Probably, many have heard more than once about such a wonderful place as the Azov region. And this is not surprising at all, since it is great for relaxing. The area also boasts a wonderful climate that attracts many holidaymakers to these places every year. It also has a rich history, which many will be interested to get acquainted with. The article will talk about this place, its administrative division, features, large settlements and much more.

Azov region: general information
First of all, you should get acquainted with the basic information about these places. Azovsky district is a municipality that is part of the Rostov region. The center of the district is the city of Azov, but it is not included in its composition. The municipality was founded relatively long ago, at the beginning of the 20th century. If we talk about exact dates, this event took place in 1924.
Azov district is considered the largest in the entire region in terms of the number of inhabitants. As of 2016, it wasabout 96814 people. This is a fairly large indicator by the standards of the Rostov region. The area also boasts a rich ethnic composition. This situation has developed in connection with the history of these territories, which at different times were under different influences. At the moment there are more than 20 nationalities. So, we have sorted out the general information about the area, and now it's time to talk about its location.

Where is this area?
Of course, when discussing any territorial unit, it is necessary to understand where it is located. Azov region has a wonderful location. As already mentioned, it is located in the Rostov region. It should be noted that the area is located in its southwest, right on the coast of the Taganrog Bay. The Don River also flows nearby.
Local nature is unusually beautiful, not without reason many tourists come here. Of particular interest here are landscapes, as they are extremely diverse. The area includes many different natural areas. Among them there are steppes, coastal regions and some other areas. Especially famous is the Alexander Forest, which was planted in these places at the end of the 19th century. Here you can find many points from which incredibly beautiful views open. It is also worth noting that the area occupies a fairly large area. Its area is about 2966 sq. kilometers.

Administrative division of the district
Requiredit is necessary to say a few words about how the district is organized in terms of management. As already mentioned, it is part of the Rostov region as a municipal unit. Now you need to talk about what components the district itself is divided into. It includes 18 different rural-type settlements. They, in turn, are subdivided into 53 farms, 21 villages, 1 junction, 1 village and 23 villages.
Of course, many are interested in how all these settlements differ. For example, a farm is a small entity. In some cases, it consists of one or more holdings. Sometimes their number increases markedly, and the settlement develops into a large village or village. However, even such a large formation sometimes bears the name of a farm. The village is also one of the types of administrative-territorial division. It represents one or more united Cossack settlements. Initially, the villages were created for military purposes.
It is also worth noting where the administration of the Azov region is located. It is located in the city of Azov, at the address: st. Moscow, 58.
History of the area
So, we got acquainted with the location and territorial division, and also found out where the administration of the Azov region is located. Now it is worth talking about the history of these places. It is very interesting and rich in various events.
Azov district of the Rostov region, as mentioned above, has long been inhabited. At the end of the 18th century, a large number of residents of the central regions of Russia, as well as residents of Ukraine, moved here. Gradually herevarious farms and villages began to form.
By the middle of the 19th century, this area had become quite settled and developed. From 1905 to 1907, peasant uprisings took place in many settlements. In 1920, Soviet power was fully established here.
Azov region appeared in 1924. Initially, it did not have large territories, but in 1962 part of the Aleksandrovsky and Bataysky districts were annexed to it. Subsequently, several more territorial units were included in its composition.
During the Great Patriotic War, this area was occupied by German invaders for more than six months.

Large settlements
Thus, we got acquainted with the history of these places. Now it is worth talking in more detail about what settlements the Azov district of the Rostov region includes. There are several large settlements with a fairly large number of inhabitants.
The largest of them is the village of Kuleshovka. The population in it is about 14690 people. The village occupies a favorable territorial position. Not far from it there is a large highway connecting Azov and Rostov. Here you can also use the railway transport, through which communication is carried out both with the district and with the regional center. Thus, we see that the villages of the Azov region have a fairly large population.
Another large settlement is Samara. The number of inhabitants in it is about 10654 people. Village foundedquite a long time ago, it appeared in 1770. There is also a railway station here, which connects the settlement with Bataysk.

Interesting facts about the area
So, we found out which settlements of the Azov region are the largest. Now it's worth talking about interesting facts related to these places.
At one time, many archaeological excavations were carried out here, as a result of which traces of the vital activity of ancient people were found. It turned out that these objects may have an age of more than 1 million years. They were transferred to the Azov Museum-Reserve.
Also, there is another interesting place here - the Elizavetovsky settlement. It is the ruins of an ancient human settlement. According to scientists, the settlement belongs to the VI-III centuries. BC e.