Raising a person who is pleasant in every sense is quite difficult. In each of us, a variety of feelings and emotions rage. A tactful person is one who knows how to tame his negative manifestations, giving everyone who is next to him the opportunity to feel respected.
What distinguishes a tactful person

First of all, tact is expressed in the ability to behave in society. A real master in this matter is well educated, he knows the rules of etiquette, and he behaves naturally and naturally. He will never tell you that you are stupid or unkempt. The most interesting thing is that this is most likely for him and will not matter if he is interested in your society.
Such unique people are not uncommon in our time, despite the abundance of rudeness and rudeness. But the sense of proportion inherent in a tactful person is felt in everything. And if it so happened that he had to enter into a conflict, then even in this situation he will never stoop to humiliate or insult an opponent. Proving his point of view, an educated person will definitely listen to the opinioninterlocutor. Most often, opponents manage to agree.
How a tactful person behaves
A person with a sense of tact never interrupts the interlocutor, even if he irritates him. He very subtly feels when his presence burdens those present, and tactfully leaves. He does not read letters over his shoulder, does not eavesdrop on other people's conversations and does not interfere in other people's affairs, unless they concern himself.

While in society, a tactful person behaves modestly, but never loses self-esteem. With a tactful person, you will never have to feel embarrassed.
Where to find a tactful person
If you think that a tactful person is some kind of unique person from high society, then you are deeply mistaken. On the contrary, such people are much more likely to be found among ordinary intellectuals and hard workers. However, it is not the standard of living that determines a tactful person. Rather, it is a way of life, a way of thinking and, most importantly, the ability to sincerely relate to people.
Most often, tactful people are hard to notice in the crowd: they don't try to stand out and don't conflict in vain. But, if you turn to him with a question or request, he will be polite and never be rude. You can see him by his kind, unsophisticated look and a barely noticeable smile.
What effect does a tactful person have on others

A person who is able to restrain feelings boiling in him always disposes to himselfsurrounding. Well, who, tell me, does not like a respectful attitude? A tactful person understands this well.
In the presence of a tactful person, many have a quite sincere desire to behave in this way. And this is not surprising: imagine that you were rude for no reason at all - what will be the reaction? As a rule, you want to respond to rudeness with even more rudeness. Law of nature: like begets like. Now imagine a situation in which rudeness is stopped by a tactful remark: the conflict has nowhere to develop. After several unsuccessful attempts to unleash a scandal, the rude man receives a slap in the face, with which he, with his manner of solving everything with masterful abuse, can no longer cope.
The restrained demeanor of a tactful person allows him to avoid many unpleasant situations that lovers of scandal often find themselves in.
How to raise a tactful person
To raise a child, it is not at all necessary to explain to him what a tactful person means. Be very polite to him, watch how you talk yourself, and this will be the best example for him.

Respect the child and listen to his opinion. Children are little monkeys that copy the behavior of their parents, giving them the opportunity to see themselves from the outside. If you want your baby to respect you, respect him.
Do not let anyone sort things out with the child, and if this happens, try to explain to the baby how to behave in such situations. Discuss with himrules of etiquette, and if necessary, show by personal example how they help in life. Talk to your child calmly, do not allow yourself to turn into a scream, even when you are strict with him. Babies feel the mood of their parents perfectly, for this it is not at all necessary to shout at them.
Remember: only tactful parents can raise a tactful person.
Educate yourself
A tactful person is first of all a polite person. If you feel that you often lack self-control, do not be discouraged. Your best teacher is yourself. A conscious desire to become better always leads to a positive result.

- Respect people, whoever they are. When a person makes you feel uncomfortable, try to avoid his company, but do not try to correct him. Remember: everyone has the right to be what they want.
- Start to watch your speech: talk to people in a calm voice, avoid obscene words and parasitic words. Listen carefully to the interlocutor, even if his point of view weighs on you. Try to avoid controversy. It is often wiser to stick to one's opinion and not try to convince others of it.
- Avoid sarcastic and cynical phrases that may offend the interlocutor. Remember: the sense of proportion inherent in a tactful person should be present in everything, including humor.
Be polite and tactful with people - they will definitely reciprocate.