What is an escort: requirements for a girl and the legality of the service

What is an escort: requirements for a girl and the legality of the service
What is an escort: requirements for a girl and the legality of the service

Escort is a polysemantic word. There are concepts of honorary, air and ritual escort. Essentially, the word is used in defining the maintenance process. But in the modern world there is another concept - the accompaniment of a young special we althy man. Such services came to us from Western countries not so long ago, but we already treat such work like any other, not considering it shameful.

What is an escort service

This is a real VIP service and is popular among the cream of society. A logical question arises - what is an escort? This is not a prostitute at all, but an interesting and very beautiful companion. Business people often use such services, because it is not customary to come to social events in splendid isolation.

Very often an escort is present at business negotiations, she softens the negotiation process and slightly distracts the participants. In any case, the girl definitely raises the status of the accompanied client.

Meeting with a client
Meeting with a client

Requirements for a girl

What does an escort mean? This is a young lady with a higher education, beautiful andcharming. It is desirable that the girl knows foreign languages, be a graduate of the humanitarian department, for example, a journalist or a psychologist. The most important thing is the model appearance and intellectual qualities.

In fact, specialized agencies and clients themselves answer the question of what an escort is: this is a young beautiful lady, "savvy" in various matters, with whom it is interesting to spend time.

But what about intimacy? Such services are provided exclusively with the consent of the girl and for an additional fee.

Varieties of services

What is an escort and what services does she provide? There are two types of this activity.

Classic accompaniment. A man picks up a girl in a specialized agency for an event. It could be dinner, a party, or a gallery visit. As a rule, a meeting is scheduled, a representative of the agency and the chosen girl arrive, the representative receives her percentage, and the girl remains with the man.

Escort on vacation. The selection procedure is actually the same as for the classic service. But several girls are brought to the meeting to get to know each other, to determine if people have common themes, and for the client to choose the one they like the most.

Escorts at work
Escorts at work


What is an escort - more or less clear, but what does the law say about such services? In fact, the all-Russian classifier of economic activities contains code 96.09 - the provision of personal services, including escort services. self respectinga prestigious agency is officially registered, pays taxes, can even accept money on a card, issues checks to its clients. If, under the escort services, a “nest of debauchery” is veiled, then no one will give you a check. And it is unlikely that you will be able to find a really interesting interlocutor to accompany you there.
