Khabarovsk is a city in the east of Russia. Located on the territory of the Khabarovsk Territory. It is a major cultural, educational and political center. The total area of the city covers 386 km2. The population is 618,150.
The city is an important transportation hub: a rail, road, air and water transport hub. This is one of the most distant cities from the center of Russia. The shortest distance to Moscow is 6,100 km, and if you travel by train, then 8,533 km. There are 2 airports, railway station, river port, etc.

Time in Khabarovsk is 7 hours ahead of Moscow. The climate is temperate continental, monsoon type. The cost of living here is much higher than the average for Russia.
Population of Khabarovsk
The population of Khabarovsk has been growing intensively since the 30s of the 20th century, and in the early 90s it stabilized. Decreased a little in zero, after which it grew a little. By the number of inhabitants, the city is on the 24thplace among the cities of the Russian Federation.
The standard of living of the population in Khabarovsk
The quality of life in Khabarovsk is one of the lowest among Russian cities. The analysis was carried out by the Russian Academy of Sciences. Many different indicators were taken into account. Among them are climatic conditions, unemployment rate, employment of the population, development of the transport network. The most unfavorable factor was the climate. Extremely cold winters and hot, rainy summers, large temperature fluctuations. Another factor was the lack of metro in the city. Moscow, St. Petersburg and Kazan were recognized as the most prosperous cities according to the above indicators.

The cost of living in Khabarovsk
The living wage was set for the second quarter of 2018. On a per capita basis, it is 13,313 rubles, which is significantly higher than in the country as a whole. For persons of working age, it is equal to 14,134 rubles per month. The living wage for a pensioner in the Khabarovsk Territory is 10,744 rubles per month. For a child – 14,051 rubles/month

The decree on the establishment of a living wage in Khabarovsk and the Khabarovsk Territory was issued by the local governor on August 15, 2018. In this case, the data for the first quarter automatically lose their relevance and the data for the second quarter will be taken for calculations.
Changes in the subsistence minimum over the past 3 years
The subsistence minimum has changed little from the 1st quarter of 2016 to the third quarter of 2018. by the mostit was high in the second quarter of 2016 and 2018, amounting to 13,174 and 13,313 rubles per capita, respectively. The lowest value was noted in the second quarter of 2017 (12,952 rubles per capita).
How the cost of living is calculated
When calculating the cost of living in the Russian Federation, including the Khabarovsk Territory, the cost of the consumer basket is determined. This includes food, non-food products and services.
The grocery basket includes bread and flour products, fruits, potatoes, vegetables, sugar and sweets, fish, meat, milk and dairy products, eggs, butter, s alt, spices, tea. The rate of each product is calculated in kilograms.
Non-food products and services separately account for 60% of the cost of the food basket. This includes travel and utility bills.
All this is spelled out in law No. 282 of May 7, 2013, which establishes the procedure for determining the subsistence minimum and the size of the consumer basket in the Khabarovsk Territory.
It is clear that the cost of living is not an exhaustive indicator, as it focuses only on the average price level and the needs of a particular person, and by default - on high-quality products and goods that will not be thrown away due to their marriage or poor quality. And this means that in the conditions of modern Russian reality, the value of this indicator can be significantly reduced. However, it is a benchmark for making social payments to those in need.

What does the cost of living affect
In the event that a person's income does not reach the established value, he has the right to receive material assistance. The amount of some benefits is determined on the basis of the living wage. At the same time, an income price bar is set, above which benefits are not paid.
Thus, the cost of living in the Khabarovsk Territory is higher than in Russia as a whole, and amounts to 13,313 rubles. Over the past 3 years, its value has not changed much. The lowest living wage in Khabarovsk is for pensioners.