Probably, many will agree with us that this is the most beautiful animal that lives in the North. In the vast expanses of the tundra, taiga in our country, as well as in the north of America, this majestic handsome reindeer lives.

This is a large animal with a powerful body and somewhat short legs. Despite this, it looks very graceful, especially while running. The special beauty of this animal is given by the luxurious horns that individuals of both sexes have.
This is a real weapon of deer - they help to fight back the wolf, and males are not averse to measure their strength among themselves.

Because it is a northern animal, the deer has a very warm coat. Its color is pale gray, almost white. The inside of the hair is hollow. It contains air, thanks to which the animal swims well. In addition, such a wool cover reliably protects from the cold. With the onset of frost, a gentle, soft fluff appears in the undercoat, and then the deer is not afraid of the most severe cold.
Sheds once a year, but for quite a long time. The old undercoat starts to fall inMarch, a new one appears in May. The process is especially intense at the very end of June and throughout July. Pieces of the old coat may remain until September.
Dense and wide hooves allow the deer to move even in very deep snow. They rake it with their hooves, getting their own food. The animal easily passes even through a marshy swamp.

What do reindeer eat?
To this question, many will answer that he eats deer moss. This is not entirely correct. The basis of its nutrition is reindeer moss, which is mistakenly called reindeer moss. A perennial plant covers the surface layer of the earth in the tundra with a continuous carpet. The deer smells it under a half-meter layer of snow. However, this lichen grows very slowly (about 5 mm per year), so reindeer herds have to roam the taiga in search of new pastures.
Yagel is very nutritious, it contains a natural antibiotic. Continuing the conversation about what the reindeer eats, we should note that reindeer moss is not the only food for these animals. In summer, deer enjoy eating berries, grass, mushrooms, leaves of shrubs and trees. Not many people know that the reindeer, whose photo you see in our article, in some cases can act as a predator, eating some small animals, for example, lemmings.
Domestic deer usually graze on pastures, but they are supplemented with grain meal, hay, silage.

Reindeer lifestyle
One by onethese animals cannot exist. Reindeer in the tundra live in herds that number from one to several dozen individuals. This way of life is due to the fact that during migrations it is easier for animals in the herd to protect themselves from predators. The life of reindeer is connected with constant migrations. For example, in late autumn, herds that usually live in the tundra go south to the taiga - in winter, it is easier to find food in these areas. These powerful animals can cover more than 1000 km in search of food.
Deer Enemies
At all times, reindeer were tasty prey for various predators. The main danger for them is represented by wolves and wolverines. The most favorable time for them is the period of deer migration. During this period, old and weak individuals lag behind the herd. It is on them that wolverines and wolves attack.
It cannot be said that people are also enemies of wild deer. For humans, the meat, skin and horns of these animals are of value. Despite this, the populations of many deer species are well preserved. In areas where animals are protected, they are not afraid of humans, often go to the side of the road.
Today, about 600 thousand deer live in the north of Europe, and about 800 thousand in the polar regions of our country. There are many more domestic deer - about three million individuals.

In autumn, the mating season begins in the herds, which is marked by frequent and fierce battles of males. The reindeer is polygamous. In the "harem" of one male there are up to 15 females. The duration of pregnancy is 246 days. Newborn deer are born in May-June. As a rule, one cub is born, much less often - two. On average, the weight of a deer is 6.5 kg. After two weeks, the baby's horns begin to grow. For two, and sometimes three years, the deer follows its mother.
Already in the second year of life, he reaches puberty. The average life expectancy of an animal is 20 years.
In December, after the rut, the males shed their antlers. Females do not part with them.

Reindeer Species
There are two types of these animals. The first category is North American. It consists of several subspecies. Alaska, Greenland, Canada are the territories where the reindeer of this species lives. All over the world they are called caribou.
The second category consists of subspecies living in Eurasia - forest, Finnish, Arctic reindeer, Novaya Zemlya.
Domestic deer
This category of animals deserves a separate discussion. This group includes three independent breeds - Even, Nenets, Evenk.
The Nenets breed is the result of many years of breeding work. You are probably wondering where the reindeer of this breed lives? Animals are widespread beyond the Urals. The breed is distinguished by low growth, but at the same time, animals have incredible endurance. The color is most often brown. These deer are used in teams. Males weigh an average of 140 kg, females 100 kg.
Evenk reindeer in the tundra is often used to transport goods. Often he istransport animals.
Even deer are short and therefore less hardy. They are usually bred for milk and meat.

How reindeer are used
More recently, the life of many peoples depended on such an animal as the reindeer. In the tundra, human existence would be impossible without such an assistant. The peoples of the North hunted wild animals, thus extracting meat. But more often domestic deer were bred. For northern peoples, this animal is universal. Its meat and internal organs are used for food. Domestic deer females provide nutritious milk. Plagues and yarangas cover with the skins of these animals. Shoes and winter outerwear are sewn from leather.
From the skins of deer, which are called fawns, they sew overalls and suits for little northerners, as well as hats for adults.
Souvenirs and jewelry are made from small pieces of wool.
But there is no doubt that deer antlers (they are also called antlers) are the most valuable material. They make various household items. But their main value lies in their medicinal properties. For more than 3000 years, Eastern doctors have been using antler extract to treat people.
Not so long ago, modern scientists became interested in the question of why only deer are able to shed their antlers, and new ones appear in their place. After research, they concluded that antlers contain a gene responsible for the regeneration of bone tissue cells. Therefore, an extract from them or powder began to be used to treat severe diseases of bones and joints. Besides,antler-based preparations are a powerful immunostimulating agent. They are prescribed for high physical and mental stress.
In ancient times, reindeer was used as a horse-drawn transport. In the tundra, harnessed to a sleigh, he easily transported the owner to the right place off-road. Today, with the development of technology, this need has disappeared. But even now, the reindeer, whose photo often adorns the advertising brochures of the northern regions, participates in holidays, rides tourists.
In the northern regions of our country, in difficult climatic conditions, people managed to create an unusual animal husbandry. People's concern for deer comes down to protecting them from wild animals in winter, and from insects in summer. It must be said that measures aimed at this are not always effective.

Despite all the blessings of civilization, even today the main helper of some nations is the reindeer. It is difficult to live in the tundra without this beautiful and strong animal.