Thinking about how to make it easier for military personnel to carry equipment began to be thought about already in the 20th century. As a result, several prototypes of unloading systems were created. Among specialists, such a device is called a shoulder-shoulder system (RPS). This piece of equipment is indispensable in cases where you need to carry a large number of things necessary to perform tactical tasks. You will find information about the device, the complete set of the shoulder-belt system and the placement of equipment in this article.

The shoulder-belt system is an important element of a soldier's equipment. In Soviet times, it was used exclusively in the ground forces by sergeants and military personnel. Due to the fact that army equipment is ideally suited for many hours of combat conditions, today it is widely used by airsoft fans.
A bit of history
The first army unloading system appeared in the First World War. The system was the forerunner of the tactical vest in the form of a leather or canvas belt. It was usedas a platform to which, with the help of loops or steel hooks, cartridge bags (pouches and bandoliers) and various supporting straps were attached. A satchel was included in the kit for the shoulder-belt system. It was attached to the RPS with its own straps. Later, the systems began to be made of leather and tarpaulin with metal, mostly steel fittings.
During the Great Patriotic War, in order to reduce the cost of production, RPS were made from leather substitutes. At the end of the twentieth century, these structures are made from nylon and aluminum alloys. According to experts, instead of tarpaulin, leather and metal, they began to use synthetics and plastic.
In the Red Army, the product was officially listed as RPS (knapsack camping equipment). Among the military - "unloading". Military equipment contained a waist belt, shoulder strap, pouches and pouches. In them, the soldiers of the Red Army carried weapons, ammunition and protective equipment. According to experts, the Soviet RPS in its layout practically did not differ from the military equipment of the Germans and Americans.
About packaging
In accordance with the wearing rules, the following was attached to the waist belt from left to right:
- Bayonet.
- A bag with two grenades RGD-5 or F-1.
- Case with flask inside.
- Special cover with protective stocking and OZK gloves.
- Small infantry shovel.
- A bag with four magazines for a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Additionally, they attached another pouch, which contained SKS clips.

There are the following types of army unloadings:
- Systems containing removable pockets. This specific chest design contains a set of belts with pockets of various sizes and shapes. The advantage of this RPS is that it can be completed depending on the task being performed. According to experts, in Russia, such RPS are used mainly by snipers, as it contains many pockets in which it is convenient to contain many different items. At the same time, this "unloading" is not suitable for fighters who need to constantly move around. It is also not recommended to take RPS for close combat. Otherwise, the pockets will open and their contents will fall out at the most inopportune moment.
- RPS with non-removable pockets. The product is characterized by a monolithic, rigid and securely stitched design. The disadvantage of this harness-shoulder system is that the wearer cannot customize it to fit their needs.
- RPS based on body armor. With the help of this product, comprehensive protection of the body is provided. The system is equipped with special mounts for pouches. Judging by the reviews, during the battle it is easy for a soldier to get to the right thing, which is an advantage of the RPS. The minus of the shoulder-belt system is its impressive weight, to which attachments are added.
According to experts, the choice of one or another RPS depends on personal preferences and the operating conditions of the equipment.
RPS "Vityaz". Description
The shoulder-belt system is represented by the following main elements:
- Hardwaist belt. Polyamide tape is used as a material for its manufacture. The width of the belt is 5 cm. Inside it is equipped with a hard plastic insert. To adjust the belt in the RPS, a special textile fastener is provided. Fastening is carried out using YKK acetal fastex.
- Shoulder straps with mesh lining. Due to the presence of a modular interface, it is possible to mount additional pouches. The chest strap secures the straps. Thus, when performing active actions, the fighter does not have to worry that the straps will move. Also, the design is equipped with mounts with which the automatic belt clings. There is a modular interface on the back that provides maximum ventilation and fastening of the backpack. An escape loop is formed from the rear connecting tapes.
- Padded waistband with foam padding and mesh lining. Provides comfortable operation of the RPS. Equipped with a modular interface, through which a luggage bag is attached to the structure.
- A pouch with ammunition. This element is of different types. It all depends on the specifics of the combat mission. Four magazines for a Kalashnikov assault rifle, two hand grenades and two RSPs are placed in the pouches. The back and front walls were reinforced with plastic. The bottom and valves were reinforced with a second fabric layer. Soldiers fasten pouches with textile fasteners. The design was supplemented with two buckles that connect the module and the shoulder straps. Pouches for machine gun horns are equipped with removable partitions.

- Luggage pouch. This element is not basic and is used as an addition. Used to carry canteen, spare ammo and other things.
- Luggage bag, designed for 7 liters. It is also an addition to RPS.
About the benefits
Judging by the reviews, the strengths of the Vityaz RPS are as follows:
- The main load can be concentrated on the belt, due to which the design with a reduced center of gravity. Thus, the main burden falls on the pelvis, and the spine is released.
- "Vityaz" is ideal for hot climates, as the area of the body opens up to the maximum. The chest does not compress, which is especially important during long-term use.
- RPS is lightweight, making it possible to carry heavy loads.
- If necessary, the owner of the RPS can rebuild it.
According to experts, today the shoulder system is being intensively improved for use not only by AK shooters, but also by fighters of other speci alties.

RPS "Smersh"
Judging by the reviews, this unloading model is very popular with the military and airsoft fans. According to experts, this tactical vest is universal, as it is widely used in various military branches.

He can be put on by both a state security officer and an ensign of the airborne troops, as well as any contract soldier. According to experts, the basic model of RPScollected not very well. However, each fighter can always complete it at his discretion. Some military men change the regular belt with a pistol of the desired width. RPS "Smersh" is equipped with a very comfortable soft belt, which can also be replaced with a soft universal one. However, this is impractical, since this element does not have a serious functional load. The belt with MOLLE fastenings is equipped with several additional pouches. Early versions of the RPS were without lines. Today they are available, and the fighters have the opportunity to carry pouches with grenades and radio stations on their backs. However, they often interfere with application.
PLSE shoulder strap design. Unlike ordinary ones, they are more convenient. The straps are fully stitched and adapted to carry the hydrator. The RPS is equipped with standard 2AK2RG pouches for carrying two automatic magazines and two hand grenades. With the partition removed, three horns and three grenades will fit in the pouch. In a combat zone, one fighter can carry several pouches. As a result, he has 12 automatic clips and grenades in the amount of 8 pieces.
Silent fasteners are not provided in this RPS. Velcro with buttons is used instead. Mostly pouches of 4 pieces are hooked from the sides. In the standard configuration there is a food bag or "rusk". This element is used only by the military. Airsoft players mostly do not attach it to the RPS. The radio pouch is attached with MOLLE straps. This element can be closed (for a small radio station) and closed, which will fitintercom with larger dimensions. For carrying flasks, special covers are provided, which are often attached to the waist belts. To take out the flask, the fighter just needs to unfasten the buttons. The RPS has a place for a pouch with a first aid kit.

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the unloading of the Smersh is easy to operate, it is enough just to put it on and take it off. If necessary, RPS is easily combined with winter clothing and body armor. The weight is distributed evenly across the back and lower back. The design is comfortable, reliable and adapted for a long march on foot.
About placement on the body
Due to the fact that pouches with magazines weigh quite a lot, it is better to place them closer to the back. To prevent slipping, they are securely fixed. They can also be worn on the stomach. A pouch with fragmentation and smoke grenades is attached to the back.

The radio is in the front. Experts recommend clinging it to a weak or sore shoulder. In this case, a he althy hand is released. Options are not excluded when the pouch is attached to the waist belt or behind the shoulder blade.