Mosquito mushroom: description, distribution, composition

Mosquito mushroom: description, distribution, composition
Mosquito mushroom: description, distribution, composition

Mosshopper is a boletus that has a slightly sticky, dry or velvety cap. Its foot is sometimes somewhat wrinkled. In terms of nutritional value, it may well compete with beef. Moss mushroom is great for a vegetarian diet. It contains minerals and vitamins.

fly mushroom
fly mushroom

Moss mushroom: description and species diversity

These macromycetes have reddish or whitish flesh with a wide-tube yellow-green hymenophore. The cuts quickly turn blue and become outwardly unpleasant, but this does not affect the taste at all. Mushroom mushroom used to be classified as a genus Borovik. This results in significant morphological diversity. There are at least 18 varieties of this fungus: woody, powdered, green, parasitic, Polish, astrea, motley, chestnut, semi-golden, red, blunt-spore and others. Moreover, there are no poisonous species among flywheels. Some of them are inedible, but also non-toxic, so they cannot cause severe poisoning. The flywheel mushroom is safe for humans. And this is very important forbeginner mushroom pickers. After all, it is they who most often confuse similar macromycetes, and even eat them, which leads to poisoning. This is what makes the fly mushroom so valuable. A false version of it does not occur in nature.


Where can I find it? The flywheel mushroom is found in temperate climatic zones of both hemispheres. He prefers soils covered with moss, to which the mushroom cap grows. This was the reason for the name of the fungus. Mossiness mushrooms form microspores with coniferous and deciduous trees. They grow very well in mixed and pine forests. Green fly mushroom can be found on forest edges and clearings, on roadsides, much less often on stumps, as well as at the bases of pines and spruces. Parasitic flywheels can grow on the bodies of puffballs and puffballs. Some species are soil saprotrophs, meaning they only get their nutrients from the ground.

Mushroom mushroom description
Mushroom mushroom description

Collection time

The mushroom appears with the onset of warm weather in June after light rains. The most popular among mushroom pickers are Polish and green mushrooms, despite the fact that they belong to the third category of edibility. They can be eaten immediately after harvest, fried in a pan. Most fans of "silent hunting" do just that, because cut prey quickly turns blue. Mushroom mushroom can be preserved for the winter. It is also easy to dry (after cleaning) over the stove, in the oven, in the sun, strung on a thread.

Mushroom flywheel false
Mushroom flywheel false


As already mentioned, mushrooms are not much inferior to beef in terms of amino acid content. However, in the digestive tract, mushrooms are absorbed somewhat worse than meat. For vegetarians, mushrooms are an excellent substitute for animal protein. In addition, these mushrooms contain vitamins (PP, C, A, D), essential oils, minerals, sugars and enzymes. For better digestibility of biologically valuable components, mushrooms must be crushed during cooking. It must be remembered that these mushrooms are a heavy food, so they are not recommended for people with chronic and severe ailments of the digestive glands and gastrointestinal tract.
