The beautiful actress Zhanna Bolotova, whose biography will be described below, won the hearts of not only the audience, but also the men who surrounded her. Her huge blue eyes tightened like a whirlpool, golden hair dazzled, conquered the grace and smoothness of movements. Everything in her breathed harmony.

Childhood and youth
Zhanna was born in the cold November of the terrible 1941 in Siberia, in the resort of Karachi. Father fought and received a high award - Hero of the Soviet Union. The daughter was nursed by her mother, Zinaida Yuryevna, and her grandmother, who taught the baby to read well. At the age of five, Zhannochka had already read Eugene Onegin. And when she was sixteen, the schoolgirl was invited by two famous directors to star in the film "The House I Live In". At this time, the family had already moved to Moscow.
The role played by Zhanna was a success. The debut was successful. And then my father worked as an attache at the Embassy of Czechoslovakia, where his wife and daughter moved after him. At 23, a young girl entered VGIK. Bohemian artistic life and intense studies picked up and carried the aspiring artist. Zhanna Bolotova, whose biography has changed, from a domestic girlwill become a recognizable person who acts in films a lot.
Studying at the Institute of Cinematography
S. Gerasimov and his wife became Jeanne's teachers. In her second year, she starred in an episode of her teacher's film "People and Beasts." The following year, she was invited to play the lead role in the melodrama If You're Right.

The future stars of our cinema studied with her on the course: Sergey Nikonenko, Evgeny Zharikov, Galina Polskikh, Larisa Luzhina, Nikolai Gubenko.
Working in movies
From 1965 to 1977, filming continues without interruption or downtime. The audience remembered the actress for many films: “Journalist”, detective story “The Fate of a Resident”, “Escape of Mr. McKinley” (Zh. Bolotova became a laureate of the State Prize) and not only. In between work in the cinema, Zh. Bolotova played on the stage of the Theater-Studio of a film actor. The roles that she performed were very consistent with her appearance and spiritual qualities. On the screen, she was feminine, intelligent, gentle and graceful.
Love and Passion
Zhanna Bolotova (biography demonstrates this) lived like an ordinary girl, not only with work. Young Kolya Gubenko fell madly in love with her. Jeanne did not remain indifferent, although the environment from which they came was different. Jeanne is the daughter of a diplomat. She lived in a magnificent apartment on Frunzenskaya Embankment. Kolya's childhood was tragic. His father died in battle, Kolya was born in the catacombs of Odessa. The invaders hanged the mother. An orphan child grew up in a boarding school and only after graduation he moved to Moscow.
Excepthim, Zhanna began to look after Bulat Okudzhava, who returned to his native Moscow from Kaluga. He dedicated 4 songs to the young freshman. Including "Little Woman". Zhanna's height was really small - 165 cm. Gubenko was terribly jealous, but Zhanna consoled him with the fact that Bulat Shalvovich was not suitable for her age and, in general, not to her taste. But she was tired of dissuading the ardent Nikolai. And then Zhanna Bolotova turns into a different side. Biography, her personal life is associated with another man. It was a surprise to herself.
A brief love
Nikolay Dvigubsky was courting Zhanna at that time.

He grew up in Paris and was born into a family of Russian immigrants. His cousin was Marina Vladi. The Parisian looked and behaved differently than Russian young people. The refined esthete, who studied as a production designer, immediately drew attention to Jeanne. But he met her not just in the corridor, but through Andron Konchalovsky. Dvigubsky asked his friend to invite Zhanna to the party. He quickly confessed his feelings, courting gallantly and aristocratically. After 2 months they got married. And what was Nikolai Gubenko doing at that time? He was worried, but the wedge is knocked out with a wedge.
Love triangle
Gubenko is a meaningful and deep person. Reckless in Russian, he became interested in Inna Ulyanova for some time. But over time, he realized that only Zhanna lives in his heart.

Meeting her, coming to her under the windows, he firmlyassured the chosen one that he would do everything impossible to return her. And Zhanna left Dvigubsky for her first and true love.
What Nikolai Dvigubsky did
He married twice in Russia. First, on the actress Irina Kupchenko, then became the husband of Natalia Arinbasarova. Their daughter Katya was born, but this did not prevent the windy handsome Parisian from getting a divorce and returning alone, without a family, to France.
How the life of the actress continued
Zhanna Bolotova lived unusually in her youth. Since that time, her biography has been inextricably linked with N. Gubenko. As an actor, he acted in films and worked at the Taganka Theater. In parallel, he wrote scripts, made films, staged performances.
Life together after marriage
They were destined for each other, beautiful and talented. Coming to the theater for rehearsals, Zhanna never made any remarks and behaved extremely delicately. Her husband filmed her in his films. “My actress,” as her husband affectionately calls Zhanna, did not consider herself a beauty.

Modest, intelligent Zhanna Bolotova, biography, whose personal career was built with constant and unchanged growth, was always demanding of herself. Decades of marriage have gone by unnoticed. Zhanna Bolotova does not grieve that she did not know the joy of motherhood. Her biography (children never appeared in it) is not marked by such an event. She looks with regret at the often abandoned children of actors who could not combine family and career. Nikolai Gubenko considers their life together greatgood luck, luck.
Jeanne's personality
A loving husband speaks best of them: a deep mind, analytical skills, sincerity, poise, an unchanging love of reading. At the same time, she is a completely earthly woman, whose house and household are in perfect order. She is an excellent cook and taught this to her husband, who had no family as a child. Zhanna, like a real Siberian, knows how to bake amazing pies with fish, apples and lemon, and her husband is better at lamb stew and mushroom soup.
In his office, Nikolai cleans himself, regularly throws out obsolete papers, avoiding trash on the table. But the whole household mainly lies with his beloved wife, since Nikolai Nikolayevich spends almost all his time at work. Nikolai Gubenko and Zhanna Bolotova (biography, personal life, children are of interest to many of her fans) have no regrets about this. They are surprisingly comfortable together. Children are a big responsibility, and with the full employment of the spouses, with their huge emotional burden, they would not be able to give them as much time and care as they need.
How spouses live now
Since 1988, Zhanna Andreevna accepted only one offer to act in film. It was the film "Zhmurki", which was released in 2005. She does not act in films for two reasons. Firstly, this is age, and he does not want to “reshape” his appearance and become younger, as they do now. Secondly, there are few, almost no scenarios worthy of the school that she and her husband received.

Therefore, the wholeZhanna Andreevna spends the spring-summer season until autumn on the site, which they had in 1978. In the morning, after seeing her husband to work, she fiddles with flowers and bushes until the heat. Then she puts things in order in the house, so that she would be pleased herself and so that her husband would always be drawn to a cozy and warm atmosphere, where they are waiting for him. This is a happy friendly family that one can only dream of.
The biography of Zhanna Bolotova has developed as it should be for a worthy person. Great creative success was marked by the Motherland, the husband is a loving and caring family man who shares his worries and joys with his wife in the evening.