Actress Deborah Revie: biography, films

Actress Deborah Revie: biography, films
Actress Deborah Revie: biography, films

Deborah Revy is a young French actress who has already managed to loudly declare herself in the world of cinema. Inborn talent and natural charm allowed the aspiring actress to get prominent roles in a number of fairly successful films. Despite the lack of significant filming experience, the gifted girl continues to attract the attention of eminent directors and enjoys considerable popularity among viewers.

Early years

revy deborah
revy deborah

Deborah Revy was born on March 10, 1987 in one of the largest French business centers - the city of Lyon. Here the main part of the childhood of our heroine passed. The girl's parents loved to travel. Therefore, in her youth, she was lucky enough to travel around the whole country, seeing the most interesting corners of her native country.

As a teenager, Deborah Revie became interested in cinema after watching a whole host of French films. The girl liked this kind of art. The idols of our heroine were such celebrities as Sophie Marceau, Gerard Depardieu, Louis de Funes. Deborah seriously thought about the career of a professional actress. The girl entered the acting department, taking the first step towardssuccess.

Start acting career

deborah revy movies
deborah revy movies

Deborah Revie started acting in films at the age of 24. In 2009, the aspiring actress received her debut role in the short film The Lesson, directed by Paul Natalie. Our heroine appeared on the screen in the form of a girl named Eva. Deborah talentedly revealed the character of the character, for which she received high marks from critics. Soon the actress began to be noticed in celebrity circles.

The finest hour of the actress

Pretty soon after the successful debut, the audience saw Deborah Revie in the film "My Little Princess". The tape was released on wide screens in 2011 and received laudatory reviews from a wide audience. However, the participation in the filming of the melodramatic film “The Mystery of a Woman”, which was released in the same year, brought real fame to the young actress. In the film, Deborah got the image of a girl without complexes named Sessil, who excited the life of a small town with her own behavior. The role brought the actress much coveted fame. After the release of the picture, the pretty and talented actress turned into a real idol of the French youth.

Subsequently, Deborah Revie began to participate in quite promising projects every year. To date, the actress has starred in more than a dozen feature films. Among the most successful films with the participation of the actress, it is worth noting such films as "Augustina", "Girl on July 14", "Cook for the President".
