Aluminum primer: a detailed briefing

Aluminum primer: a detailed briefing
Aluminum primer: a detailed briefing

As you know, aluminum is quite difficult to paint, this is due to the fact that its coating is very smooth. The more complex the surface structure, the rougher it is, and the larger the area of contact with the material. This characteristic is called the tensile strength of the connection. The problem of complex application of a protective composition to the surface can be solved in two ways, one of them involves rough grinding, while the other is acid etching. The most common way to prepare the described surface for further decoration is to apply a primer.

Characteristics VL-02

primer for aluminum
primer for aluminum

Primer for aluminum VL-02 is a mixture of domestic production and is manufactured according to state standards. It contains a base in the form of a zinc crown suspension and an acid diluent. The first ingredient is a yellow anti-corrosion pigment, thanks to which the primer gets the quality of adhesion to difficult surfaces. Among the additional characteristics of the base are impact strength and elasticity. As for the acid diluent, itis an alcohol in an aqueous solution of phosphoric acid. It guarantees that the aluminum surface will be etched during processing.

Design Features

primer for aluminum aerosol
primer for aluminum aerosol

In order to use the above primer for aluminum, it must be mixed and poured into an acid-resistant container, it can be a glass or polyethylene container. For 4 mass fractions of the base, one part of the acidic diluent should be added. The resulting composition must be aged for half an hour, after which it must be mixed well. Exposure is required for maximum dissolution of polyvinyl butyral in the alcohol base. It is resistant to water, oxygen, but not alcohol. The shelf life of such soil is 8 hours. This mixture is applied to the surface to be painted with a thin layer, which can range from 6 to 8 microns. You can use a brush or a sprayer for this. The drying phase will take no more than an hour. You will have to pay about 110 rubles per kilogram of such a composition.

Features of the primer "Nerzhaluks"

primer for aluminum vl 02
primer for aluminum vl 02

If you choose a primer for aluminum, you may prefer "Nerzhaluks", which is an acrylic adhesive mixture for non-ferrous metals and aluminum. Among its features:

  • reliable adhesion with top coat;
  • water resistant;
  • weatherproof;
  • increased adhesion to metals;
  • short drying phase.

With the help of "Nerzhaluks" it is possible to cover not only aluminum, but also galvanized surfaces,as well as aluminum alloys. This one-component primer is also intended for ferrous and non-ferrous metals based on modified acrylic copolymers. The mixture is used for preliminary preparation of stainless and carbon steel, magnesium, aluminum, galvanized and titanium surfaces. This primer for aluminum is able to provide adhesion strength of materials, resistance to water and steam, grease, mineral oils, sea water, kerosene, gasoline and other petroleum products. The mixture will also help in the case when aggressive gases, s alts, solutions of acids and alkalis will act on the surface during operation. This acrylic composition is used to obtain a comprehensive anti-corrosion protection of the bases of building structures, which include:

  • galvanized roofs;
  • metal coatings;
  • dome;
  • hangars;
  • galvanized profile;
  • gutter gutters;
  • parts of machines and other metal products.

How to use

aluminum primer body 960
aluminum primer body 960

Before using the primer "Nerzhaluks" should be well mixed until smooth. Application must be carried out on a dry surface, which has previously been cleaned of rust, dust, dirt and oils. If rust is present on the surface, it should be cleaned to Sa 21/2 using the abrasive blast cleaning method. Application may be by roller, brush, airless spray or air tool. If therenecessary, the primer can be diluted to working viscosity, while you can use solvents R-648 or R-5A.

Temperature conditions

primer enamel on aluminum
primer enamel on aluminum

The above aluminum boat primer will dry to degree 3 in half an hour, but only if the room temperature is kept within 20 °C. After drying at a temperature of 20 ° C, further layers of varnish and paints can be applied. It is necessary to use soil at a temperature range from +5 to +30 ° С, while the room should have a relative humidity that does not exceed 80%.

Consumption and precautions

acid primer for aluminum
acid primer for aluminum

Before purchasing a primer, it is important to familiarize yourself with the consumption of the composition, which can vary from 80 to 120 g/m2, this is true if the thickness of one layer is equal to the limit of 8 up to 15 microns. Professionals advise applying about 2 layers. On sale you can find this primer, which is presented in a yellow base color. When applying this primer, it is important to take precautions. When carrying out internal work and after their completion, it is necessary to ventilate the room, and in the process of applying the mixture, it is necessary to use personal protective equipment. The cost of one kilogram of such a primer is 233 rubles.

Description of Body 960 Wash Primer

aluminum primer for boats
aluminum primer for boats

Such primer for aluminum (aerosol)is easier to use. For example, Body 960 Wash Primer is sold in different packages, including in the form of an aerosol. The mixture is a high-quality anti-corrosion acid-curing primer, which is made on a polyvinyl butyl base. It is to be mixed with an activator and is intended for full and topical application. With it, you can pickle rust and prevent it from spreading further. This mixture has the quality of high adhesion with non-ferrous metals. After completion of the drying phase, it guarantees anti-corrosion protection of the surface. The applied layer dries in 10 minutes, after which the base does not require grinding and can be painted with any two-component mixtures. With this primer, you can protect aluminum from s alt, moisture, and also give the surface characteristics of resistance to atmospheric, mechanical and chemical influences.

Special Instructions

Body 960 Aluminum Primer can be air dried at a minimum temperature of 15°C. Do not use wet-on-wet application of this compound. It is not recommended to apply polyester-based materials to acidic soil, including, for example, putty. If about an hour has passed after the completion of the work, then the primer must be treated with an adhesive primer, which will increase the quality of adhesion.

Features of use

The above aluminum acid primer should be mixed before use until a homogeneousconsistency. The mixture is toxic, so precautions should be taken. At 20 °C the surface will reach a density of 0.85 kg/l. One liter of mixture will be sufficient for 10 m2 base, which is true if the thickness of the formed layer is 10 microns.

Quality of alkyd enamel primer

Enamel primer for aluminum is commercially available as an alkyd mixture PF-115. It has a high adhesion to metals, and also has the quality of resistance to any weather conditions. After drying, fuels and lubricants can affect the surface. Allow time between coats to allow the surface to dry completely. If the paint is too thick, the drying period may take up to 5 days.


Speaking of the above, it can be noted that not only VL-02 aluminum primer, but also other effective compositions can be used to protect the described surfaces. Which one to choose is up to you.
