Udmurtia is one of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which has the status of a republic. It is located on the territory of the Volga Federal District, near the Ural Mountains. The population is 1,513,044 people. The share of the urban population is 65.81%. The cost of living in Udmurtia is 9,150 rubles.

What is the cost of living?
The living wage is the monetary value of the minimum consumer basket, which defines the line between poverty and destitution. Its meaning varies in different regions. The living wage includes basic foodstuffs, clothes, shoes, and basic necessities. The month is used as the billing period.
Such important characteristics as the minimum wage, benefits, social benefits depend on the subsistence minimum. It is calculated separately for children, able-bodied citizens and pensioners. An average value is also used. Each region of Russia has its own subsistenceminimum. It can vary greatly between subjects. Of course, in regions with higher incomes of citizens (Moscow, the Far North), it is higher than in poor regions.

Living wage in Udmurtia
In the second quarter of 2018, the average living wage per person was 9,150 rubles. This is slightly less than the average for Russia. For able-bodied citizens, the living wage is 9675 rubles. For pensioners, it is equal to 7423 rubles. The living wage for a child in Udmurtia is 9,302 rubles. Compared to the 1st quarter of 2018, the subsistence minimum for all categories of citizens increased by about 4 percent.

Dynamics of the living wage from the beginning of 2015 to the present
Over the past 3 years, the subsistence minimum in Udmurtia has not changed much. However, different fluctuations are observed on shorter time intervals. Thus, between the first and second quarters of 2015, there was an increase in this indicator from 8788 to 9043 rubles. By the third quarter of 2015, the value fell to 8599 rubles. Then it remained stable, but in the second and third quarters of 2017 it was slightly above average. A similar fluctuation is observed this year, and the value of the subsistence minimum in the second quarter of this year is even higher than it was then. But this does not give grounds to draw a conclusion about the directional dynamics, which is not yet visible on the chart.
Reasons for not increasingliving wage in recent years is not entirely clear, given the increase in prices in the country over this period. In theory, it was supposed to lead to a proportional increase in the subsistence minimum.
The nature of the change in the size of the subsistence minimum is the same for all social groups. This is observed in all other subjects of the Russian Federation. Data for the third quarter of 2018 is not yet available.
Where does the cost of living apply?
The fixed value of this indicator can be used for:
- work on the social policy of the state;
- in the process of developing social assistance programs for citizens;
- when assessing the standard of living of the population;
- when identifying groups of poor citizens who may need social support;
- when establishing the value of the minimum wage (SMIC);
- when forming the national budget.
It is possible to use the subsistence minimum for other purposes.
Thus, Udmurtia is a region with a fairly developed oil production, located on the European territory of Russia. The cost of living in Udmurtia is slightly below the average for Russia. However, the peak of oil production has already been passed, now the figures are falling. This, of course, is reflected in the state of the region's economy. The minimum living wage in Udmurtia is for pensioners, and the maximum for people of working age.