By 1990, the production of the Stechkin automatic pistol was discontinued due to its outdated design. The army and special forces of Russia needed a modernized automatic weapon that would not be inferior in quality to the APS. As a result of the design improvements, the OTs-33 Pernach pistol was assembled.

Who created the model?
The Pernach pistol was developed from 1995 to 1996 by employees of the Tula Central Design and Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons under the leadership of I. Stechkin. Young weapons engineers A. Balzer and A. Zinchenko were also involved in the work. "AP SBZ-2" - this is how the developed automatic pistol was listed in the design documentation. "Pernach" is the unofficial name of this model. In the 14th century, this was the name given to samples of hand-held percussion weapons capable of piercing armor.
For what purpose was the weapon designed?
In the 90s, the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to replace the used ammunition 7, 62 mm from Kalashnikov,the use of which within the city limits posed a threat to civilians, to safer ones, which are considered small-caliber pistol cartridges of central combat (MPC). Thus, in 1993, two orders were simultaneously received from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to TsKIB SOO: for the creation of ammunition and the development of weapons for it - a modernized APS, which had to be adapted for firing cartridges of caliber 5.45 MPTs.
How was the model of the new pistol created?
Initially, as a result of altering the APS to a cartridge with low power and a weak stopping effect, the employees of TsKIB SOO assembled the model OTs-23 "Dart".
This model had original automation: due to the included fuse, the striker, bolt, trigger and trigger were reliably blocked. Such a weapon, even loaded and cocked, was completely safe. The model was equipped with a trigger mechanism designed for double action and a movable barrel. In 1995, design improvements of this model were started, first under the 9x19 mm Parabellum caliber cartridge, and later under the Russian 9x18 PM. By April 1996, the first Pernach was ready.
The weapon in its design and external design is practically no different from the previous version - OTs-23. Pistol "Pernach" also has a movable barrel and double action trigger trigger. The model is adapted for both single and serial shooting.
How does the Pernach pistol work?
Two magazines have been created for this model, which contain cartridges innumber of 18 and 27 pieces. The pistol grip became the location of these stores. For their secure fixation, the developers have provided a special push-button latch. You can select the desired fire mode using the flag translator, which is also a fuse. As in Stechkin, the pistol OTs "Pernach" contains this fuse on the shutter-casing. To fire a burst, just move the safety flag counterclockwise until it stops.

The gun can be used with two hands. To this end, the developers have equipped both sides of the pistol grip with fuse-translators. A special metal folding shoulder rest was also created for the weapon, which increases stability during the use of a pistol.
Rate of fire
Since the 9 mm cartridge, unlike the 5, 45 MPC, is characterized by a high stopping effect, in the OTs-33 the need to increase damage by quickly repeatedly hitting the target has disappeared. As a result, it was decided to significantly reduce the rate of fire. Now, instead of 1800 rounds per minute, only 800 could be fired. For this, the OTs-33 design was equipped with a shutter casing with a full stroke of more than 7 cm. When rolled back, the shutter and barrel collide with each other, which entails a slight loss of energy. As a result, during rollback, the bolt casing moves at a lower speed. For rolling the shutter in the design of the pistol, a return spring is provided. The barrel's own spring returns it to its previous position, whilesending the next ammunition into the chamber.
The OTs-33 automation is characterized by an extended cycle. Due to this, the Tula designers managed to achieve a reduction in the rate of firing to 800 rounds per minute. For the Stechkin automatic pistol, due to the slowing mechanisms used in it, the rate was 700 shots.
Tactical and technical characteristics

"Pernach" - a pistol that is automatic by type.
- The weight of the weapon with the stock is 1.42 kg.
- Weight without stock - 1.15 kg.
- The size of the pistol with the butt is 54 cm.
- Length without stock - 23 cm.
- Barrel size - 135 mm.
- Barrel width - 37 mm.
- Barrel height 143 mm.
- The pistol uses 9x18mm PM ammunition.
- The bullet is capable of a muzzle velocity of up to 330 m/s.
- Aimed shooting from this pistol is possible at a distance of up to 50 meters.
- The weapon has a maximum range of no more than one hundred meters.
To carry out the transportation of shoulder rests to weapons and magazines with cartridges, there are special cases and pouches that cling to the waist belts.
Weapon test
For the first time, "Pernach" was tested by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation on the territory of the Scientific Research Institute of Special Equipment controlled by it. During the tests, the weapon showed a good result: the dispersion of bullets was less than that of the Cypress. Compared to the Stechkin automatic pistol, which is prone to "tossing", "Pernach" has a 30% greaterfiring efficiency.

OTs-33 interested the leaders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with its high technical characteristics and novelty. Several batches of these pistols are still in service with Russian law enforcement special forces.