn the lives of young people 180 degrees. So, using the example of Russia and the CIS countries, it can be said with accuracy that the reason for the emergence of such a movement was the transition from the old Soviet foundations and gangster 90s to a new life in which young people, having studied for workers and engineers, did not find a place for themselves in their speci alty.
The sharp rise of the market economy required the presence of salespeople and managers, but neither the graduates nor the society itself were ready for such a turn. There are young rebels who do not want to occupy the niche of unemployment and poverty. They are learning, learning new life and new demands.
"Yuppie" is a subculture whose history today has 35 years. Now, 15-25 years later, we see these people in high management positions in large companies or as owners of their own businesses.
"Yuppie" is a subculture that differs in its attributes from any other direction. Having achieved everything in this life, a self-respecting "yuppie" wears a strict three-piece suit made of expensive fabrics. For him, clothes are a confirmation of status in life and his “face” for partners. The concept of "most expensive" surrounds him everywhere. The best smartphone, modern innovations in IT-technologies.

It is obligatory to have an expensive, fast car, a representative of the elite class. Even if the "yuppie" does not drive a car, he has a hired driver. They live in prestigious areas in luxury apartments and mansions. The presence of service personnel is mandatory. Often they do not start a family, because work and the desire for success always come first.
Yuppie Ideas and Worldview
Few "yuppies" recognize and respect the institution of the family. The presence of both premarital and sexual relations in marriage is not taboo for them and, as a rule, is not classified information. Such people consider polygamy in a relationship to be something of the same status as expensive cars. The yuppie personality is characterized by extreme narcissism, and therefore among them there are rarely those who have behind them one marriage and monogamous relationships.

The outer manifestations of yuppie behavior are cynicism, pragmatism and contempt for individuals who have not achieved heights in life. Take an apolitical stance.
It is not accepted in such circles to discuss failures, he alth problems are a manifestation of weakness. The only thing a yuppie can complain about is lack of time. They do not brag about their victories and do not complain about failures. That is not accepted. There is no concept of "deserved", there is only one reason for respect by others - this is "he earned". And the main motto is “whoever gets up first gets the slippers.”
In yuppie communities, outward manifestations such as envy and hatred are tabooed. They are overbearingly polite and friendly. More often, the manifestation of aggression consists in pointing out to the interlocutor the low "status" of theiraccessories - electronics, suit, car, housing, woman.
Yuppies don't usually form a circle of close friends. Their environment is useful acquaintances and service personnel. Representatives of this movement rarely have a range of interests other than their work. First, it's a waste of time. Secondly, their main passion in life is work.
The lost yuppie cult
“Yuppie” is a subculture whose photos confirm that today it has lost its romantic existence. The whole era of the "material" attitude to life has ended. Today, professionals who are no longer obsessed with work alone are winning. Their new priorities are the interweaving of professionalism and the availability of free time for the improvement of their personal lives, pursuing their favorite hobbies.

Today's young and successful person does not put an end to the little joys of life and does not plunge headlong into the abyss of work. Now the priority is to achieve the heights of a career in order to be able to build working hours as you wish, leaving room for the implementation of your ideas and plans outside the profession.
Now they have political views and beliefs, actively participate in the political life of the state.
The image of "yuppie" in literature and cinema
The image of "yuppie" is one of the most beloved by screenwriters and directors. Examples of a bright personality can serve as characters such as:
- Patrick Bateman in American Psycho.
- The main character of the novel "99 francs".
- Bad Fox from the movie "Wall Street".
- Jack Campbell in The Family Man.
Yuppie Followers
“Yuppies” is a subculture whose representatives saw a goal and, in order to achieve it, could move mountains and step over anything, even through their personal desires and needs. But over time comes the understanding that work cannot bring satisfaction without the personal realization of the individual.

And today there are followers of this movement, but the range of their interests has expanded significantly. They achieve success not only in the profession, but also in the organization of the family, the realization of their desires that are not related to the profession. Career and money are no longer the ultimate goal, but only the path to the possibility of self-realization and gaining prosperity.